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Natural History

the expedition from Canada Clerke. Capt. fucceeds Capt.
under his command 150


- William and Lucy 147
Boughton, Sir Theod. account
of his death 506
Bowie, Ralph, examined con-
cerning his correspondence
with Ld G. Gordon 555
Boteler, Capt. tried 161
Braxfield, Ld, letter to on ju-

sticiary-trials 205
Britain, amount of her im-
ports and exports 400. How
to avail herself of the trou-
bles in Spanish America 449.
Obstacles to encounter in the
present war 519

British proclamation in 1717,
discountenancing the revolt
in Martinico 304 Land-for-
ces, where tationed 395.
Navy, list of, and where sta-
tioned 396. Manifesto, &c.
against the Dutch 666.
Broomilaw, port of, independ.
ent of Port Glasgow 387
Buchan, Earl of, extracts
from his intended speech at
the election of the fixteen
Peers 573. See Antiquaries
Burke, Mr, his speech to the
electors of Bristol 453. See

Butler, Bp, private letters of
his 308 492
Caledonian Hunt, roo guineas
given by to the Edinburgh
charity work-houte 670

- Elliot on the fenfes of vi- Canal, Forth and Clyde, uti-

fion and hearing 89

lity of 387


Captures 143.165. 221. 331.
Of a Dutch convoy 46 Of the
Fowey and Experiment 48.
By Rodney 93 Digby 99.
Arbuthnot ib. Parker 145.
Of part of a French convoy
384. By Com Johnston 442.
Capt. Macbride 443.
British East and West India
fleets ib. List of these 546.
and number of prifoners 547.
Caravan, ne cruelly ufed 57
Carver, Capt. his account of
the maffacre of an English
garrifon 181. Perishes thro
want 185
Cement, an incombustible one

Letter to the people of
Laurencekirk, on presenting
the King's charter. - Utility
of industrious villages 33. E-
mulation proposed ib. On
what the profperity of the
village depends 34. Virtue
and happiness, and vice and
mifery, infeparably joinedib.
Of admitting strangers 34.
Of education of children 86.
Of early habits of industry
ib. Of honesty ib. Of fo-
briety and frugality 87. Of
good neighbourhood ib. Of
behaviour 87 Charity ib.
Love to our society 148. In-
dustry ib. The villagers
commended 149. Their in- Character. See Alphabet
dependency ib. Of an an- Charcoal, treatment of perfons
nual faving 107: Aid to in- affected by the fumes of 393
dusty promised ib.

- Gea. Burgoyne's state of


Chaftity, a reward for 710


Cook 323. His death 710
Chesterfield and Dr Robertfon,
anecdote of 241

Child, one who could read
before one year old 8. An-
other, remarkable for a mu-
fical genius 9. A gigantic

one 118

Chriftian, a man beheaded for
being one 431

Church, Dr Webster's plan for
building one, and for a bet-
ter provifion to the minifters
of Edinburgh 225
Circuit trials 325.553
Coal-hill, one bought in Scot-
land by a Dutch company 53
Cold, severity of 53
Colours, of perfons who could
not distinguish 705
Commane, John, fentenced to
be hanged for carrying off
Anne Fitzpatrick 553

Commons on the army-esti-
mates 22. Mr Burke's pro-
pofitions for public econo-
my, for checking the influ-
ence of the crown, and for
restoring the freedom of par-
liament 130. His elegant
speech 130-135. French
edicts alluded to by him 131.
note. Vote of thanks to Adm.
Rodney 138. On the negli-
gence of the land-tax recei-
vers 186. On places, pen.
fions, names of penfioners,
and fums received 186. Ou

reftraining members from
holding government - con-
tracts 188. Bill for that pur-
pose passed, but rejected by
the Lords ib. Petitions for
redress of grievances present-
On presenting a pro-


teft against the Nottingham
petition 189. On a com-
miflion to infpect accounts
191. Mr Burke's reforma-
tion-bill prefented 194 Pur-
port of the bill ib Debate
on it 196. 242. On the right
of the fubjects to petition
199. On the influence of
the crown 245.309. Majo-
rity against the ministry on
diminithing the influence of
the crown 248. Poignant al-
tercation between the Speak-
er, Ld North, and the Attor
ney-General 249. Compe-
tent to the Houte to correct
abufes in the civil-lin sove-



ed 323. To be impreffed 709
Cook, Capt. account of his
death, and of his voyage 43
Arrival of his ships 549.687
Copper prohibited to be ex-

