| Thomas Parnell - 1722 - 240 pages
...with Silence, -walk'd with trembling Heart, And much he wifh'd, but durft not ask to part : Murm'ring he lifts his Eyes, and thinks it hard, That generous Actions meet a bafe Reward. .. While thus they pafs,the Sun his Glory fhrouds, The changing Skies hang out their fable... | |
| 1750 - 370 pages
...with Glemie, walk'd with trembling heart, And much he wifh'd, but durft not afk to part : Murm'ring he lifts his eyes, and thinks it hard, That generous actions meet a bafe reward. While ihus they pafs, the fun his glory fhrouds, The changing &5es hang out their fable... | |
| Seraph - 1754 - 294 pages
...filence, walk'd with trembling heart, And much he wifh'd, but darft not ask to part : MurMnrm'ring he lifts his eyes, and thinks it hard That generous actions meet a bafe reward. While thus they pafs, the fun his glory fhrouds, The changing skies hang out their fable... | |
| John Newbery - 1762 - 292 pages
...filence, walk'd with trembling hsart, And much l:s wifh'd, but duift not afk to part ; Murm'ringhe lifts his eyes, and thinks it hard. That generous actions meet a bafe reward. While thus they pafs. the fun his glory fhrouds, The changing skies ha.ig out their fable... | |
| Thomas Parnell - 1767 - 250 pages
...with filence, walk'd with trembling heart, And much he wifh'd, but durft not afk to part : ilurm'ring he lifts his eyes, and thinks it hard, That generous actions meet a bale reward. While thus they pafs, the fun his glory fhrouds, The changing ikies hang out their fable... | |
| Thomas Parnell - 1770 - 294 pages
...filence, walk'd with trembling heart, And much he wilh'd, but durfl not afk to part : Murm'ring Kturm'ring he lifts his eyes, and thinks it hard, That generous actions meet a bafe reward. While thus they pafs, the fun his glory fhrouds, The changing fkies hang out their fable... | |
| John Wesley - 1794 - 740 pages
...ilopp'd with filence, walk'd with trembling heart, And much he wifh'd, but durft not a(k to part : Murmuring he lifts his eyes, and thinks it hard, That generous actions meet a bafe Reward. While thus they pafs, the fun his glory flirouds, The changing fk'.cs hang out their fable... | |
| 1800 - 322 pages
...wish'd, but durst not ask to part: Murin'ring he lifts his eyes, and thinks it hard, That gen'rous actions meet a base reward. While thus they pass,...covert scud across the plain. Warn'd by the signs, the wand'ring pair retreat, To seek for shelter at a neighb'ring seat. 'Twas built with turrets, on a rising... | |
| Matthew Gregory Lewis - 1801 - 266 pages
...stopp'd with silence, walk'd with trembling heart, And much he wish'd, but durst not ask, to part : Murmuring, he lifts his eyes, and thinks it hard,...skies hang out their sable clouds : A sound in air presaged approaching rain, And beasts to covert, scud across the plain. Warn'd by the signs, the wandering... | |
| Matthew Gregory Lewis - 1801 - 466 pages
...ftopp'd with filence, walk'd with trembling heart, And much he wifh'd, but durft not alk, to part : Murmuring, he lifts his eyes, and thinks it hard. That generous actions meet a bafe reward. While thus they pafs, the fun his glory fhrouds, The changing fkies hang out their fable... | |
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