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Published June 1927

Printed in the United States of America





This volume is designed as a supplement to the Handbook on Prohibition: Modification of the Volstead Law, published in December, 1924. It endeavors to bring up to date the bibliography and the discussion in the Handbook. No briefs are given here because those in the Handbook cover the ground. The discussion of prohibition today differs from what it was two years ago chiefly in that its opponents no longer lay so much emphasis on their demand for 2.75 beer as their idea of a solution of the problem, but are now making a demand for states' rights the leading point of their attack. The argument on both sides of this question is given fully in the Handbook on States' Rights, published in September, 1926. The briefs in this book are complete.

In the present volume an effort is made to give a fairly full bibliography of the best of the vast literature on prohibition that has appeared in the two years since the Handbook was published. Much of this literature has been excluded simply because it is not available in most of the libraries. This applies to newspaper articles, to material in the technical and more rare magazines, to foreign magazines and periodicals that the libraries do not keep and bind, and to most of the speeches made in Congress, of which there have been a very great number. The Congressional Record is so well indexed that all of this material is available wherever the bound volumes are accessible.

There have been many good articles and series of articles in the better newspapers, such as the occasional editorials in the New York Times, the series of articles in the New York Herald-Tribune in July, 1926 by M. Jay Racusin, and in August, 1926 by Forest Davis, and

in March, 1927 by Martha B. Bruère, and the series of articles in the Christian Science Monitor in July, 1926 on the workings of the Quebec Liquor Control System.

While this volume has been in press two notable debates on this question have been held, the first in Boston on April 8, 1927, between Senator William E. Borah and President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia University, the other in New York city on April 23, between Clarence Darrow, the Chicago attorney, and Wayne B. Wheeler, the General Counsel and Legislative Superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League. Both of these debates, and particularly the former one, are real contributions to the literature of the subject. While neither has yet appeared in book or pamphlet form, both undoubtedly will be so published in the near future. Both were published in full in the New York Times and some other newspapers.

Cleveland, Ohio
March 1, 1927


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Hudson, Grant M. Liquor Interests and Breweries Continue Financing Association Against the Prohibition Amendment. Congressional Record 37 Kellogg, John H. Alcohol-a Discredited Drug .... .. Good Health

Brief Excerpts


Wood, Charles S. Failure of the Volstead Act
Towner, Rutherford H. Prohibition and Caste....



.... 69

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Upton, Leroy S. Economic Phases of Prohibition

Manufacturers' Record 109

McIntosh, James. Prohibition and Sincerity..... 120

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