2. PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS OF THE NAZI PARTY Leader of the Party (Fuehrer).. ADOLF HITLER Deputy of the Fuehrer (Stell vertreter des Fuehrers).. ...... RUDOLF HESS (until 1941) Chief of the Party Chancery and Secretary of the Fuehrer (Leiter der Partei Kanzlei und Sekretaer des Fuehrers).... MARTIN BORMANN Chancery of the Fuehrer (Kanzlei des Fuehrers): Head Chancery of the Party (Kanzlei der Partei): Head Deputy Head... Heads of Divisions: PHILIPP BOUHLER MARTIN BORMANN HELMUT FRIEDRICHS HELMUT FRIEDRICHS Internal Party Affairs. Constitutional Law.. Finance Personnel GERHARD KLOEPFER WALKENHORST 3. HEADS OF THE ARMED FORCES Supreme Commander (Oberster Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht) Highest ranking officer (Rangaeltester Offizier) C. in C. Army (Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres) C. in C. Navy (Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine) C. in C. Air Force (Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe) ADOLF HITLER HERMANN WILHELM ADOLF HITLER (predecessors, Walter von Brauschitsch, Werner von Fritsch) KARL DOENITZ (predecessor, Erich Raeder) HERMANN WILHELM GOERING (succeeded in 1945 by Robert von Greim) A. HIGH COMMAND OF THE ARMED FORCES (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht: OKW) Chief of High Command (Chef des Oberkommandos der Wehr macht) WILHELM KEITEL R.; Chief of Operation Staff (Chef des Wehrmachtfuehrungs- stabes) Deputy Chief ALFRED JODL WALTER WARLIMONT B. ARMY HIGH COMMAND (Oberkommando des Heeres: C. in C. Army (Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres) ADOLF HITLER (predeces- Chief of Staff, Army (Chef des sors, Walter von Brauch- HANS KREBS (predecessors, C. NAVY HIGH COMMAND (Oberkommando der Kriegsma- C. in C. Navy (Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine) Admiralinspekteur ABETZ, OTTO KARL DOENITZ (predeces- sor, Erich Raeder) 4. INDEX OF INDIVIDUALS German Ambassador to the Petain Government. Reich Leader for the Press (Reichsleiter fuer die Presse); Pres- ARNIM, JURGEN von Generaloberst 1941-2; leading Panzer units in Russia, Jan. Reich Youth Leader (Reichsjugendfuehrer) since 1940. General of Police and of Waffen-SS; Chief of Anti-Partisan BACKE, HERBERT JAW HOUS Acting Reichsminister for Food; in charge of Ministry of Food and Agriculture; Head of Reichsnaehrstand. BERGER, GOTTLIEB Chief of Central Office of SS; SS-Obergruppenfuehrer; General d. Waffen-SS; Inspector-General of Prisoners of War; head of by Policy Division of Reich Ministry for Eastern Territories. BEST, DR. WERNER KARL German Plenipotentiary in Denmark. BLASKOWITZ, JOHANNES Generaloberst. BLOMBERG, WERNER EDWARD FRITZ von General in Air Corps; Chief of Staff to Goering. BOHLE, ERNST WILHELM Staatssekretaer in Foreign Office; Gauleiter, Head of Foreign Organization (AO) of NSDAP. BORMANN, MARTIN Secretary of the Fuehrer; Head of the Party Chancery; Member of Cabinet vested with power of Reich Minister; Ministerial Council for Defense of the Reich; Reichsleiter; Executive Head of the Volkssturm; member of the Reichstag; SS Gruppenfuehrer. BOUHLER, PHILIPP Chief of the Chancery of the Fuehrer; Reichsleiter; Chief of the Party Censorship Committee for the Protection of NS Literature; Chief of the Study Group for the German History Book and educational material. BRANDT, DR. KARL Reich Commissioner for Health and Medical Services; SS Stan dartenfuehrer. BRAUCHITSCH, WALTER HEINRICH HERMANN ALFRED von Generalfeldmarschall, Retired December 1941; formerly C. in C. Army (OKH). BRUEGMANN, DR. ARNOLD Chief of the Archives of the Party; Divisional Head in the Reichsstudentenfuehrung. tammo Reichsleiter; Supreme Party Judge; Advisor on Population and Racial Policy; SS Obergruppenfuehrer. BUMKE, DR. ERWIN President of the Supreme Court, Leipzig. BURGDORFF, WILHELM General d. Infanterie; Head of Personnel Division, OKH; Chief Military ADC. to Hitler. BUSCH, ERNST Generalfeldmarschall. CANARIS, WILHELM Admiral; Head of Intelligence in OKW (Abwehr); removed from post and executed. CONTI, DR. LEONARDO Staatssekretaer and Chief of Health Divisions (Abteilungen III & IV), Reich Ministry of the Interior; Head of Public Health Department of Party Reichsleitung. DALUEGE, KURT Chef der Ordnungspolizei; (Deputy) Reich Protector of Bohemia-Moravia; Generaloberst d. Polizei; SS-Oberstgruppenfuehrer; since 1943 on "long leave." DARRE, WALTER RICHARD OSKAR Reichsleiter; Reichsbauernfuehrer; Reich Minister for Food and Agriculture; Head of Reichsnaehrstand; on leave since April 1942. DIETRICH, DR. OTTO Staatssekretaer; Chief of Press Divisions in Reich Ministry of Propaganda; Press Chief of Reichsregierung; Reichsleiter; Reich Press Chief of NSDAP. DITTMAR, KURT Generalleutnant; in Propaganda Division of the OKH; broadcaster of weekly military commentaries. DOENITZ, KARL Grossadmiral and C. in C. of OKM after 1943; previously C. in C. of Submarine Arm of German Navy; Head of Government formed in May 1945. DORPMUELLER, DR. JULIUS Reich and Prussian Minister of Transport; Director-General of German State Railways. DORSCH, XAVER FRANZ Ministerialdirektor in Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production; Head of Field Command in Organization Todt. |