ported 100. 271.442.
Cordiner, on falmon 701
Cornwallis, Capt. engages two


late tumults 437. Writ for
electing a member of partia-
ment served on the Lord
Provost 495. Proceedings oa
that occafion 495. Mr Miiler
chofen for the city 498 Lord
Advocate rechofen for the
county 500. Two sets of ma-
giftrates chofen 503. Sir Lau-
rence Dundas alfo chofen
member for the city 502.
The sheriff refuses to return
Sir Laurence 503. Mer-
chant-company to request the
city-member to apply for
proper convoys 668. Appli-
cation to be made to the
courts of feffion and exche-
quer to give up the privileges
of exemption of city-taxes
668. Town-council to peti-

nues 309. and to procure re-
dress of the abufes compiain
ed of in the petitions from
counties, &c. ib. On pre-
fenting accounts of public
money given to members, on
whatever account 309 On
the incompatibility of certain
offices with a feat in parlia
French fleets 427 536
ment 310. On difqualifying County meetings, effayson103.
freeholders to vote who have See England
places in the excife or cu Courts-martial, trials at 161
stoms 311. On proroguing Cow-calf. See Free Martin
or diflolving parliament 313. Cox, a foldier under sentence
On the petition against Pope of death, pardoned 387
ry 367. On the military go-Crotch. See Child
vernment in London during Crown, Scotch members who
the riots 420. On Mr Burke's voted for diminiflung the in-
reformation-bill 421. On a fluence of 495. See Com-
motion for a lift of the navy, mons. Lords.
and for copies for applica- Curiofities, natural, 24
tions for arms, &c 462. On Dalgleith and Donaldson exe- tion, complaining of the e-

granting fupplies before con-

cuted 326
fidering the petitions ib. On Dalzell. See Mackenzie
paying off the debt due to Date-tree,


the East India Company 463.
Resolutions on account of
clandestine alterations made
in accounts on the table 520.
On the army-extraordinaries
Motion of cenfure for
profufion in the article of
extraordinaries 522. New
taxes, and debate on thems25
-New parliament meets 565.
Commons directed to chute
a Speaker ib. Debate on the
election of a Speaker ib.
Mr Cornwall and the late
Speaker candidates 566. Mr
Cornwall chofen 571. Pie-
fented to the King, and ap-
proven of ib. Address in an-
fwer to the King's speech 629.
The King's anfwer to the ad-
dreis 630. On the address
633. Days appointed for de
termining difputed elections
637. On the navy-e(timates
677. On a vote of thanks to
the late Speaker 679. Adm.
Rooney's acknowledgements
for the thanks of that House
680. Thanks given to Gen.
Clinton, Adm. Arbuthnot,
and Ld Cornwallis 682. On
the army-eftimates ib. Pe
tition from India, for redress
of grievances, presented 684.
Altercation between Mr A-
dam and Mr Fox 685. Ad-
vertisement by the Westmin-
tler committee reprobated ib.
The Con-fequences 692

Convicts, how to be employ-

curious process to

make the female-tree bear
fruit 609

Deift. See Williams
Denmark. Damage done by
the explosion of a thep in
Copenhagen 153. Accede to
the neutral contederacy 431
Drake, Sit Francis, naval a-
necdote of 366
Dropfy, cure for 351

lection of Mr Mitler ib. Alt
the incorporations publish
their diffatisfaction at the
meafure ib. On the expence
of the application coming out
of the city revenues 669.
Magiftrates to purchase meal
to be fold to the poor at a
low price 670

Ed nburgh Difpenfary, flate
of patients treated at 715
Edinburgh regiment, fubfcri-
bers for 712

Druid temple discovered 553 Edward and Louifa, story of

Duel betwixt Col. Fullerton
and Ld Shelburn 164 Dr
Robertion on duelling 165
Dutartres, tragical history of
a family of that name 117
Dyfentery, extraordinary ef-

fects of in France 43
Earthquakes: Tauris, &c. dc-
ftroyed by 431. Shocks of
in Italy 434. In England 709
East Indies: Atabs attack
Capt. Gowland 321. Juha-
bitants of Bengal petition the
King for trial by jury, &c.
321. The petition 625. Ware-
houfe in Bengal burnt ib. Sir
Hector Monro invetted with
the order of the Bath ib.
Ceremony of the investiture
Successes of the Bruith
383 Arrival of a fleet in ib.
Capture of a fleet to 443


Edinburgh: Freedom of the
city given to Adm Rodney
165 Plan for building a
church in, and for a better
provition for its minifters 225.
Address to the King on the

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ceedings of the Westminster
committee 171.685. Of lay-
ing candidates at the general
elections under engagements
218. Mr Smelt's speech at
a York county-meeting 229.

