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Zolner de Rothenstein, master generall of the knightly order of the Dutch hospital of Saint Mary at Jerusalem on the other part, lately concluded and agreed upon in these words. In the name of the supreame and indivisible Trinitie, the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, Amen. Forasmuch as the author of peace will have peacemakers to be the sons of blessednes, and the execrable enemie of peace to be expelled out of the dominions of Christians: therefore for the perpetuall memorie of the thing, be it knowen unto all men who shall see or heare the tenour of these presents: that there being matter of dissension and discord bred betweene the most renowmed prince and king, Richard by the grace of God king of England and France, and lord of Ireland, and his subjects on the one part: and the right reverend and religious lord, lord Conradus Zolner de Rothinstein, Master generall of the knightly order of the Dutch hospitall of S. Marie at Jerusalem, and his land of Prussia, and his subjects also, on the other part: the foresaid lord and generall master, upon mature counsell and deliberation had, sent his honourable ambassadours towards England unto the forenamed most soveraigne prince and king, to propound and make their complaint unto him of violence and injuries offered (as it is sayd) by the English unto the Prussians: in consideration whereof certaine goods of the marchants of England were arrested in the land of Prussia. Whose complaint the foresayd most gracious prince did courteously and friendly admit, receive, and accept, and after many speeches uttered in this treaty, lovingly dismissed them unto their owne countrey againe, promising by his letters unto the foresayd reverend Master generall, that hee would dispatch his ambassadours unto the land of Prussia. Whereupon, in the yeere 1388. he sent the hono: and reverend personages Master Nicholas Stocket licentiate of both lawes, Thomas Graa, and Walter Sibill, citizens of London and Yorke, with sufficient authority and full commandement, to handle, discusse, and finally to determine the foresaid busines, and with letters of credence unto the right reverend lord and master generall aforesayd. Which ambassadours, together with John Bevis of London their informer, and the letters aforesaid, and their ambassage, the said right reverend lord and Master generall, at his castle of Marienburgh, the 28.

of July, in the yeare aforesaid, reverently and honourably received and enterteined: and in his minde esteemed them worthy to treate and decide the causes aforesayd : and so unto the sayd ambassadours he joyned in commission on his behalfe, three of his owne counsellers, namely the honourable and religious personages Conradus de Walrode great commander, Seiffridus Walpode de Bassenheim chiefe hospitalary and commander in Elburg, Wolricus Hachenberger treasurer, being all of the order aforesaid. Which ambassadors so entreating about the premisses, and sundry conferences and consultations having passed between them, friendly and with one consent, concluded an agreement and concord in manner following: That is to say:

First, that all arrestments, reprisals, and impignorations of whatsoever goods and marchandises in England and Prussia, made before the date of these presents, are from henceforth quiet, free, and released, without all fraud and dissimulation: insomuch that the damages, charges and expenses occasioned on both parts by reason of the foresayd goods arrested, are in no case hereafter to be required or chalenged by any man: but the demaunds of any man whatsoever propounded in this regard, are and ought to be altogether frustrate and voide, and all actions which may or shall be commenced by occasion of the sayd goods arrested, are to be extinct and of none effect.

Moreover, it is secondly concluded and agreed, that all and singuler Prussians pretending themselves to be injuried by the English at the Porte of Swen, or elsewhere, howsoever, and whensoever, before the date of these presents, having received the letters of the foresaide right reverende lord and Master generall, and of the cities of their abode, are to repayre towards England, unto the sayd hon embassadours, who are to assist them, and to propound and exhibite their complaintes, unto the forenamed lord and king. The most gracious prince is bounde to doe his indevor, that the parties damnified may have restitution of their goods made unto them, or at least complete justice and judgement without delay. Also in like maner all English men affirming themselves to have bene endamaged by Prussians, wheresoever, howsoever, and whensoever, are to have recourse unto the often forenamed right reverend lorde the Master

generall, with the letters of their king and of the cities of their aboad, propounding their complaints and causes unto him. Who likewise is bound to doe his indevour that the sayd losses and damages may be restored, or at the least that speedie judgement may be, without all delayes, executed. This caveat being premised in each clause, that it may and shall be freely granted and permitted unto every man that will civilly make his suite and complaint, to doe it either by himselfe, or by his procurator or procurators.


