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"The fourth beast [the last, thank God] came up out of the earth or sea (with seven heads, and ten crowned horns), causing the people to worship the beast, whose deadly wound was healed, which he had received by a sword, and did live.”

Rome received a deadly wound, by swords, when her great empire was overthrown by barbarians, A. D. 410. She lost her power to rule, but raised another to delude Christendom, by which she lives, making merchandize of people, under the banners of Christ in one hand, and mammon in the other. *

Napoleon also gave THE BEAST'S BULLS a deadly wound by the sword, but Napoleon and Christendom restored Rome, and caused the world to worship the beast again. "The dog is returned to his vomit, and the sow to wallow in the mire."

Christendom consists of ten kings, and seven blasphemous heads, or petty princes, and states, and God knows who they are all well; so, this prophecy is literally fulfilled in our days, particularly by the pope's first bull against Bible Societies, issued from Rome, 29 June, 1816, by Pope Pius VII. to the Archbishop of Gnezn, primate of Poland, published at London, 10 April, 1817, in "The Times." No thanks to Russia, Prussia, Austria, &c. for this Holy Alliance. Here we see the council of Trent renewed as soon as the beast revived. The 24 and 25 chapters of Matthew's gospel appear worthy of profound devotion, for they relate expressly to these events in our days! God said, when he made the sun, moon, and stars, "let them be for signs and for seasons."

In a short essay on the origin of the constellations, published in 1802, alluded to by the Rev. Peter Roberts, A. M. in his "Manual of Prophecy," published in

St. Peter's cathedral at Rome was built by Julius II. who was born 1440, and died 1513, consequently, that magnificent structure is only about 350 years old, and will stand till God destroys it very soon, like Solomon's temple.

1818, he remarks on the 30 verse of the 24 chapter of Matthew:

"Then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn.”

Mr. Roberts says (p. 108), "I observed that the constellation, bearing the name 'HERCULES,' is, in fact, a sign of the Son of Man in the heavens, for the figure is that of a man, whose heel is on the head of a serpent, and in whose hands is a club, with which he seems ready to kill it !!! I did not then, nor do I now dare to say more of the discovery of its signification, certainly not even hinted at by any writer before, than that there now evidently appears a sign of the Son of Man in the heavens. I do not say it is the sign. How deeply the earth has mourned since 1802, needs no illustration."

The people have been church merchandize nearly 1260 years in Christendom, or devildom, according to true historians, viz. :—

"Paschase Rabert, Religieux de Corbie qui vivait au neuvieme siècle a été le premier (dans son livre) qui a enseigné la conversion des substances du pain et du vin et la présence réelle du corps de Jésus Christ dans l'Eucharistie."

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Voyez "Réponse au livre de Mr. Arnaud, intitulé la Perpétuité de la Foi del' Eglise Catholique, touchant l'Eucharistie défenduë,"" par Jean Lucas de Rouen, 1671.

"A.D. 963 Oton de Saxe ou Oton le Grand vint en Italie et la subjuga par ses Armes-après quoi il assembla un petit Concile d'Evêques, où il déposa le pape Jean XII. quoiqu'il fut d'une maison illustre et tres puissante à Rome, parceque outre qu'il avait été créé àl'âge de 18 ans, il déshonorait le pontificat par des Adultéres, des parjures, &c. Oton se fit céder par les romains et par Leo VIII. qu'il avait mit à la place de Jean, le pouvoir, de créer le Pape jusqu'à 1001, pendant, 36 ans.

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Aprés tant de Papes depuis 1076 a l'an 1150 avaient employé les Excommunications, les conspirations, les révoltes et fait perdre la vie à tant de millions d'hommes, pour ôter aux princes la collation des Evêchés, et en donner l'élection aux chapitres-tout au contraire Pie II. et 5 de ses successeurs, ont combattu, pour ôter cette élection aux chapitres de France et la donner au Roi comme fit enfin Leo X. Tant il est vrai qu'on change de Doctrine et de Créance, selon qu' on change d'intérets.

"Enfin Henri V. ayant tant d'affaires sur les bras (A. D. 1122), renonça aux Investitures, par où finit une querelle, qui ayant duré 56 ans, sous six Papes, avait fait excommunier un nombre infini de Gens Ecclésiastiques et séculiers qui soutenaient l'Empereur Henri et fit périr des millions d'hommes de part et d'autre, en 60 batailles données par Henri, le pére et en 18 faites par Henri, le fils.” "Quant au pontificat Romain, il sembloit, qu' aprés l'exclusion de l'Empereur l'election dût retourner au peuple, mais Pape Innocent II. ayant été chassé de Rome par les romains, leur ota en revanche le droit d'élire le pape." (Ex Traité des Benefices par Frà Paolo, en Italien.)

