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Now is the Time to Subscribe for 1868.

Never, in the history of the country, has it been so important that the New England views on politics, public affairs, education, social improvement, religious doctrine and life, should be set forth. Of these views the NEW ENGLANDER is the exponent and defender. In addition to the active cooperation of President Wool sey, Rev. Dr. Leonard Bacon, Prof. Noah Porter, Prof. D. C. Gilman, Rev. Dr. Joseph P. Thompson, and Rev. Dr. W. I. Budington, the assistance of new contributors, especially in the literary department, has been secured for 1868. Terms, $4.00 in advance; which may be remitted to WILLIAM L. KINGSLEY, New Haven, Conn.


A well ordered and cheerful Christian Home for Young Ladies.

A careful and effective supervision of health and habits; a mental training, sound, comprehensive, and useful; the formation of earnest and intelligent Christian character, are the special aims of this Institution. The situation is attractive and accessible one hour by R. R. from New York. The second half of the Ninth School Year will commence Feb. 3, 1868. Rev. A. R. WOLFE, Principal.



Edited by Rev. WM. SALTER, Pastor at Burlington, Iowa.

The Hymns (710) are the choicest productions of 150 ancient and modern authors. The Tunes (157) are the best of the old composers, and of Mason, Hastings, Bradbury, &c.

Price, $1.25 in cloth binding; to Churches, in quantities, $1.00 per copy. For sale by NICHOLS & NOYES, 117 Washington Street, Boston; A. D. F. RANDOLPH, 770 Broadway, New York; ROOT & CADY, 67 Washington Street, Chicago.

NICHOLS & NOYES will send a copy post-paid, to any address, on receipt of retail price.

Rev. T. M. POST, D. D., of St. Louis, says: "There are features in the arrangement and indexing that strike me as possessing especial advantages, while the reputation of the compiler would be an assurance that good taste and a high order of Christian sentiment would preside in the selection of Hymns." The Congregational Review says: "It will be difficult to find more of the choice Hymns and Tunes that Christians love to use in worship, in the same compass."


1. The Turk and the Greek; or, Creeds, Races, Society, and Scenery in Turkey, Greece, and the Isles of Greece. By S. G. W. BENJAMIN. 1 vol. 16mo, cloth. Price, $1.75.

2. Italian Journeys. By WILLIAM D. HOWELLS, Author of "Venetian Life." 1 vol. crown 8vo. Price, $2.00.

3. Four Years among the Spanish-Americans. By Hon. F. HASSAUREK, late U. S. Minister Resident to the Republic of Ecuador. 1 vol. crown 8vo, cloth. Price, $2.00.

4. Two Thousand Miles on Horseback. Santa Fé and Back. A Summer Tour through Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and New Mexico, in the year 1866. By JAMES F. MELINE. 1 vol. crown 8vo, cloth. Price, $2.00.






Price, $2.50 per year; $2.00 to Clergymen and Teachers. Agents wanted. Splendid Premiums offered to Clubs. Send a Stamp for Specimen Number.

HURD AND HOUGHTON, 459 Broome Street, New York.

The Great Biblical Work of the Nineteenth Century! Unabridged.
You will not be satisfied with any abridged editions.

Four Thousand Illustrations.

American Reprint of Dr. William Smith's Standard Dictionary of the Bible. Revised and Edited by Prof. H. B. HACKETT, D.D., with the co-operation of Mr. EZRA ABBOT, Á. M., A.A.S., Assistant Librarian of Harvard University.

Embodying the results of the profoundest Biblical scholarship and research of both continents. All other Bible Dictionaries compare with this vast perfected reprint as do minor works of the English language with Webster's Royal Illustrated Quarto.

The above work will be published in numbers by subscription, medium octavo size. Each number to contain 112 pages, and to be issued monthly. The entire work will comprise about thirty numbers. Terms of subscription, 75 cents per number. Twelve numbers in advance (postage paid) $8. Seven numbers are already issued. Clergymen, theological students, and others, are invited to act as Agents for the work. Liberal terms offered. Any person remitting us for three subscriptions will receive a fourth copy free. Send remittances with subscriptions direct to

HURD AND HOUGHTON, Publishers, 459 Broome Street, New York. Send for a circular giving full particulars with sample page of the work.




