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Adams, John Quincy, 1, 50, 61, 71; position | Bolívar: cited, 60; dictator of South

with regard to Holy Alliance, 91 et seq.;

position with regard to European inter-
ference in America, 122.
Aix-la-Chapelle: Treaty of, 21, 44-5, 59,
61, 67; Congress of, 69 et seq.; results of
Congress of, 83; territorial guarantees of
Congress of, 133-34.

Alliances: of Tsar Paul with Napoleon, 8;
Anglo-Russian, 12-3; of Tilsit, 16-7;
France, Austria and Great Britain, 27.
See also Treaties.

Allied General Staff, proposed, 74.
Anglo-Russian Alliance, attitude toward
France, 13.

Angoulême, Duke of, leader of French in-

vasion of Spain, 114-15.
Arcis-sur-Aube, battle at, 19.
"Armed Neutrality," 8, 10.

Austerlitz, defeat of Third Coalition at, 15-

Austria, 1, 58, 97, 136; recognition of Na-
poleon by, 11; on side of Allies, 19; party
to Treaty of Alliance, 28; opposition of, to
international congresses, 72; negotiations
with Great Britain at Constantinople,

Bagot, Sir Charles, 125.

Balance of power, Alexander's principle of,

Bancroft, cited, 123.

Banda Oriental, 67, 88.

American republics, 121.

Bonaparte, Joseph, assumption of royal
authority by, 61.

Borgo, Pozzo di, Russian envoy, 65-6, 70.
Boyce, Myrna, cited, 45.
Brest, 46.

Brougham, member of Parliament, opposi-
tion to Holy Alliance, 42-3.
Buenos Aires, 61; independence of, 78.
Byron, Lord, expedition in support of
Greeks, 107, 127.

Campbell, George W., United States

minister to Russia, 88 et seq, 97.
Canning, George, 2, 74; Minister of Foreign

Affairs, 108; foreign policy of, 109,
114; intervention in Portugal, 115; state-
ment in regard to colonies, 117 et seq.;
negotiations with regard to Greece,

Caracas, 61; political and commercial con-
cessions granted to, 78.

Carlsbad, 48; Congress of, 96.
Castlereagh, Lord, 28, 47, 73, 107-8; in-
fluence of, at Chaumont negotiations, 22;
at Congress of Vienna, 26; support of
Holy Alliance, 42-3, 71, 74-5, 84; pro-
posal to admit France to Treaty of
Alliance, 73; reservations of, 83; opposi-
tion to Troppau Congress, 98, 100.
Catherine, Empress, grandmother of Alex-
ander, 3, 17, death of, 5.

Baronov, Russian Governor of American Caulaincourt, Napoleon's envoy at Châtil-

colonies, 59-60.

Barton, William E., cited, 126.

Bennett, member of Parliament, attack

upon Holy Alliance, 43-4.

ander, 32, 34-5, 38-9.

lon, 20.

Chateaubriand: cited, 60, 71, 109 et seq.;
interview with Alexander, 113; plan of
French intervention in Spain, 116.

Bergasse, Nicholas, influence of, on Alex- Chateau-Thierry, French victory at, 19.

Berlin Decree, 46.

Bernadotte, Crown Prince of Sweden, 18.

Bey of Algiers, 58.

Bey of Tunis, 58.

Châtillon, Congress of, 19.

Chaumont, Treaty of, 2, 12, 20–1, 29, 45-6,
71, 73-4.

Choiseul-Gouffier, Mme. de, cited, 23, 30, 33.
Clay, Henry, 64.

Blockades, paper, forbidden by Congress of Cleland, R. G., cited, 60.

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