THE MIRROR. Q. A PERIODICAL PAPER, Published at EDINBURGH in the Years Veluti in fpeculo. IN THREE VOLUMES.. VOL. III. THE FIFTH EDITION, CORRECTED. Geve my LONDON: Printed for W. STRAHAN, and T. CADELL in the MDCCLXXXIII, Να CONTENT S. 75. Letter from TIMOTHY SHUTTLEWORTH, ftating his difficulties in reading the Newspapers. General reflections on the abufes of thofe daily intelligencers, 76. Dinner at Mr. Melfort's. Hard drinking. Mr. Umphraville's reflections on modern manners, 77. The effect of difficulty in attainment to heighten our keenness in pursuit. Argu ment deduced from this with regard to 78. Letter from JOHN HEARTY, giving Page 9 17 24 79. INTEGER on negatively good men; scheme of a newspaper to relate what things are not done.-Obfervations on paftoral poetry, 80. Critique on that species of compofition 31 43 81. Diftreffes known by the name of Advertisement, |