Among the many awards of First Prize Gold Medals at the Paris Exposition, TWO ONLY were given to manufacturers of Organs. The recipients were Messrs. Mechlin & Schut, of France and Belgium, for large organs, who also received the decoration of the Legion of Honor, and Messrs. Alexandre & Son, of Paris, for the best reed organs.

"The Harmoniums or 'Alexandre Organs' of the latter house have had a world-wide notoriety for many years, but they have never obtained popularity in the United States on account of their loud and reedy quality of tone, yet the internal mechanism is very fine and durable, and has been greatly commended by all who have inspected these instruments.

"Competent and disinterested judges, who are well informed in relation to the merits of Reed Organs manufactured in Europe as well as in this country, and who have carefully examined the AMERICAN ORGANS manufactured by Messrs. S. D. & H. W. Smith, of Boston, have pronounced them unexcelled even by the Alexandre Organ,' in the beauty and perfection of the internal workmanship, while in the quality of tone, whether soft, smooth or powerful, in variety of combination or delicate expressive effects, they have been adjudged far superior, though they were not on exhibition at the Paris Exposition.

"Messrs. Smith are the pioneers in the manufacture of Reed Instruments in Boston, having been established here for nearly twenty years. Many thousands of their instruments have been in use not only throughout this country but in the farthermost parts of the earth, subject to all the tests in changes of climate." Boston Journal.

When desired, Organs are expressly prepared for the TORRID ZONES where Missionary Stations are located.

Descriptive Paper sent free to any address.

New Warerooms and Manufactory, Tremont Street, opposite Waltham Street, Boston.



Publishes and offers for Sale the following Works, which will be sent, post-paid, on receipt of the sums affixed.

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The Set in five volumes, tinted paper, cloth extra, beveled edges, gilt tops, ... $12.00 The Set in two volumes, same style,. 10.00 HENDERSON, E., D. D., Commentaries, Critical, Philogical, and Exegetical, on The Minor Prophets. Translated from the original Hebrew. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author by E. P. Barrows, Hitchcock Professor in Andover Theological Seminary. $4.00 MURPHY, JAMES G., LL. D., T. C. D., Professor of Hebrew, Belfast. Commentaries, Critical, and Exegetical, on

Genesis. With a new Translation.

With a Preface

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DODERLEIN. Hand-Book of Latin Synonymes.
Translated by Rev. H. H. Arnold, B A., with an
Introduction by S. H. Taylor, LL. D. New Edition.
with an Index of Greek words..
Hebrew Psalter. This is the smallest pocket
edition, and is altogether the most convenient He-
brew Psalter ever published in this country. It is
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POND. Lectures on Pastoral Theology. By Enoch
Pond, D. D., Professor in Bangor Theological Semi-
nary. 12mo...
SHEDD, W. G. T., D. D., recently Professor
of Ecclesiastical History in Andover Theological
Seminary, Works of, viz.:


Discourses and Essays. 12mo. ....... $1.50
Lectures upon the Philosophy of History.
75 cents

Guericke's Church History (translated). 8vo.
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the German of Dr. Francis Theremin. Third and
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Translator. 12mo....

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TYLER. Theology of the Greek Poets. By W. S.
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lege. 12mo.....

....... $1.75 WHATELY, Archbishop, Works of (published under the sanction of the author, from his latest revised editions), viz. :

Essays on some of the Difficulties in the Writings of St. Paul. 12mo. pp. 397. Cloth extra, gilt tops....


WOODS. Works of Leonard Woods, D. D., late
Professor in Andover Theological Seminary; com-
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In addition to the above W. F. D. publishes a variety of Biblical Works, Text-Books, and Miscellaneous Works. Catalogues furnished gratis on application.



is published quarterly, at Andover, Mass. The twenty-fifth volume will begin with the January number. The Editors are Professor E. A. Park and S. H. Taylor, LL.D., of Andover, assisted by Dr. J. P. Thompson, of New York, and others.

