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trustees shall adopt such measures from time to time for raising funds as they shall judge expedient.

Art. 6. The trustees shall have power to apply the funds of the society according to their discretion, in all cases in which they shall not be limited by the general association, or by the donors. They shall correspond with other missionary societies, shall have power to appoint and dismiss missionaries, to pay them, and generally to transact all business necessary to attain the ends of the society; and shall be paid their necessary expences, but nothing for their services.

Art. 7. The trustees shall annually appoint a secretary, who shall keep a fair account of their proceedings. They shall also appoint a chairman, who, with four of the trustees, shall be a quorum to transact business, or if the stated chairman shall not be present, any seven of the trustees shall be a quorum.

Art. 8. The chairman shall have power to call a meeting of the trustees at his discretion by letters left with them, or at the houses of their residence ; and it shall be his duty to call such meeting whenever requested by two of the trustees; and in case of the death of the chairman, or of his absence from the state, any two trustees are hereby empowered to call a meeting.

Art. 9. The general association shall annually appoint a treasurer and auditor of accounts;

and the treasurer shall exhibit both to the general association, and to the trustees, the state of the treasury, whenever he shall be called upon for that purpose.

Art. 10. The trustees shall annually exhibit to the general association, a particular account of the missionaries employed by them, of pla ces to which they are sent; of the missions ; of the state of the funds, of the receipts and expenditures; and of whatever relating to this institution the general association shall require.

Art. 11. The trustees and all the officers of this society shall enter on their respective offi ces on the first Wednesday of September annually; and shall continue in office for one year.


Art. 12. The trustees'shall hold their first meeting at the state house in Hartford on the first Wednesday of September next, at 11 o' clock, A. M. and in every year thereafter, they shall meet at the same time and place, unless otherwise ordered by the general association.

Art. 13. If on experience, it shall be found necessary to alter this constitution, an alteration may be made by the general association at their stated session; but not without having been drawn up in writing and lying under consideration one year; nor unless at least two thirds of the general association shall adopt said alteration.

* At the meeting of the General Association 1810, the word August was substituted for Sept




For the regulation of business before the General Association of the State of Connecticut, was adopted and ordered to be printed and sent ta the Pastors of the several associated Churches in the State.



HE Minister at whose house the Association is to meet, when the hour of meeting is come, provided a majority of the members be present, shall call them to order, and call for, receive and count the ballots for a scribe, and declare the person chosen. If there be not a majority present, he shall wait one hour and then proceed.

2. The person chosen scribe shall call for receive and count the ballots for a moderator, and declare the person chosen.

3. The moderator shall take the chair and direct the members to ballot for an assistant scribe.

4. The moderator, after the certificates of membership are read, shall open the Associa ation with prayer; he shall also open and close the association, each day, with prayer, except at the termination of the session, at which time he may request some other person to pray.

5. As soon as the association is opened a

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