French coasters, laden with flour and wines, carried into Guernsey; and the Two Friends, Elliot, from Brislot, retaken, and carried into Plymouth. By the Enterprise privateer of Liverpool: The Moineau, from Nantz to St Domingo, with bale goods, &c. carried into Liverpool. By the Hawke, Small, from Live pool to Africa: A ship of 450 tons, from Rochfort for Martinico, laden with stores, &c. carried into Liverpool. By the Sukey, Thompson, in a cruise of 12 days from New York: Fifteen vessels, taken or destroyed; fix of which were laden with corn and tobacco. By the Snapper privateer, Taylor: The Ann brig, from Newfoundland for Barbadoes, retaken; and the Infanta Maria Louifa, a Spanith privateer; both carried into Liverpool. By the Jupiter privateer of Bristol, Wade: A Swedish brig laden with wheat, from St Andero for Cadiz, carried into Kingroad. By the Tamar privatcer of Weymouth: The Polly, Darnell, from Petersburg to BriStol, retaken, and carried into Falmouth. By the Bellona privateer of Bristol: Five prizes, taken in the West Indies. By the Lark shallop, Baldwin, belonging to the customs: A French privateer of to guns and 52 men. The shallop had only 17 men. By the Defiance privateer of Jersey: Two prizes; one with wine and fruit, fent for Mountfbay, the other sent for Jersey; also the Luaelia, Peo, from Bourdeaux for Breft. By the Union privateer of Jersey: N. S. De la Antigua, from St Sebastians for Brest, loaded with anchors, bar-iron, &c. carried into Falmouth. By a Mahon privateer: The St Francifco de Paula, Visick, an Imperial ship, from Bourdeaux to Fiume, carried into Mahon. By the Fox, Verco, of London: A brigantine belonging to Jersey, laden with wine and fruit, from Oporto to Bristol, retaken, and carried into Mevagessey. By two Guernsey privateers: The Maria Christina, from Bayonne for Amsterdam; the Antonia Naxaverona, from St Sebastian's to L'Orient; the Concordia, Peterson, from St Ubes for Arundal; and Le Pierre Vincent, from Bourdeaux for Brest; all carried into Falmouth. By the Hero privateer of Guernsey: The Glutton, a French snow, from Nantz to Brest, Jaden with chefnuts, soap, &c. carried into Penzance. By the Fame privateer, Moore: A French polacre, laden with wine, flour, &c. carried into Gibraltar. By whom taken not mentioned: The Elifabeth, Taylor, the Nancy, Eve; the Charming Molly, Gill, from Jamaica; and a loop from St Kitts, for Halifax; the Lion, Drew, from Charlestown for Jamaica, all retaken, and carried into New York; and the Polly, late Philips, also retaken, and carried into St Kitts. By the French, &c. The Hope, M'donald, from Georgia for Jamaica, carried into Cape François. The Sarah, M'Kinley, from St Kitts for New York, carried into Philadelphia. The Friendship, Jackson, from London for Gibraltar, carried into Cadiz. The Two Sisters, Smith from Madeira for Charlestown, carried into Philadelphia. The Empress, from Archangel for Hull, carried into the Texel. The Ann, a brig from Newfoundland, carried into Viana. The Difpatch, Philips, from Jamaica for New York, carried into Philadelphia. The Plymouth Trader, Smith, from Brie stol for Plymouth, carried into Morlaix. The Friendship, from Jamaica for Glaf gow, carried into St Maloes. The Elifabeth, Simpfon, from Jamaica for London, carried into St Maloes. The Providence, Loadman, from Memel for London, carried into Dunkirk. The Endeavour, Bricly, from Falmouth for Bristol. She was loft going into St Maloes. The Clytus, Dias, from London for America, carried into Cadiz. The Betfey, Brad, from Petersburg for London, carried into Dunkirk The Hermaphrodite, Kay, from St Augustine for Jamaica, carried into Hifpaniola. The Jacob Watson, Molly, from London for New York, carried into Calais. The Mary Ann, Harris, from London for Weymouth, carried into Cherburg. The Globe, Wilkes, from Workington for Plymouth, carried into Morlaix. The Betty, Woodfide, from Killibegs for Corke, fent for Dunkirk. The Ann, Affon, from New York for the Leeward islands, carried into Philadel phia. The Swift, Bruden, from Lisbon for Gibraltar, carried into Cadiz. The Unicorn, of 28 guns, and the Gatton, of 18, carried into Cape François. The Rodney, of 18 guns, and the Hare of 14, carried into St Domingo. The Betsey, from Peterfourg for London, carried into Dunkirk. The Briton, from Memel for London, carried into Oftend. The Elifabeth, Wilson, from London for Cork, carried into Cherburg; the captain and mate killed. The William, Middleton, from Liverpool for Oporto, carried into Vigo. The Lord North, Tothill, from Cork for London, carried into Cherburg. The The Aggy, Brown, from Clyde for Charlestown, carried into North Carolina. Taken, but whither carried not mentioned: The Retfey, Kidd, from St Kitts for Halifax; the Lady Margaret, Huie, from Clyde for