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strong towne of the Venetians : and so that night to Sebenico, which standeth in a marveilous goodly haven, with a strong castle at the entrie thereof.

The 7. we came to Lezina, and went not on shoore, but traveiled all night.

The 8. we passed by a very wel seated towne called Curzola, which standeth in an island of that name.

The 9. in the morning betimes we landed at Ragusa, and there stayed three daies, where we found many friendly gentlemen.

The 11. being provided of a Janizarie we departed from Ragusa in the company of halfe a dosen Marchants of that towne and within 6. miles we entred into the countrey of Servia. So traveiling in barren and craggie mountaines for the space of foure dayes, wee came by a small Towne of the Turkes called Chiernisa, being the 14. of the moneth; and there wee parted from the Marchants. The 16. we dined in a Cavarsara in a Towne called Focea, being then greatly infected with the plague. The 17. we lay by a Towne called Taslizea. The 20. we came to Novibazar.

The 21. we parted from thence, travailing stil in a countrey very ill inhabited, & lying in ye fields.

The 22. we passed within sight of Nicea.

The 23. we passed in sight of another towne called Circui: and about those places wee began to leave the mountaines, and to enter into a very faire and fertile countrey, but as evill inhabited as the other, or worse.

The 27. we came to Sophia, where wee stayed three dayes, being our Janizaries home and by good chance we lay in a Marchants house of Ragusa, that came in company with us from Novibazar; and also wee had in company, ever since wee came from Focea, a Turke which was a very good fellow, and he kept company with us till we came very neere Constantinople.

The first of September we came to Philippopoli, which seemeth to be an ancient towne, and standeth upon the river of Stanuch.

The 4. we came to Andrinopoli, a very great and ancient towne, which standeth in a very large and champion countrey, and there the great Turks mother doth lye, being a place, where the Emperours of the Turkes were wont to lye very much.

The 5. we lay in one of the great Cavarzaras, that

were built by Mahomet Bassha with so many goodly commodities.

The 6. we lay in another of them.

The 8. we came to Siliveri, which by report was the last towne that remained Christian.

The 9. of September wee arrived at the great and most stately Citie of Constantinople, which for the situation and proude seate thereof, for the beautifull and commodious havens, and for the great and sumptuous buildings of their Temples, which they call Moschea, is to be preferred before all the Cities of Europe. And there the Emperour of the Turkes then living, whose name was Amurat, kept his Court and residence, in a marvelous goodly place, with divers gardens and houses of pleasure, which is at the least two English miles in compasse, and the three parts thereof joyne upon the sea and on the Northeast part of the Citie on the other side of the water over against the Citie is the Towne of Pera, where the most part of the Christians do lye. And there also wee did lye. And on the North part of the saide Towne is the Arsenal, where the Galies are built and doe remaine : And on the Southside is all the Ordinance, artilerie, and houses of munition. Note that by the way as wee came from Ragusa to Constantinople, wee left on our right hand the Countreys of Albania, and Macedonia, and on the left hande the countreys of Bosnia, Bulgaria, and the river of Danubius.

The 14. of September was the Turkes Beyram, that is, one of their chiefest feastes.

The 15. we went to the blacke Sea called Pontus Euxinus, and there upon a rocke we sawe a piller of white Marble that was set up by Pompeius: and from thence we passed to the other side of the water, upon the shore of Asia and there we dined.

The 25. we departed from Constantinople.

The 29. we came to an ancient Towne called Cherchisea, that is to say, fourtie Churches, which in the olde time was a very great City, now full of scattered buildings.

The 4. of October wee came to Prouaz, one dayes journey distant from Varna upon the Blacke Sea.

The 9. we came to Saxi upon the river of Danubius. The 10. we passed the said river which in that place is about a mile over, and then we entred into the countrey of Bogdania: they are Christians but subjects to the Turke.

The 12. we came to Palsin upon the river Prut.

The 14. wee came to Yas the principall Towne of Bogdania, where Peter the Vayvoda prince of that Countrey keepeth his residence, of whom wee received great courtesie, and of the gentlemen of his Court: And he caused us to be safe conducted through his said Countrey, and conveyed without coste.

The 17. we came to Stepanitze.

The 19. we came to Zotschen, which is the last towne of Bogdania upon the river of Neister, that parteth the said countrey from Podolia.

The 20. we passed the river of Nyester and came to Camyenetz in the countrey of Podolia, subject to the king of Poland: this is one of the strongest Townes by nature and situation that can be seene.

The 21. we came to Skala.

The 22. to Slothone, or Sloczow.

The 24. to Leopolis which is in Russia alba, and so is the most part of the countrey betwixt Camyenetz and it. And it is a towne very well built, well governed, full of trafique and plentifull: and there we stayed five dayes.

