make alive; I wound, and I heal; neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand." Deut. xxxii. 39. It ought to be known, that, according to the original, this verse is translated improperly; and here I shall give the proper sense of it. "See now that I, even I, am he, and is no God with me, I shall cause them to die that shall say there is another God." Observe the term-I shall cause them to die. We all know, every man that is born of a woman must die; therefore here it must be understood, I shall cause them to die a second death; and that will be in the day of judgment. * O how wonderful it is, that a great world of people should not see and understand, that the one is called the Father and the other Son : and who knows not that * a father is always above the son; and, if so, what connexion has the one with the other? A man is called mortal, but why is he called so? the reason is because he is born to die. The very thing should be considered in the present case; Christ stands to be "subjected," and he that stands to be subjected, is subjected already. And last of all, it ought to be remarked, that the very names will shew that there is no connexion between them. A Father is one thing, a Son is another thing, and a Holy Ghost is also another thing; three names must be three distinct persons: and how can they be one? Yet, after all, it is not surprising; because it was told before hand by all the prophets, that so it would be, and so it would continue until the day of the Lord; and then he would say to the gentiles, See now that I am the only God, and there is no 1 136 CROOLL'S RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. other God with me. And at that time will be fulfilled the words of the prophet; "And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one." Zech. xiv. 9. From this we learn, that until the day of the Lord his kingdom is considered as if he had not the dominion over the kingdom of this world, neither will his name be one, but more than one; but, when the day of the Lord shall come, then will he make it known that he is the only king over all the earth, and at the same time will he also cause the gentiles to know that his name is not three, but ONE. AN ANSWER ΤΟ RABBI CROOLL'S RESTORATION OF ISRAEL.' To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.-ISAIAH viii. 20. Search the scriptures: for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me.-JOHN V. 39. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.-Rev. xix. 10. ON THE PREFATORY DECLARATION.' Page 11. line 1. If ever,' &c. Whatever the author's design in writing might be, the book came into my hands under circumstances which induced me to conclude that he expected it would be answered, and consequently published. It appeared to challenge an answer; and, if none had been returned, the occasion of triumphing would have been given. P. 11. 1. 7. That the author is an enemy to Christians,' &c. There is no reason to suppose that Mr. Crooll is an enemy to Christians; but he is an avowed opponent of Christianity. The writer of this answer is far indeed from being an enemy to Jews; but he opposes Judaism as far as that opposes Christianity, and no further. P. 11. 1. 10. It is well known,' &c. This part of the declaration, being coincident with several things in the body of the work, will be considered in its proper place. P. 12. 1. 20. How much more,' &c. This passage gives me sincere pleasure; and I think it does credit to the writer. As a Briton, I feel a satisfaction at the acknowledgement from a Jew, that |