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" But for lack of mony I cold not spede. And as I thrust the prese amonge, By froward chaunce my hood was gone, Yet for all that I stayd not longe, Tyll to the kyngs bench I was come. "
London; Being an Accurate History and Description of the British Metropolis ... - Page 124
by David Hughson - 1805
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London; Being an Accurate History and Description of the British ..., Volume 2

David Hughson - 1805 - 602 pages
...fore Mary's love, that holy saynt, Pity the poore that would proceede ; But fore lack of mony I cold not spede. And as I thrust the prese amonge, By froward...kneled anon And prayd him for God's sake to take hede ; But fore lack of money I myght not spede. Beneth them sat clarkes a great rout, Which fast dyd wryte...
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Popular Ballads and Songs: From Tradition, Manuscripts, and Scarce ..., Volume 1

Robert Jamieson - 1806 - 390 pages
...!" But for lacke of money I could not spede. And, as I thrust the presse amonge, By froward chance, my hood was gone; Yet, for all that, I stayd not longe, Till att the Kynge Benche I was one: Before the judge I kneel'd anone, And prayed hymm for Goddes sake...
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A Chronicle of London: From 1089 [i.e. Ten Eighty Nine] to 1483 [i.e ...

1827 - 300 pages
...sayd, for Mary's love that holy saynt, Pity the poore that would proceede ; But for lack of mony I cold not spede. And as I thrust the prese amonge, By froward...was come. Before the judge I kneled anon, And prayd hym for Gods sake to take heede ; But for lack of money I myght not spede. Beneth them sat clarkes...
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Londiniana: Or, Reminiscences of the British Metropolis: Including ..., Volume 3

Edward Wedlake Brayley - 1828 - 414 pages
..."for Marys love, that holy saynt, Pyty the poore that wold p'ceede," — But for lack of inony I cold not spede. And as I thrust the prese amonge, By froward...gone, Yet for all that, I stayd not longe Tyll at the Kyngs Bench I was come ; Before the Judge I kneeled anon, And prayd hy "for Gods sake to take heede,"—...
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Londiniana: Or, Reminiscences of the British Metropolis: Including ..., Volume 3

Edward Wedlake Brayley - 1829 - 416 pages
..."for Marys love, that holy saynt, Pyty the poore that wold p'ceede," — But for lack of mony I cold not spede. And as I thrust the prese amonge, By froward...gone, Yet for all that, I stayd not longe Tyll at the Kyngs Bench I was come ; Before the Judge I kneeled anon, And prayd hy " for Gods sake to take heede,"—...
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The ancient remains, antiquities, and recent improvements of the ..., Volume 1

Henry Thomas (antiquarian.) - 1830 - 490 pages
...that would proceede ; But for lacke of raony I cold not spede. ' " And as I thrust the prese among, By froward chaunce my hood was gone, Yet for all that I staid not long Tyll at the kynge bench I was come . 313 Before the judge I kneeled anon, And prayd...
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A Selection from the Minor Poems of Dan John Lydgate, Volume 2

John Lydgate - 1840 - 304 pages
...for Marys love, that holy saynt ! Pity the poore that wold proceede ;" But for lack of mony I cold not spede. And as I thrust the prese amonge, By froward...was gone, Yet for all that I stayd not longe, Tyll to the kyngs bench I was come. Before the judge I kneled anone, And prayd hym for Gods sake to take...
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Early English Poetry, Ballads, and Popular Literature of the Middle Ages: A ...

Percy Society - 1840 - 584 pages
...for Marys love, that holy saynt ! Pity the poore that wold proceede ;" But for lack of mony I cold not spede. And as I thrust the prese amonge, By froward...was gone, Yet for all that I stayd not longe, Tyll to the kyngs bench I was come. Before the judge I kneled anone, And prayd hym for Gods sake to take...
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Specimens of English Literature from the 'Ploughmans Crede' to the ...

Walter William Skeat - 1871 - 580 pages
...that holy saynt! b Pyty the poore that wold proceede;' • But for lack of mony I cold not spede. 2 And as I thrust the prese amonge, By froward chaunce...was gone, Yet for all that I stayd not longe, Tyll to the kyng« bench I was come. Before the ludge I kneled anon, And prayd hywz for gods sake to take...
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Origin, Progress and Destiny of the English Language and Literature

John Adam Weisse - 1878 - 752 pages
...But for the lacke of many, I could not spede. And, as I thrust the presse amonge, By froward chance, my hood was gone ; Yet for all that I stay'd not longe, Till att the Kynge Benche I was one, Before the judge I kneel'd anone, And prayed hymm for Goddes sake...
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