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For the courts of appeal, district courts, and other judicial offices $15,919,000;

For the Federal Judicial Center, $518,000; and

A decrease of $426,000 for the Commission on Bankruptcy Laws of the United States, which is a nonrecurring item in fiscal 1974.

The record will show the overall summary tables on judicial appropriations and permanent positions, also the general statement, statistical caseload, and appropriation justifications supporting the six accounts for the Supreme Court.

We are pleased to have with us Associate Justices Potter Stewart and Byron White.


All right, Justice Stewart, please introduce your associates, and then proceed with your general statement on the 1974 fund requirements for the Supreme Court, which I note amounts to $6,198,000, an increase of $566,400 over the sum appropriated for the current year. Distribution of this increase, by appropriation, will be placed in the record.

[The justification follows:]

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In this document, reflecting estimated fiscal year 1974 requirements for the Supreme Court of the United States, a total of $6,198,000 is requested, an increase of $566,400 (10%) over the current level of FY-73 funding of $5,631.600.

This submission covers the six appropriations established to fund the Supreme Court. of each appropriation is as follows:

A summary

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1. Salaries: Total $3,964,000 an increase of $180,000 (4.8%) to finance the currently authorized personnel force, plus six additional positions.

an increase of $160,000 (45%) to cover increased costs

2. Printing and Binding: Total $515,000 of printing opinions and the U. S. Reports.


Miscellaneous Expenses: Total $560,000

an increase of $137,000 (32.4%) to cover the purchase of a truck, an initial computer application and increased costs of supplies, materials and services. 4. Automobile for the Chief Justice: $15,000.


Books: $63,000 an increase of $8,000 (15%) to cover increased cost of books, periodicals and subscriptions.

6. Care of Buildings and Grounds: $1,081,000 - an increase of $81,000 (8%) to continue the program of major repair and reconditioning of the Supreme Court building.

Of the total increase of $566,400, 60% or $340,000 is contained in the Salaries and Printing and Binding appropriations. The remaining 40% increase is confined to three other appropriations. In the Care of building and grounds appropriation you will note a discrepancy between the figures shown on our summary page and the figures addressed in the specific justification pages. On our summary sheet, page 4 we reflect the following amounts against this appropriation:

FY-73 $1,000,000

FY-74 $1,081,000

INCREASE $81,000

In the specific justification pages for this appropriation we reflect the following amounts:

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