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other waters to be discharged to the Colorado River above Morelos Dam; and, pursuant to the decision of President Echeverría expressed in the Joint Communique of June 17, 1972, the United States shall discharge to the Colorado River downstream from Morelos Dam the drainage waters of the Wellton-Mohawk District that do not form a part of the volumes of drainage waters referred to above, with the understanding that this remaining volume will not be replaced by substitution waters. The Commission shall continue to account for the drainage waters discharged below Morelos Dam as part of those described in the provisions of Article 10 of the Water Treaty of February 3, 1944.


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To complete the drain referred to in point 3, Mexico, through the Commission and at the expense of the United States, shall construct, operate and maintain an extension of the concrete-lined bypass drain from the Arizona-Sonora international boundary to the Santa Clara Slough of a capacity of 353 cubic feet (10 cubic meters) per second. Mexico shall permit the United States to discharge through this drain to the Santa Clara Slough all or a portion of the Wellton-Mohawk drainage wa- ters, the volumes of brine from such desalting operations in the United States as are carried out to implement the Resolution of this Minute, and any other volumes of brine which Mexico may agree to accept. It is understood that no radioactive material or nuclear wastes shall be (Continued on Sheet 4)



sustituirán con volúmenes iguales

de otras aguas que serán descargados al Río Colorado aguas arriba de la Presa Morelos; y, de conformi dad con la decisión del Presidente Echeverría, expresada en el Comunicado Conjunto del 17 de junio de — 1972, los Estados Unidos descargarán al Río Colorado, aguas abajo de la Presa Morelos, las aguas de drenaje del Distrito de Wellton-Mohawk que no forman parte de los volumenes de agua de drenaje arriba cita dos, entendido que ase volumen restante no será reemplazado por otras aguas de sustitución. La Comisión continuará contabilizando las aguas de drenaje que se descarguen aguas abajo de la Presa Morelos como parte de las que se describen en las esti pulaciones del Artículo 10 del Tra tado de Aguas del 3 de febrero de 1944.

Como parte de las medidas a que se refiere el apartado a) del punto 1, los Estados Unidos prolongarán en su territorio el dren de desvío de Wellton-Mohawk, revestido de concre to, desde la Presa Morelos hasta la lines divisoria internacional entre Sonora y Arizona, y operarán y mantendrán las partes del dren de desvio de Wellton-Mohawk ubicadas en los Estados Unidos.

Para completar el dren a que se refiere el punto 3, México, por conduc to de la Comisión, y a expensas de los Estados Unidos, construirá, ope rara y mantendrá una prolongación del dren de desvío, revestido de con creto, desde el limite internacional entre Sonora y Arizona hasta el Este ro de Santa Clara, con una capacidad de 10 metros cúbicos (353 pies cúbi cos) por segundo. México permitira a los Estados Unidos descargar por este dren al Estero de Santa Clara todas o una parte de las aguas de drenaje de Wellton-Mohawk, los volú Renes de salmuera resultantes de las operaciones de desalación que se ha gan en los Estados Unidos para cumplir con la Resolución de esta Acta, y cualesquiera otros volúmenes de salmuera que México convenga en aceptar. Quada entendido que no se (Continúa en la hoja 4)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


This draft bill is strictly limited to the measure believed necessary to enable the United States to carry out the definitive settlement of the salinity problem concluded with Mexico on August 30, 1973. That agreement, incorporated in Minute No. 242 of the International Boundary and Water Commission, was concluded pursuant to Article 24 of the 1944 Water Treaty, which provides that the Commission "shall have, in addition to the powers and duties otherwise specifically provided in this Treaty, the following powers and duties:

(d) To settle all differences that may arise between the two Governments with respect to the interpretation or application of this Treaty, subject to the approval of the two Governments "The treaty also provides in the same article that the Commission shall have the power and duty "To construct the works agreed upon or to supervise their construction and to operate and maintain such works or to supervise their operation and maintenance, in accordance with the respective domestic laws of each country." The Protocol to the treaty, an integral part of it, provides that "The works to be constructed or used on or along the boundary, and those to be constructed or used exclusively for the discharge of treaty stipulations, shall be under the jurisdiction of the Commission or of the respective Section. but that "In carrying out the construction of such works the Sections of the Commission may utilize the services of public or private organizations in accordance with the laws of their respective countries." The Protocol further provides regarding works ". . . which are situated wholly within the territory of the country of that Section, and which are to be used only partly for the performance of treaty provisions, such jurisdiction shall be exercised, and such functions, including the construction, operation and maintenance of the said works, shall be performed and carried out by the Federal agencies of that country which now or hereafter may be authorized by domestic law to construct, or to operate and maintain, such works."

Because the works and other measures authorized by this bill are proposed with the objective of fulfilling the obligations undertaken by the United States in the settlement with Mexico, the bill would authorize the U.S. Section of the Commission to construct, operate and maintain the works required. The U.S. Section would exercise general control and supervision to ensure fulfillment of the agreement, with the actual construction, operation, and maintenance responsibilities for some of the proposed measures carried out by other Federal agencies, principally the Department of the Interior, in order to use most efficiently existing resources and technical capabilities within the Federal Government.

It is stipulated in the agreement that "It shall enter into force upon [approval of both Governments by exchange of Notes]; provided, however, that the provisions which are dependent for their implementation on the construction of works or on other measures which require expenditure of funds by the United States, shall become effective upon the notification by the United States to Mexico of the authorization by the United States Congress of said funds, which will be sought promptly." The Department interprets this provision to mean that when the Congress enacts authorizing legislation, the agreement will come fully into force, subject of course to any conditions appearing in the individual provisions of the agreement.

Section 1(a) provides for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a desalting complex to enable the United States to comply with the terms agreed upon in Minute No. 242, which will result in the delivery by the United States to Mexico above the latter's main diversion structure, Morelos Dam, of Colorado River waters of a quality similar to that delivered to the next upstream major users in the United States. Specifically, the desalting complex is intended to assure that waters delivered to Mexico upstream of Morelos Dam will have an average annual salinity of no more than 115 parts per million (ppm), plus or minus 30 ppm, over the average annual salinity of Colorado River waters arriving at Imperial Dam, located about 27 miles upstream, which is the last major point of diversion on the Colorado River in the United States.

The desalting complex includes: (1) a desalting plant to reduce the salinity of drain water from the Wellton-Mohawk Division of the Gila Project, Arizona, including a pretreatment plant for settling and filtration of the drain water to be desalted; (2) the appurtenant works including the intake pumping plant system, product waterline, power transmission facilities and permanent operating facili

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