The 30. we baited at Grodecz, and that night at Vilna. The 31. we dined at Mostiska, and that night at Rod


The first of November in the morning before day wee passed without the Towne of Jaroslaw, where they say is one of the greatest faires in all Poland, and chiefly of horses, and that night to Rosdnoska.

The second to dinner at Lanczut, at night to Retsbou. The thirde to Sendxizow, at night to Tarnow, and that night wee mette with the Palatine Laski.

The fourth to Vonuez, and that night to Brytska.
The fift to Kuhena.

The 6. to Cracovia the principall Citie of all Poland: at which time the King was gone to Lituania: for he doeth make his residence one yeere in Poland, and the other in Lituania. Cracovia standeth on the river of Vistula.

The 9. wee departed from Cracovia, and that night wee came to a village hard by a Towne called Ilkusch, where the leade Mines are.

The 10. wee passed by a Towne called Slawkow where there are also leade Mines, and baited that day at Bendzin,

which is the last towne of Poland towards Silesia; and there is a toll.

Note that all the Countreys of Poland, Russia alba, Podolia, Bogdania, and divers other Countreys adjoyning unto them, doe consume no other salt but such as is digged in Sorstyn mountaine neere to Cracovia which is as hard as any stone; it is very good, and goeth further then any other salt. That night we lay at Bitom, which is the first Towne of Silesia.

The 12. we passed by a great towne called Strelitz, and that night we lay at Oppelen upon the river of Odera. The 13. we passed by Schurgasse, and that night wee lay without the towne of Brigk: for wee coulde not bee suffered to come in by reason of the plague which was in those partes in divers Townes.

The 14. we passed by Olaw, and that night wee came to the Citie of Breslaw, which is a faire towne, great, well built and well seated upon the river of Odera.

The 16. we baited at Neumargt.

The 17. wee passed by Lignizt and by Hayn, and that night to Buntzel.

The 18. wee passed by Naumburg through Gorlitz upon the river of Neiss, and that night lay without Reichenbach. The 19. we passed by Baudzen and Cannitz, and that night to Rensperg.

The 20. we passed by Hayn, by Strelen, where we should have passed the river of Elbe, but the boate was not there, so that night we lay at a towne called Mulberg. The 21. we passed the said river, wee went by Belgern, by Torga, by Dumitch; and at night to Bretsch.

The 22. wee passed the Elbe againe at Wittenberg, which is a very strong towne, with a good Universitie: and that day we passed by Coswig.

The 23. wee passed through Zerbst in the morning, and that night to Magdeburg, a very strong Towne, and well governed as wee did heare. The most part of the Countrey, after wee were come one dayes journey on this side Breslawe to this place, belongeth to the Duke of Saxon.

The 24. wee passed by a castle of the Marques of Brandenburg called Wolmerstat, and that night we lay at Garleben.

The 25. wee lay at Soltwedel.

The 26. at Berg.

The 27. we baited at Lunenborg, that night we lay at Winson.

The 28. we came to Hamborg, and there stayed one weeke.

The 5. of December wee departed from Hamborg, and passed the Elbe by boate being much frosen, and from the river went on foote to Boxtchoede, being a long Dutch mile off, and there we lay; and from thence passed over land to Emden.

Thence having passed through Friseland and Holland, the 25. being Christmas day in the morning we came to Delft where wee found the right honourable the Earle of Leicester with a goodly company of Lords, knights, gentlemen, and souldiers.


The 28. at night to Roterodam.

The 29. to the Briel, and there stayed eight dayes for passage.

The fifth of January we tooke shipping.

The 7. we landed at Gravesend, and so that night at London with the helpe of almightie God.

The Turkes passeport or safeconduct for Captaine Austell, and Jacomo Manuchio.

Know thou which art Voyvoda of Bogdania, & Valachia, & other our officers abiding and dwelling on the way by which men commonly passe into Bogdania, and Valachia, that the Embassador of England having two English gentlemen desirous to depart for England, the one named Henry Austel, and the other Jacomo de Manuchio, requested our highnesse letters of Safeconduct to passe through our dominions with one servant to attende on them. Wherefore wee straightly charge you and all other our servants by whom they shall passe, that having received this our commandement, you have diligent care and regard that they may have provided for them in this their journey (for their money) all such necessary provision as shalbe necessary for themselves and their horses, in such sort as they may have no cause hereafter to complaine of you. And if by chaunce they come unto any place, where they shal stand in feare either of their persons or goods, that then you carefully cause them to bee guarded with your men, and to be conducted through all suspected places, with sufficient company; But have great regard that they convey not out of our countrey any of

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