*D-879 Extracts from Admiral Assman's Diary, 10 October 1939. (GB 482) *D-919 Extracts from War Crime Trial, Oslo, Case MTB 345. (GB 533) 10. Aggression against Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg (Vol. I, p. 760). 790-PS Memorandum, 4 May 1940, regarding of State Gaus and the chief for Foreign II. Aggression against Greece and Yugoslavia (Vol. 12. Aggression against the USSR. (Vol. I, p. 794). the occupied areas 1032-PS Memorandum by Braeutigam, 10 June 1941, regarding the position of Chief Commissars in the occupied Eastern territories *3876-PS Various reports from Heydrich in 1942 giving summary of activity of "Einsatzgruppen" of Security Police and SD in USSR. (USA 808) *3943-PS Excerpts from "Reports from Occupied Eastern territories", May 1942, June 1942, January, February, March and April 1943, concerning operation of 1015 1090 351 837. 339 354 616 Security Police and SD against Jews 660 *3952-PS Extract from testimony of Walter Funk, 19 October 1945, regarding war with Russia. (USA 875) 682 *D-722 Affidavit of Walter Giese, 19 February 1946. (GB 479) *007 Letter from Himmler to Higher SS and 941 with particular reference to reprisals, 487) *1266-PS Directive by Canaris, 13 October 1942, and memorandum by Lehman 15 October 1942, on Treatment of prisoners of war with particular reference to reprisals, shackling and sabotage units. (GB 486) 1290-PS Report by Sauckel to Hitler regarding Slave Labor program for year ending 31 March 1943 *1296-PS Report by Sauckel, 27 July 1942, con- in Germany from 21 March 1942 to 1342-PS Memorandum by Henning, 13 January 1943, concerning the second Sauckel project and a directive by Weigand, 16 January 1943 regarding establishment of screening commissions for Sauckel project for January-March 1943 *1452-PS Memorandum of conference of Milch, Witzell, Leeb, 23 March 1942, in Speer's office. (USA 903) 367 369 372 375 381 388 1764-PS Memorandum concerning Sauckel labor projects in France 402 *1975-PS Order concerning the introduction of compulsory work in the Occupied *3857-PS Memorandum of Reich Protector in 408 594 *3858-PS Report from Dr. Dennler, senior governmental counsellor in Prague, 21 November 1939, to Under Secretary of State concerning employment of stu- *3859-PS Letter from von Neurath to Lammers, 2005 (1) 596 treatment of foreigners in work camps. *D-419 Report on Internal Situation in the War- *D-582 Report, 2 February 1945, concerning resistance in Norway and recommendations for combatting same. (GB 491) *D-606 Study prepared in February 1945 by the Operation Staff of OKW concerning merits of repudiating agreements such as the Hague Convention, Geneva Convention and other agreements based on International Law. (GB 492) *D-884 Letter of 28 March 1944, regarding Employment of Foreign Nationals and subsequent reports. (GB 539) *EC-318 Conference of Presidents under Chair- for Commitment of Labor, 15 April *EC-488 Letter from Plenipotentiary General for *022 Letter from Himmler, 10 July 1943, regarding evacuation of Ukraine and use of laborers. (GB 593) XI. Concentration Camps (Vol. I, p. 949). *2428-PS Testimony of Anton Pacholegg, 13 May 1945, regarding Dr. Rascher's experiments. (GB 582) 2819-PS Teletype from Governor General at Cracow to District Governors, 3 May 1944, concerning transfer of personal property of Jews to the government by the SS *3546-PS Extracts from 1944 Diary "Das Ahnenerbe", regarding medical experiments in concentration camps. (GB 551) .... *3845-PS Excerpt of interrogation of Albert Tiefenbacher. (USA 795) 863 865 891 894. 1018, 1184 1205 1276 414 422 513 591 |