Also thirdly it is agreed, that whosoever of Prussia is determined criminally to propound his criminal complaints in England: namely that his brother or kinseman hath beene slaine, wounded, or maimed, by English men, the same partie is to repayre unto the citie of London in England, and unto the sayd ambassadors, bringing with him the letters of the sayd right reverend lord the master generall, and of the cities of their abode : which ambassadors are to have free and full authority, according to the complaints of the men of Prussia, and the answers of the English men, to make and ordaine a friendly reconciliation or honest recompence betweene such parties which reconciliation the sayd parties reconciled are bound undoubtedly & without delay to observe. But if there be any English man found, who shall rashly contradict or contemne the composition of the foresayd ambassadors: then the sayd ambassadours are to bring the forenamed Prussian plaintifes before the presence of the kings Majestie: and also to make supplication on the behalfe of such plaintifes, that complete justice and judgment may without delayes bee administred, according as those suites are commenced. Moreover whatsoever English man, against whom anie one of Prussia would enter his action, shall absent himselfe at the terme, the sayd ambassadours are to summon and ascite the foresayd English man to appeare at the terme next insuing, that the plaintifes of Prussia may in no wise seeme to depart or to returne home, without judgement or the assistance of lawe. Nowe if the sayd English man being summoned shall be found stubborne or disobedient, the forenamed ambassadours are to make their appeale and supplication in manner aforesayd. And in like sorte in all respects shall the English plaintifes be dealt withall in Prussia, namely in the citie of Dantzik, where the deputies of the

sayd citie and of the citie of Elburg shal take unto themselves two other head boroughs, one of Dantzik, and the other of Elburg: which foure commissioners are to have in al respects, the very like authority of deciding, discussing, and determining all criminall complaints propounded criminally, by English men against any Prussian or Prussians, by friendly reconciliation, or honest recompense, if it be possible. But if it cannot friendly be determined, or if anie Prussian shall not yeeld obedience unto any such order or composition, but shalbe found to contradict and to contemne the same: from thenceforth the said foure deputies and headboroughs are to make their appeale and supplication unto the Master generall of the land aforesayd, that unto the sayd English plaintifes speedy judgement and complete justice may be administred. But if it shall so fall out that any of the principall offenders shall decease, or already are deceased in either of the sayd countries, and then it shall bee free and lawful for the plaintife to prosecute his right against the goods or heires of the party deceased. Also, for the executing of the premisses the termes under written are appointed; namely the first, from the Sunday whereupon Quasi modo geniti is to be sung next ensuing, untill the seventh day following: The second upon the feast of the holy Trinitie next to come, and for seven dayes following: The third upon the eight day after Saint John Baptist next to come, & for seven daies following: The fourth, last, and peremptory terme shall be upon the feast of S. Michael next to come, and upon seven dayes next following. And from thenceforth all causes which concerne death, or the mayming of a member, with all actions proceeding from them, are to remaine altogether voide and extinct. And if peradventure any one of the foresayd ambassadours, shall in the meane season dye, then the other two shall have authoritie to chuse a third unto them. And if after the date of these presents any cause great or small doth arise or spring foorth, it must bee decided in England and in Prussia, as it hath beene accustomed in times past and from ancient times.

Also, it is farther concluded and agreed upon, that all lawful marchants of England whosoever shall have free licence and authority, with all kindes of shippes, goods, and marchandises, to resorte unto every port of

the land of Prussia, and also to transport all such goods and marchandises up farther unto any other place in the sayde land of Prussia, and there with all kindes of persons freely to bargaine and make sale, as heretofore it hath from auncient times bene accustomed. Which priviledge

is granted in all things and by all circumstances unto the Prussians in England. And if after the date of these presents, betweene the sayd kingdome of England, and land of Prussia any dissension or discorde (which God forefend) should arise: then the foresayd sovereigne prince and king of England, and the sayd right reverend lord the Master generall are mutually by their letters. and messengers to give certificate and intimation one unto another, concerning the matter and cause of such dissension and discord: with intimation, on the behalfe of the foresaid sovereigne prince & king of England, shall be delivered in the forenamed castle of Marienburg: but on the behalfe of the sayd right reverend lord the Master generall, such intimation shall be given in the citie of London aforesayd, unto the Maior of the said city that then such a denuntiation or intimation being made, the marchants of England and the subjects of the land of Prussia may, within the space of one yeere next following, freely and safely returne home with al their goods & marchandises: if at the least, in the mean while, some composition, & friendly league betweene the two foresayd countreis be not in some sorte concluded. And that all the premisses may more firmely and faithfully be put in due practise and execution on both partes, for the strong and inviolable keeping of peace and tranquillity and also for the full confirmation and strengthening of all the sayde premisses, the three foresayd honourable and religious personages being by the said right reverend lord the Master general appointed as commissioners to deale in the above written ordination and composition, have caused their seales unto these presents to be put: and the sayd ordination also, and letter in the same tenour word for word, and in all points even as it is inserted into these presents, they have mutually received from the abovenamed three ambassadours of the right soveraigne king of England under their seales. Given at the castle of Marienburg in the yeare of our lord aforesayd, upon the twentieth day of the moneth of August. And we therefore doe accept, approve, ratifie,

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