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(c) Acquire to the extent determined by him to be necessary, lands or interest in lands within the Wellton-Mohawk division, Gila project, to reduce the seventy-five thousand irrigable acres authorized by the Act of July 30, 1947 (61 Stat. 628), known as the Gila River Reauthorization Act, and to dispose of or use such lands or interests therein on terms consistent with

the objective of this Act. The initial reduction in irrigable acreage shall be limited to approximately ten thousand acres: Provided, That additional acreage may be

acquired, as may be deemed appropriate for the pur


of meeting the obligations of minute numbered 242. (d) Assist water users in the Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage District in installing onfarm systems, as a means of reducing saline drainage flows through improved irrigation efficiencies.

(e) In consideration of the purchase of irrigable lands and the associated increased cost of operation and maintenance of the irrigation system of the WelltonMohawk Irrigation and Drainage District, appropriately reduce repayment obligations of the district to the United States under existing contracts.

(f) Contract with the Coachella Valley County Water District to provide for reimbursement by the

United States for its use of the water saved through

as a temporary source of water for meeting the obligations of minute numbered 242.



the rehabilitation and betterment of the Coachella Canal

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(g) In consideration of capacity to be relinquished

in the All-American and Coachella Canals as a result of the rehabilitation and betterment of the Coachella

Canal, appropriately reduce repayment obligations of the Imperial Irrigation District to the United States under existing contracts.

(h) For purposes of the rehabilitation and betterment of the Coachella Canal, acquire to the extent determined by him to be necessary lands or interest in

lands within the Imperial Irrigation District on the

East Imperial Mesa which receive, or which have been

granted rights to receive, water from Imperial Irrigation District's capacity in the Coachella Canal and to dispose of or use such lands or interests therein on terms consistent with the obligations of minute numbered 242.

The costs associated with acquiring such lands or interests in such lands shall be included in the total cost of

the rehabilitation and betterment of the Coachella


(i) Acquire on behalf of the United States such

lands or interest in lands in the Painted Rock Reservoir



as may be necessary to operate the project in accordance


with the obligations of minute numbered 242.


SEC. 2. The projects authorized herein shall be designed 4 and operated separately or in combination with the objective 5 of carrying out the purpose of this Act at the least overall 6 cost to the United States. Unless otherwise herein specified, 7 all costs associated with carrying out the provisions of this 8 Act shall be borne by the United States: Provided, That 9 nothing in section 1 (d) of this Act will relieve water users 10 of costs required to be incurred for complying with the 11 Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended. 12 SEC. 3. Replacement of the reject stream from the de13 salting plant, and of any Wellton-Mohawk drainage water 14 resulting from essential operations, bypassed to the Santa 15 Clara Slough, except at such times when there exist sur16 plus waters of the Colorado River under the terms of the 17 1944 Water Treaty, is recognized as a national obligation as provided in section 202 of the Colorado River Basin 19 Project Act. Studies to identify feasible measures to provide 20 adequate replacement water shall be completed not later than June 30, 1980. Replacement of the reject stream by22 passed to the Santa Clara Slough shall begin on the date such augmentation of the Colorado River occurs.






SEC. 4. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated

to the Secretary of State for the use of the United States


1 Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commis

2 sion, such funds as may be necessary to carry out this Act.


SEC. 5. This Act may be cited as the "International

4 Salinity Control Project, Colorado River".


H. R. 7774


MAY 14, 1973

Mr. JOHNSON of California (for himself, Mr. HOSMER, Mr. HOLIFIELD, Mr. BOB WILSON, Mr. CORMAN, Mr. RHODES, Mr. UDALL, Mr. BELL, Mr. HANNA, Mr. DON H. CLAUSEN, Mr. HAWKINS, Mr. DEL CLAWSON, Mr. ROYBAL, Mr. STEIGER of Arizona, Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON of California, Mr. WIGGINS, Mr. VAN DEERLIN, Mr. PETTIS, Mr. REES, Mr. LUJAN, Mr. BROWN of California, Mr. GOLDWATER, Mr. ANDERSON of California, Mr. VEYSEY, and Mr. EVANS of Colorado) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs


To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to execute a program


of salinity control for the Colorado River, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,




SEC. 101. That this Act may be cited as the "Colorado

5 River Basin Salinity Control Act of 1973".


SEC. 102. (a) In recognition of the problems caused

7 by the increasing concentration of dissolved solids in the

8 waters of the main stem of the Colorado River downstream


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