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as well as on the broad spectrum of coordinated effective services to the elderly throughout the Federal network.

The chairman of the Senate Committee on Human Resources, Senator Williams, regrets he cannot be with us today. Because of his great interest in this legislation, he has requested his statement be included in the record.

[The prepared statement of Senator Williams follows:]


Senator WILLIAMS. Mr. Chairman, I want to commend you and the Subcommittee on Aging for commencing hearings on the reauthorization of the Older Americans Act.

This law was first enacted almost 13 years ago and with the amendments of 1973 the program was significantly restructured. Through the years the Older Americans Act has served as a valuable forum and facilitator, enabling our country to become acutely aware of the basic needs and concerns of our senior citizens which include nutrition, transportation, home health care, housing and numerous other supportive services. Over the past decade as the programs have expanded and changed, this act has forced our society to direct its attention to the quality of life being afforded our senior citizens.

As hearings begin to review the current services offered, it is important to urge that we expand our vision beyond the Older Americans Act as it exists today, how it is structured or the programs it provides. We must also re-examine the current pressing problems and concerns of our seniors, for the purpose of considering what the Older Americans Act should be doing in the future!

It is fundamental to focus on how the lives of people have been affected by the Older Americans Act through the past years. Ideally, the Federal Government's commitment to our seniors should not be just to provide programs but to truly be responsive to basic human needs and to build support systems in local communities which enable the elderly to maintain their independence. More efficient, coordinated and increased services on a local level is a worthy goal, but an important component of this objective is that our country have a genuine understanding of the life values and feelings of the seniors who are the intended recipients of these services. A public policy for our senior citizens must not only be based on data collected and the needs assessed, but must demonstrate a sensitivity to the dignity and quality of life expected and deserved by all seniors.

Reauthorizing the Older Americans Act provides an important opportunity to examine the problems facing the elderly of today and to consider the problems of future generations of seniors. It is an ideal time to analyze our country's entire social policy toward seniors, expand our objectives, and to prioritize our goals under the Older Americans Act. This is an instance where we can demonstrate through a strong, adequately funded, viable, progressive Older Americans Act that we care about seniors and are indeed committed to addressing their needs.




Senator Church

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Feb. 1, 1970 should permit limited construction when it is not possible to acquire, renovate, or alter existing facilities to be used as senior centers. This would be especially helpful in rural areas where structures may simply not be available for senior centers. However, the overall emphasis as it is now -- should be directed at acquisition, alteration, and renovation of facilities because this will allow Title V funding to have a greater impact.

The provision permitting the Department of Agriculture to contribute surplus commodities to the Title VII nutrition program should be continued. This measure enables these programs to serve more people by expanding the food budgets.

Title IX should be made more flexible by extending eligibility to persons with incomes slightly above the poverty lines. Several income formulas could be used, such as 25 percent above the poverty thresholds, or the Department of Labor's lower level budget, or perhaps taking into account State income variations. The overall emphasis should continue to be on the low-income elderly because their needs are the greatest. However, there may be instances when individuals with income slightly above the qualifying limitations may be in greater need because of extraordinary circumstances.

The authorized funding level should be boosted to a level to provide 100,000 jobs within three years, or more than double the 47,500 who will be at work starting in July.


1978 presents an opportunity to build upon the solid achievements of the Older Americans Act. One example is the Title VII nutrition program which provides at least one hot meal per day in group settings.


Title VII also supports home-delivered meals. However, existing funding -- even though the appropriation is now $250 million permits only a modest effort on behalf of the homebound elderly. In fact, only about 15 percent of Title VII funds are used for so-called meals-on-wheels programs.

Approximately 3 to 4 million older Americans are unable to participate in a group nutrition program because they are confined to their homes. These individuals frequently suffer from nutritional deficiencies because they may lack the incentive to cook for themselves, especially those living alone. Failing health may also make it difficult to prepare meals.

Hany elderly persons are placed in nursing homes, simply because other alternatives which may include a home-delivered meal are not available.