New York; the Elifabeth, Hoar, from Jamaica; the Profper, Butler, from New York, for Newfoundland; the Anne and Betty, Scott, from Petersburg for Leith; the Polly, Hale, from Charlestown for London; the Jofeph, Chapman, the Amton, Thompson, and the Eagle, Smith, from Petersburg for London; the Briton, Jackson, from Memel for London; the Ranger lugger, in the fervice of the customs, fix of the crew made their escape in the boat; the Sally, Moor, from Ipfwich for Plymouth; the Lord Cornwallis, Forsester, and the General LefJie, Hill, both from Charlestown for Jamaica; the Mary Stuart, from London for the coaft of Brazil; the Michael, Miles, of Youghall for Southton; the Success, Reily, from Azundel for Waterford; the Prince of Wales, Bagwell, for Oporto; the last-named four ships were taken by the Duke de Mortiment, and had the masters and crews on board when she was captured by the Jafon; the Thomas, Coppedoach, from Newfoundland; the Hendalaar, a transport; the Harlequin privateer of Dartmouth; the Mary, Galbraith, Friendship, Park, Neptune, Rogers, and Enterprise, Frafer; these four from Jamaica for Georgia and Charlestown; the Friendship is retaken by the Iris; the Thomas and Alice; the Minerva, Walker, a transport, taken off Tybee. Taken but ransomed: The Nancy, Capt. Gardiner, of Limekilns, for 300 guineas; the Elifabeth, Capt. White, from Scotiand for Liverpool, for 600 guineas; the Active, Royal, from Yarmouth for Dublin, for 8001.; 1.; the Prince of Wales, from Waterford for Portsmouth, for 1300 guineas; the Mercury, Carr, from London for Stettin, for 250 guineas; the Friendly, Broderick, from London for Stettin, for 1000 guineas; the Providence, Wadding, for 370 guineas: five taken by the Chaulieu privateer of Dunkirk, viz the Bacchus, Ord, of Sunderland, for 700 guineas; the Peggy, Bainbridge, of Sunderland, for 420 guineas; the Farmer and Baby, Miln, of Rofcharty, for 100 guineas; the Speedwell, Tays, of Peterhead, for 100 guineas, and Chance, Lewis, of Milford, for roo guineas; and fix taken by the Black Princess, viz. Maria, Lennox, for goo guineas; Two Brothers, Crookthanks, for 120 guineas; Robert, M'Kellar, for 3000 1. Nancy, Burnett, for 270 guineas; James, M'Neill, for 300 guineas; and Elifabeth, Whyte, for 600 guineas; -the Belmont Castle, Boyd, from London for Perth, for 800 guineas; the Kitty, Johnson, of Newcastle, for 4000 guineas; Janet, Hutton, of Kirkaidy, for 310 guineas; Elifabeth and Ann, Davidfon, of Kincardine, for 200 guineas; Difpatch, Robertfon, of Findhorn, for 130 guineas; the James and Mary, Norwal, of Aberdeen, for 250 guineas, the Charlotte, Hyde, for 180 guineas; the Happy Return, Duke, for 220 guineas; the William and Mary, Cummings, for 170 guineas; the Providence, Richards, from Corke, for 600 guineas; and the Commerce, Fornestall, from Waterford for London, for 1100 guineas. General state of the patients admitted into and In the hofpital, Jan. 1. 1780 relieved by defire as improper for irregularities In the hofpital Jan. 1. 1781. 1681 21002 1358 2268 235 12852087 33 2 76 181 The LONDON General Bill of Christenings and Burials, from December 14. 1779, to De- cember 12. 1780; with the diseases and cafualties, &c. [41.929.] Males 10206 Females 1031120517 rials this year 97. A Berdeen infirmary, Return of prifoners 301. A- num- ber of patients in 715 Ackland, Lady Harriet, fuf- Acts pafled 100. 161.272. 321. Abstracts of 272 Addresses on the late tumults: Advocates, Faculty of, refolve 296. Their property ef- - Lincoln. See Charlestown - Maffachufets bay, acts paf- - Miffifippi, British forts on to the King's troops 375 and proclamations after the - Moultrie, fort, furrenders Congress. fum of money during the winter 201. Arm- Refolves on the appointment of 49. new each state is. A penfion fet-- Pensylvania, message, con- tled on the three foldiers gratulatory to the affembly, council to Baton Rouge. See Miffi- -Florida, forces, &c. in 145. - Hamilton, Col. hanged by Y law, if neceffary 379. Mar- - Quebec, capture of part of Rebels invited to invade Re. Rebet Rebel poffeflions given to 535 -Robertson, Gen appointed -Saratoga officers to be ex- Savannah besieged 78. 425. 690. J. Sullivan's remon- -South Carolina, Gen. Clin -South Carolina and Geor- -Tarleton, Col. thanked by South Carolina --Virginia, address bythe coun- al taxes in ib. Success of Washington, Gen. appoint- - Ferguson, Maj. killed, and 200. Americans, distressed state of American papers, capture of: 701 Annual Register: History 1778. Germany: Political state Singular fitu- ation of four vast armies in 127 island 347. French and Bri- Antiquaries, Earl of Buchan's ib. Op -North America: Of the Sa- Affociations and committees, Propositions by the Peace- Baptifm. See Jew. Negro 186 Bon Mot of Lord and Lady Books: |