Imended address by
them to the King on the tu-
mults 439. They refolve to
profecute Mr Burke's refor-
mation plan 440

Englith garrifon, maffacre of

one 181

Etna, eruptions of Mount 434
Europe, computation of the
navies of the different king-
doms in 355

Everit, a gigantic child 118
Executions 326.554

Expences, curious bill of in
in 1336 252

Fanaticifm, remarkable in-
stance of 115
Faft obferved 99

Fencibles, South, party of
prevent the capture of a thip


Fire-arms, patent for a new
method of loading 709

Fires, dreadful, in Ruffia and
Germany 554

Flax, on the cultivation of


Fleets, arrival and departure
of 385-443-536.550.613.709
Footman, of one who under-
flood Confequences 692

Foreign minifters, profecutions
for breaches of privilege a-
gainft 51. 323


centured 238. Sce Main
Fox, Mr, his inflammatory
fpeech to the Westminster
committee 171

Franklin, Dr, hints by for
learning to fwim 141

France, edict for railing mo-
ney by life-annuities 43. In-
habitants of a village cut off
by the dysentery ib. Edicts
fupprefling offices 131. 214.
Parliament recommends cœ-
conomy 156. Artificers for-
bid to go to America 157.
Marine minifter difmified 612
Free Martin, account of 30
French perfidy and Indian
cruelty 181

Follerton, Mr, his speech in

aniwer to the Earl of Shei-
burn's abuse 164. A duel

Game-laws, question concern

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ing determined by the court
of justiciary 326
Geary, Adm. captures part of
a French West-India fleet 384
Gentoos, instance of religious
moderation of 452
Germain, M. de st, fufferings
of in Egypt 57
Germany: Loss at Munich by
the overflowing of the Ifer
43. Emperor makes the tour
of Ruffia 431. Destruction
by locufts 433. by fires 544.
See Annual Register
Gibraltar closely befieged 216.
612. Unfuccefsful attempt
to deftroy the shipping 383.
Naval force on both fides
384. Gardens destroyed by
the befiegers 612.

Glasgow: Generosity of a
merchant of 8. Thermome-
tical account of the cold 53.
Playhouse destroyed by fire
387. Sec Gordon

Gloucester, Dean of: Conduct
of Oppofition delineated by
14. His address to all ranks
113. Plan proposed for their
confideration 114
Gordon, L. G. letter to, with
a gold fouff-box, from eighty-
five focicties in Glasgow 119.
Answer 120. Committed to
the tower 403. Perfons ex-
amined concerning him 38.

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ter from Congress decifive of
his conduct 603
Hungary, burning mountain
in 43

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Hurricane. See Storms
Indian barbarity and French
perfidy 181

Independent companies to be
raised 709

Indian, one's notion of in-
toxicating liquors 701

Ireland: Address of the city
of Dublin to the King on the
enlargement of their trade
49. To the Ld Lieutenant
on the fame fubject, and for
leave to have his portrait
printed 52. Acts paffed 52..
530. Remarkable bafon
digging in Carilcron 52. Bri-
tith act allowing a free trade
100. Compatifon of the
British and Irish taxes 176.
Addresses to the King from
different counties, on their
commercial advantages 216.
323. From both houses of
parliament 217. The King's
answer 220. Sentiments of
the people 119 A warlike
spirit diffused ib. Refolu-
tions and instructions for
fupporting independency220.
319 Bilt for naturalizing
foreign merchants ib. A fe-
pulchral difcovery ib. Com-
mens on the motion, That
the King and Parliament of
Ireland are the only power
to make laws for that king-
dom 325. Freedom of Corke
given to Lords Hilliborough
and North in gold boxes 386.
Resolutions not to enforce
laws but those of the King
and Parliament of Ireland
Commons on the mu-
nay-bill 464. On the fugar-
bill 469. Diffatisfaction with-
out doors, and fpirited refo-
Jutions, on the pafling of
thefe bills 468.470. Com-
mons order to profecute the
authors 471. Speaker's speech
on presenting three money-
bills 530. Addreffes to the


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structive tumults 281.-288.
351.-362.401.-416. Dread
of Popery the origin 281.
Protestant afsociation exhort
to unanimity and firmness ib.
Advertised to meet in St
George's fields 282. Ld G.
Gordon notifies his intention
to the Commons 283. Pro-
ceffion to the House of Com-
mons ib. Members of par.
liament grofsly abused ib.
Ld George's hehaviour in
the House 284. Ld Stor-
mont's letters to the Ld Mayor
285. 351. Proceedings of
the Lords on the tumults
285 413. Address the King
for bringing the authors to
trial 286. Lord Loughbo-
rough's charge to the grand
jury 337. Reflections on
the tumults 344. Proclama-
tion offering a reward for
discovering the persons guilty
of pulling down the houses
or chapets of foreign mini-
sters 353. A Proteftant
aflociation bill ib. Resolu
tions of the Lords and Com-
mons 354.5. The Thun-
derer, a feditious paper 357.
Orders and proceedings of
the military 359. Dreadful
appearance of London on
Wednesday night 362. Trials
of the rioters ib. Executions


