| Thomas Parnell - 1722 - 240 pages
...IT. "TT'AR in a Wild, unknown to publick View, From Youth to Age a rev'rend Hermit * grewj The Mofs his Bed, the Cave his humble Cell, His Food the Fruits, his Drink the chryftal Well • Remote from Man, with God he pafs'd the Days, Pray'r all his Bus'nefs, all his Pleafure... | |
| Miscellaneous poems - 1732 - 306 pages
...RNE L L. FA R in a wild, unknown to publick view, From youth to age a rev'rend HERMIT grew; The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the cryftal well. Remote from man, with God he pafs'd the days, Pray'r all his bus'nefe, all his pleafure... | |
| 1741 - 642 pages
...HERMIT. ÍR in a wild, unknown to public k view, From youth to age a rev' rend Hermit grew* The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the oyftal well: Rimóte from man, with God he pafs'd the days, Pray r all his bus' nefs, all his pleafure... | |
| 1750 - 370 pages
...charge on him moft juftly fall, Who finds employment for you all. The HERMI TV [By Di. THOMAS PARNELL.] FAR in a wild, unknown to public view, From youth to age a rev'rend Hermit grew? The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the... | |
| Seraph - 1754 - 294 pages
...plac'd, Unutterable blifs for ever tafte ; In mine, and my great father's arms embrac'd. By Dr. Parnell. FAR in a wild, unknown to public view, From youth to age a rev'rend hermit grew ; The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the... | |
| Muse - 1757 - 250 pages
...Doves inftru&ed, you and I, Each with his one can live and die. The HERMIT. A TALE. By Mr. PARNELL. AR in a Wild, unknown to public View, From Youth to Age, a rev'rend Hermit grew: The The Mofs his Bed, the Cave his humble Cell, His Food the Fruits, his Drink... | |
| Thomas Parnell - 1760 - 268 pages
...HERMIT. FA R in a wild, unknown to publick view, From youth to age a rev'rend Hermit grew ; The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the chryftal well : Remote from man, with God he pafs'd the days, Pray'r all his bus'nefs, all his pleafure... | |
| John Newbery - 1762 - 292 pages
...PARNEI., Far in a wild, unknown to publick view, From youth to age a rev'rend Hermit grew : The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the cryftal well. Remote from man, with God he pafs'd the days, Pray'r all his bus'nefs, all his pleafure... | |
| Art - 1762 - 290 pages
...PARNEL. Far in a wild, unknown to publick view, From youth to age a rev'rend Hermit grew : The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the cryftal well. Remote from man, with God he pafs'd the days, Pray'r all his bus'nefs, all his pleafure... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1767 - 290 pages
...perfeftion. It may not be amifs to obferve, that the fable is taken from one of Dr. Henry Moore's Dialogues. FAR in a wild, unknown to public view, From youth to age a rev'rend Hermit grew; The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the... | |
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