Put up that paw! Dress! Take your rifle ! (Some dogs have arms, you see!) Now hold your Cap while the gentlemen give a trifle, To aid a poor old patriot soldier ! March! Halt! Now show how the rebel shakes When he stands up to hear his sentence. Now tell us how many drams it takes To honor a jolly new acquaintance. Five yelps, that's five; he's mighty knowing! The night's before us, fill the glasses! Quick, sir! I'm ill, - my brain is going! Some brandy, thank you, passes! there! Why not reform? That's easily said; it But I've gone through such wretched treatment, Sometimes forgetting the taste of bread, And there are times when, mad with thinking, Is there a way to forget to think ? At your age, sir, home, fortune, friends, A dear girl's love, - but I took to drink, The same old story; you know how it ends. If you could have seen these classic features, You need n't laugh, sir; they were not then Such a burning libel on God's creatures; I was one of your handsome men! If you had seen her, so fair and young, Whose head was happy on this breast ! If you could have heard the songs I sung She 's married since, - a parson's wife; 'T was better for her that we should part, Better the soberest, prosiest life Than a blasted home and a broken heart. I have seen her? Once: I was weak and spent On the dusty road, a carriago stopped; But little she dreamed, as on she went, Who kissed the coin that her fingers dropped! You've set me talking, sir; I'm sorry; It makes me wild to think of the change! 'T was well she died before Do you know If the happy spirits in heaven can see The ruin and wretchedness here below? Another glass, and strong, to deaden This pain; then Roger and I will start. I wonder, has he such a lumpish, leaden, Aching thing in place of a heart? He is sad sometimes, and would weep, if he could, A virtuous kennel, with plenty of food, I'm better now; that glass was warming. For supper and bed, or starve in the street. Not a very gay life to lead, you think? But soon we shall go where lodgings are free, And the sleepers need neither victuals nor drink; The sooner the better for Roger and me! THE POOR MAN AND THE FIEND. A FIEND once met a humble man At night, in the cold dark street, And led him into a palace fair, Where music circled sweet; And light and warmth cheered the wanderer's heart, From frost and darkness screened, Ah! well if he ne'er had knelt to that fiend, When the wine went round, you would n't have And he said, "One half of thy life on earth guessed That ever I, sir, should be straying From door to door, with fiddle and dog, Ragged and penniless, and playing To you to-night for a glass of grog! I enjoin thee to yield to me; Thou hast toiled in the heat or snow, The poor man had health, more dear than gold; ❘ Canst drink the waters of the crispéd spring? " And he laughed in fearful mirth : Bring forth thy little ones," quoth he, "My godhead wills it so ! I want an evening sacrifice"; And the poor man ne'er said "No!" A young wife sat by the poor man's fire, Who, since she blushed a bride, Had gilded his sorrow, and brightened his joys, His guardian, friend, and guide. Foul fall the fiend! he gave command, "Come, mix the cup of woe, Bid thy young wife drain it to the dregs"; O, misery now for this poor man! O, deepest of misery ! Next the fiend his godlike reason took, And amongst beasts fed he; And when the sentinel mind was gone, He pilfered his soul also; And- marvel of marvels! - he murmured not; The poor man ne'er said "No!" Now, men and matrons in your prime, O, listen! till your brain whirls round, REV. MR. MACLELLAN. THE HAPPY HEART. ART thou poor, yet hast thou golden slumbers ? O sweet content! Art thou rich, yet is thy mind perplexed ? O punishment ! Dost thou laugh to see how fools are vexed Work apace, apace, apace, apace; Then hey nonny nonny, hey nonny nonny! SWEET IS THE PLEASURE. SWEET is the pleasure Is not true leisure One with true toil? Thou that wouldst taste it, Still do thy best; Use it, not waste it, Wouldst behold beauty Near thee? all round? Only hath duty Such a sight found. Rest is not quitting The busy career ; Rest is the fitting Of self to its sphere. 'T is the brook's motion, Clear without strife, Fleeing to ocean After its life. Deeper devotion Nowhere hath knelt; Fuller emotion Heart never felt. 'T is loving and serving JOHN SULLIVAN DWIGHT. THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH. UNDER a spreading chestnut-tree They rise with the morning lark, And labor till almost dark, Then, folding their sheep, they hasten to sleep; While every pleasant park Next morning is ringing with birds that are singing, On each green, tender bough. With what content and merriment Their days are spent whose minds are bent To follow the useful plough ! ANONYMOUS. |