Comme tout le temporel que l'Eglise posséde vient des Aumônes et des Oblations des Fidéles-de même dans l'ancien testament, la Fabrique du Sanctuaire fut toute faite d' Aumônes et d' Offrandes. Mais ceux qui avaient la Direction de cette Euvre, voyant que le peuple continuoit encore de donner, aprés avoir offert tout ce qu'il falloit, ils dirent a Moise" le peuple donne plus qu'il n'est necessaire," Moïse publia un ordre de ne plus rien offrir pour le Sanctuaire, parceque ce qu'on avait été donné, suffisait et même surabondait. * Par où il se voit que Dieu ne veut rien de superflu dans son temple, et si dans le vieux testament qui etait mondain, Dieu ne vouloit pas

Vide 36 Exodus. "Quotidie manè vota populus offerebat. Unde artifices venire compulsi dixerunt Moysi: plus offert populus, quam necessarium est.' Jussit ergo Moyses præconis voce cantari: nec vir nec mulier, quidquam offerat ultra in opere Sanctuarii-eo quod oblata sufficerent et superabundarent."

le nouveau.

que tout allât à ses ministres, il le veut encore moins dans Mais ou se termineront les acquisitions des Eclésiastiques-quand diront-ils, "le peuple a donné plus qu'il ne nous faut?"

Les Ministres du temple qui faisaient la treiziéme partie du peuple, ne pouvaient recevoir, ni posséder autre chose que les Dixmes: les nôtres qui en sont à peine la centiéme, tiennent peutêtre deja plus que la quatrième partie des Biens. Il n'est pas juste que les Eclésiastiques acquiérent à l' infini et que tout le monde soit réduit à ne plus rien tenir qu'à ferme."

Let sceptics read the last chapter of Malachi, upon tithes, and see how well DEVILS assume to be SAINTS!!! Do not thousands smile at the prophecies of Luke's 17 chapter, though that day and night is at hand?

Then will the wicked be separated from Christians, by electric fluids or thunderbolts, the agents of God !!!

Do we not behold a general spirit pervading all the earth, denying peace and content among princes, priests, and people, ever since Napoleon's reign? by his hand God shook the earth, and it still continues to shake fatally in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Germany, Holland, Poland, Russia, and Prussia. The Turkish, Popish, and Grecian empires stand in jeopardy every hour; and what can their downfalls produce, but "a preparation of the way of THE KINGS OF THE EAST." Now the sixth vial is poured out; the sixth trumpet sounded; the sixth thunder is heard, and the sixth plague felt. Several shocks of earthquakes have lately happened at Rome. I expect it must fall like Sodom and Gomorrah. Great Babylon must also sink in the dead sea. "Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky, but how is it ye do not discern these times?"

Snow fell at St. Ildefonso, 29 Aug. 1829 (a SATURDAY'S moon); and on 12 Sept. 1829, the king of Spain fell lifeless during 20 minutes, while on his knees at church, but was recovered, after copious bleeding, upon the spot. He


was on the eve of his third or fourth marriage. His last wife died suddenly, like the emperor and empress of Russia.

Has not Europe been deluged with blood for nearly 40 years? Has not Spain, where the king's title is, "Most Christian Majesty," and his heir styled " the Prince of Peace," been deeply convulsed ever since 1808? Have not dreadful earthquakes happened in Spain, in Murcia, in 1829, worse than ever was experienced there, in numbers, if not in destructive effects? Why, and how stand Portugal and Greece in jeopardy? What are these but divine warnings and signs against nations, robbing Christ of his titles and honour; and while they prostrate, adore, and deck the VIRGIN MARY as mother of God, with rich silk embroidered petticoats, &c. would not the time and treasure of foreign princes and nobles be better employed in secret alms to the widows, orphans, and poor, blind, sick, and lame?

Why is time consumed in continual penance, or people enjoined to fast and pray, in vain repetitions, which can never work self-righteousness, except sought in Christ alone, and all honours paid him as the Saviour?

The publican's prayer was accepted, "O Lord be merciful to me a sinner," because uttered with sorrow and sincerity of heart, rather than the Pharisee's, who relied upon his regular weekly alms, tithes, prayers, and fasts, for selfrighteousness, although no man but Christ ever fulfilled God's ten holy laws.

It is enough for man to suffer patiently all the unavoidable natural evils he is exposed to, with resignation repentance, and faith in Christ, for deliverance; for man is exposed to troubles innumerable, sickness, disease, &c. as sparks fly upwards. It is quite enough to bear the daily trials and crosses of this wicked world.

It is computed, that one soul enters this world, and another departs this life every moment, according to the population of the world, rated at 800 or 1000 millions of

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