Among its regular contributors are eminent scholars, connected with various theological and collegiate institutions of the United States. Its pages are enriched by such contributions from Foreign Missionaries in the East, as may illustrate the Biblical Record, and by such Essays from distinguished Naturalists, as may elucidate the agreement between Science and Religion; and also by the most valuable literary intelligence from Europe, and the most thoughtful reviews of scientific and literary works.

The Bibliotheca Sacra is not designed for discussions of ephemeral interest, though dealing with the living questions of the day, but for those of permanent value. It has inserted many an article which has cost its author months of toil. Such articles will not lose their worth with the passing time.

The Review aims to give a careful and painstaking exposition of the spirit and genius of different schools, ancient and modern, in ethical philosophy and in religion. It does not strive to inflame the zeal of theological partisans, but to exhibit the broad scriptural views of truth, and to cherish a catholic spirit among the conflicting schools of evangelical divines. It is a "Library" of essays, a "Repository" of tracts, written by differing theologians, and adapted to explain or to elicit the exact truth. The work does not pretend to shape the materials of thought so that they may be transferred at once, and without being re-wrought, into sermons; but it aims to suggest principles which will refresh and strengthen the writer of sermons, and stir him up to various and vigorous presentations of Biblical Doctrine. While the work is thus made indispensable to the ministry, intelligent laymen will find it stored with interesting articles that will well repay perusal.

In accordance with the liberal and catholic spirit of the review, the Editors have within the past few years, inserted a series of articles unfolding the distinctive principles adopted by different theological parties and sects, and exhibiting the peculiarities of meaning which the parties and sects attach to the terms they use. This series is still in progress; each one is written by a representative member of the sect or party whose tenets are described.

This Review has attained the foremost rank among the Theological Reviews of this country in respect to literary merit and the ability with which it is conducted. Each volume contains 800 pages. It is printed in a superior manner on fine laid paper. The subscription price is $3.00 per annum, if paid in advance. W. F. DRAPER, Publisher, Andover, Mass.

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HALLET, DAVIS & CO.'S PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTORY, 700 Harrison Avenue, from Canton to Brookline Streets, Boston, Has a frontage on three streets of nearly Four Hundred feet.

PERSONS ENTITLED. Ministers whose churches contribute to the American Board, are entitled to receive the HERALD gratuitously. The offer of a free copy to Honorary Members, Donors of not less than ten dollars, Collectors of not less than fifteen dollars, and Treasurers of churches contributing not less than twenty dollars, is continued. But it may not be amiss to refer to some of the difficulties connected with the free list. When names have once been placed upon that list, we have no means of knowing that they should not remain there. Collectors, for a single year only, it is believed, have frequently received the Herald for many years, new names being sent from time to time, by the church, but with no intimation that any should be discontinued. An individual gives ten dollars, and a copy of the Herald is sent him. He may continue to give the same from year to year through the Monthly Concert, or otherwise, but no information of this is sent, and consequently it is not known whether the Herald should be continued or not.

It is frequently the case, also, that some member of a church sends a list of names, with the request that all other free copies to that church may be discontinued; but as all the names for a given post-office stand together on the books, and are not designated by churches, there are no means of determining what copies should be stopped.

There is, however, no desire to restrict the free distribution of the Herald to those who wish it sent according to the terms heretofore announced; but all will now perceive the importance of compliance with the following suggestion:

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ANNUAL RENEWAL. As deaths, removals, and other changes constantly occurring, cannot be known at the Missionary House when no notice is given, to prevent mistakes and needless expense, the request for a free copy, like a subscription, should in all cases be renewed annually, giving the post-office address. As far as practicable, the renewal should be made early in the previous December, that the mail books may be corrected and arranged for the following year.

The rule which allows contributors of $10 or more to receive a copy of the Herald gratis is sometimes supposed to authorize a donor of $20 to ask for two copies, one of $30 for three copies, &c., and also to authorize a congregation to divide its contribution by ten, and ask for a number of copies equal to the quotient; but such was never the intention of the Prudential Committee.

If there shall be any failure or mistake in the transmission of the Herald, information of the fact will be gratefully received.

See "Extracts from Letters" on page headed "Fifty Thousand for 1868;" also 4th page of Cover.

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