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A separate home-delivered meals program under Title VII would help to respond to these problems and provide greater flexibility in enabling these persons to continue to live independently in their homes. I support the efforts by Senator Kennedy and Senator McGovern to make meals-on-wheels more readily available and hope that the Subcommittee will incorporate this concept in legislation to extend the Older Americans Act,

Legal counseling is another service that should be expanded under the Older Americans Act. Legal services can have an important multiplier effect for older persons. For example, a paralegal or attorney may assist an elderly client in recovering back payments or to become eligible for Social Security, Medicare, Supplemental Security Income, or other Federal benefits.

The Committee on Aging has been informed time and time again about the effectiveness of legal services programs in helping older persons recover benefits in some cases several thousand dollars.

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Older Americans have traditionally been underrepresented in legal services programs, despite their pressing needs. Legal services offices usually do not have the resources to provide the degree of representation older Americans need because they have limited budgets and staffs.

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Secator Church

Feb. 1, 1970

In recent years the Administration on Aging has funded 11 legal services model projects and a legal services developer in every State. These programs have demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of a legal services program working with the aging network under the Older

Americans Act.

The Legal Services for the Elderly Act, which I have cosponsored with Senator Kennedy, would build upon this working arrangement and make legal representation more readily available for elderly persons. Legal services is clearly a priority need for older Americans, and it can be an effective mechanism to assure that they receive the services and benefits designed to help them.

I also urge the Subcommittee to establish a direct funding authorization for Federally recognized Indian tribes. Direct funding is now authorized under Title III, provided the Commissioner on Aging determines that (1) Indian tribe members are not receiving benefits equivalent to other older persons in the State, and (2) they would be better served through direct funding. This provision, however, has proved to be inadequate because the existing formula provides a ratively small amount of money so small, in fact, that Indian tribes have difficulty in funding an adequate services program.


A separate authorization would help to correct this problem by enabling the Commissioner to fund a larger-scale services effort. Federal Government has a unique relationship with these governmental units. Many other Federal prograns - such as Indian health services, the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Revenue Sharing, and others now provide direct funding to Indian tribes. The needs of aged Indians are intensified because of geographic isolation from supportive services, lower life expectancy, substandard housing, and widespread poverty.


Finally, I recommend that the Subcommittee approve legislation to authorize a White House Conference on Aging in 1981.

In 1950 the first national conference on aging helped to sensitize our Nation to the problems and challenges of older Americans.

Since then, the Congress has approved legislation for a White House Conference on Aging in 1961 and 1971. Both conferences laid the foundation for important and far-reaching legislative achievements for the elderly, including Medicare, the Older Americans Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the nutrition program for the elderly, the senior community service employment program, Social Security increases, and others.

A third White House Conference on Aging is needed to assure that the momentum generated by previous conferences does not falter and die. Equally important, it would provide a means to take stock of the progress made in implementing the recommendations of the 1971 conference. A conference in 1981 would also provide a forum for older Americans and others to develop a long-awaited national policy on aging.



All Americans -- whether they are young or old have a vital stake in assuring that our commitment in aging is built upon a sound and effective strategy.

Our Nation cannot afford half-hearted efforts in responding to the problems and challenges of aged and aging Americans.

We must also recognize that we are in the midst of rapid changes affecting policies and retirement patterns. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act Amendments, which would, in effect, raise the mandatory retirement age to 70 for most workers, is one good example.

It may be difficult now to appreciate the dimensions and implications

of these changes for present and future retirees.

Congress enacted the Older Americans Act in response to trends existing in 1965 and projected changes for the future.

Senator Church


Feb. 1, 1978 Subsequent amendments have helped to update and perfect the Act to meet changing conditions and developments.

The amendments I have suggested for 1978 would help considerably to implement this goal.

These measures were developed in close cooperation with leaders in the field of aging and older persons themselves. And, I urge the Subcommittee to incorporate them in the bill you report to the full Committee.

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