INDEX OF THE PRINCIPAL SUBJECTS. Accommodation of Christ and his apostles to Jewish pre- in regard to the authority of the Old Testament judices, disproved, scriptures, a 228-232 a 228, 229 b 222, 223 in regard to the existence and works of evil spirits 632-34 Adam-his primitive state, apostasy, and its consequen- ces, b§ 53-55, and 6 36-52 The Second Adam, in what sense Christ is so, b74, 108, 201 Advent, the second, visible, of Christ, bad, or evil spirits b103-108 a 331 &c. b 64 &c. practical importance of the doctrine concerning evil spirits, Anthropomorphismus, Anthropopathic language of God Antilegomenon-application of the word, b10-17 b 17-35 b 28-35 a 332-334 a 331 & 338. 6 217 a 34-39 a 89-127 a 89-108 a 262-268 genuineness of the antilegomena Apocalypse, its genuineness Apocryphal books of the Old Testament of the New Testament a 33-39, 67-70, 138 Apostasy of man, a § 54.-Proof, that the Devil was con- Baptism, b$ 109-112.-a perpetual ordinance of Christ, 6287, 288 immersion not essential to it, though originally prac- tised on account of the prevailing customs of that age b 290-293 Calling,-direct, by the Gospel, -import of the words καλειν, - κλησις, κλητος, indirect, by conscience, a 286 &c. 311 &c. b 116&c. 124 &c. Canon, of the New Testament of the Old Testament b 121 &c. a 22-127 a 251-268 Celsus had knowledge of the books of the New Test. a 17-20 Christ, his Divinity, a § 42. importance of this doctrine a§ 43. his supernatural conception 651, 142-151 his humanity, his sinlessness, the restorer of fallen man, and the sole author of our salvation, Origin and import of the name Christ 6 142-146 b 51 b 73 &c. 129 &c. b 99-108 b 158, 159 Church, b§99-108.-the visible church, b§ 99.-the visi- ble and invisible, distinguished b 268-273 Comforter, ὁ παρακλητος a 192-196 Coming of Christ. See Advent. Communion, b 286, and $ 113, 114 with its Appendix private communion not to be absolutely rejected, 6309,310 Covenant-the new, its sanction is the blood of Christ, 6 229-232 Death to Christians is no longer a punishment b$ 60 Death of Jesus-how far its being voluntary, proves the divinity of his mission an essential part of his plan, primary object of it collateral objects of it exhibits his obedience to God is an evidence of the love of God and of the justice of God a 155-158, b 231 &c. b 187 b$89-92 b§ 93 b$ 88 6 217 b 220 &c. 230 Vicarious death of Christ.–See Punishment and Sat- isfaction. Decree or purpose of God, in regard to the salvation of men - (consilium gratiæ) b§ 59 &c. It is general but conditional (voluntas antecedens et and eternal Demoniacs were persons actually beset by evil spirits, b§ 66, 67, 74 Import of the expressions, Possession, Going out, Casting out of devils b 22 &c. Devil, b $ 50 &c. - One spirit only, bears the name of Διαβολος or Σατανας b 18 Discipline (disciplina ecclesiastica), b 272 &c. Divinity of Christ's doctrine a § 6-8. and b $83. Ill. 6-9 men - - Exaltation-Christ's state of of the Christian religion, confirmed by personal expe- Earth, is to be renovated and become the abode of glorified Effects of grace. See Grace. Elect (εκλεκτοι)-various meanings of the term End of the world Έργα Jesu-are Christ's miracles Eucharist. See Lord's Supper. Evil-Permission of moral evil and of physical Evil exists only in the present life Eusebius testifies to the authenticity of the of the New Testament his classification of the books of the New Testament and his New Testament canon his testimony concerning the Apocalypse Faith-constituent parts of (knowledge, assent, trust), 6355, 369 &c. - its connexion with a reformation, b§ 119-121 Faith, general (in the doctrines of Christ in general), and particular (in the doctrines of grace), b§ 121 Fall of man. See Apostasy. Felicity of men in the coming world, b$60-65, 97 a § 16 greatness of it proof, that it commences immediately after death, 676 &c. has no mixture of pain, Degrees of it its eternal duration b 75, 128 b 76, 77 b$63 b 95, 96 b 98 a participation in the blessedness of Christ, The conditions of it b§ 67, 69, 72, 74, 117, 118, 122. Freedom of man Genealogy of Jesus b 52 &c. 6 144-151 Genuineness of the homologoumena of the New Testament, a § 2 God-his existence a § 17-19 a $ 20 a § 21-30 a § 23 a 331 &c. The writers of the Old Testament well acquainted with the goodness of God Gospel, in the broad sense (the doctrines of Christ in gener- giveness of sins through the death of Christ) b 383, 384 ascribed to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost b 340 Heathen--how they may attain to the knowledge of God, a§ 19, Ill. 3 may be saved through Christ b§ 71, 73, Ill. 9 Heavens-approaching change of them b 87,88 Hebrews-Paul the author of the Epist. to the Heb. a 108-121 The Gospel of the Hebrews contained the original text of Matthew's Gospel a 37, 38, Hell-descent of Christ into b 176 Heretics, value of their testimony respecting the genuine- High Priest--Priestly office of Christ, explained a 67-88 VOL. II. 51 Holiness of God a § 24 and 30, III. 6 Homologoumena of the N. Test.-what books belong to Import of this term Humiliation of Christ its object Illumination Image of God Immortality-of God a § 2 a 32-39 b$ 79, 85 of man, originally, in regard to his body Evidence of the immortality of the human soul Immutability of God Imputation of righteousness (uprightness) of Christ's righteousness Incomparable excellence of God (ἁγιότης קְדֶשׁ( Independence of God Infinity of God (infinitas, immensitas) Influence of divine grace. See Grace. Inspiration-import of the word θεοπνευστος of the New Testament how consistent with the exercise of their own fac- ulties by the writers does it extend to the historical parts of the New Testament? of the Old Testament Integrity of the books of the New Testament and of the Old Testament Intercession of Christ with God, denotes his efficiency in heaven for our good Interpretation of scripture-moral a 214-218 a 220 &c. a § 13 a4 a 253 b 240 a 272 &c. b$ 70, 71 a 124 &c. a 102 a 108 a 87 a 220 &c. b 155 Israelites-why God gave a revelation to them only - Transfer of their designations to Christians James the younger, an apostle, wrote the Epist. of James, and for the Epistle to the Hebrews - a 222 &c. Genuineness of the 2d and 3d Epistles of John, a 122, 123 Josephus-his testimony concerning Christ Jude, the apostle-genuineness of his Epistle Judas, the traitor, a witness for Christ's miracles Judgment, the final, at the resurrection a 16, 17 a 125 &c. a 176 b 101, 102 Justice of God described b§ 65 Ill. 7 and § 97 Ill. 3 a § 24 |