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Number tried and
convicted 366. Wearing of
blue cockades forbid 401.
Hand-bill circulated, titled
No French rioters" ib.
Lord George committed 403.
Reward for discovering tior-
ers, &c. 404 412 Letter by
the Proteftant affociation 406.
Between the Privy Council
and the Ld Mayor 407. Plan
for preferving the peace 48.
Letters from Ld Amherst ib.
King's speech to parliament
on the tumults 412.
mate of the loftes ordered
551. Actions for damages 709
Lords, on reducing the civil
lift 18. On the Earl of Shel-
burne's motion on the public
expenditure 70. Proteft on
rejecting the motion 75. On
difmillions from office 129.
Motion negatived 130. thanks


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Mountain, account of a bart
ing one 43. See Hills
Musician, an infant one 9
Mutiny. See Sailors
Navy, of Britain, lift of, and
where stationed 396.

Negro, one baptized 611
News-paper, entertaining v
Newton, Sir Ifaac, anerder

On of a 454

to Adm. Rodney 139
the tumults in London 285.


On Ld Amherst's o: 687

letters 419. On the petitions

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Penfions, amount of those
granted by the King 100.
Peers of Scotland chofen 555
Perfecution exposed 140.
* Perfia, earthquake in 431
Phyfic, arcana of 186
Pigot, Ld, trial of the per-
fons who arrested him 102

Pillory, two severely pelted
on 323. See Sodomy

Plague, ravages of at Smyrna,
&c. 431. Broke out in Po-
land 663. Quarantine order-
ed 708

- Poining's law, that term ex-
plained 77
Poland. See Plague

Pomfret, Earl of. See Lords
Poor, reflections on the di-
stresses of 31.

Picture of a family in distress

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Putney, accounts of a storm

at 538
Public accounts, report of the
Commiffioners appointed to
examine 693

Regiments, ten to be raised


Reid, David, executed for
forgery 554

Religion and morality, lec-
tures on the duties of 35.
Religious moderation of the
Gentoos 452
Reprisals. See United Provin


Richmond, Duke of, his mo-
tion for reducing the civil lift
19. See Lords

River, damage done by the o-

verflowing of one 43
Rioters, trial of 362. Num-
ber tried and convicted 366.
Executions of 417

Robertson, Dr. See Duel.

Rodney, Adm complimented
at Adm. Keppel's expence
69. Anecdotes of him 81.
228. Spanish convoy captu-
red by him 93. His victory
over a Spanish squadron 94.
Engagements in the West In-
dies 256. 302. He arrives at
New York 602 His letter
to Capt. B-complaining
of his conduct 651

Roman-Catholics in Ireland
exhorted to avoid tumults

Rombert. See Fanaticism
Rome. See Italy
Ruffia: State of their army,
navy, and revenue 43. Ad-
vantages of making the Nie-
ster navigable ib Difco-
veries to be attempted
in the North Seas annual-
ly 46. Declaration to the
powers at war for protecting
her commerce against insults


Downs 444- A dreadful fire
in Petersburg 544. Curious
regulations for their affem-
blies 581. Three ships sent
on northern discoveries 663
Salmon, quick growth of 176.
Memoir concerning 701. On
their spawning, and on their
egrefs to and return from the
fea 702

Sailors, British, fixteen taken
out of a Dutch East-India-
man 160. Three recover a
captured ship ib. Mutiny
of on board the Invincible
322. Two of the mutineers
punished ib. How to pre-
vent a flaughter of in time of
action 323

Sand, mischief by inundations
of, and how to prevent 628
Scotland: County-meetings on
the means of internal defence
53. Convoy appointed for
its trade ib. Peers of cho-
sen 555

Scottish members, names of
those who voted for dimi-
nishing the influence of the

crown 495

Seamen, abstract of the act
for encouraging 272
Seamen and landmen, boun-
ties to 161. 322.551.708
Shelburne, Earl, fights a duel
with Mr Fullerton 164

Sight, of an imperfection in

Shops, neutral, condemned 16
Smelt, Mr, his speech at the
York-county meeting 229.


Society. See Literature
Sodomy, two punished for 323
Soldiers, British, punishment
of booting and bottling on

two 161

Spain, their successes on the
Missisippi 27. Langara's na-
val defeat 157

Spanish fleet and convoy ta-
ken 93. Prizes arrive in Eng-
land 159. Liberality to Eng-
lish prifoners 271. 547
Spy, one taken up at London
613. Evidence against him

character of him 623

Neutral powers invi-
ted to join 213. Answers
from Britain, France, and
Spain 270. Treatment of
persons affected by the fumes Stewart-Denham, Sir James,
of charcoal 393. Courts of
Sweden and Denmark accede Stomach-complaint, cure for
to the neutral confederacy 128
431. Queries by Sweden re- Stormont, Visc, memoirs of s
lative to, answered 432. Ar. Storms, effects of one in Eng-
rival of their fleet in the land 538. Dreadful in the

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