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"The following order reached me at 3 o'clock on 10 November 1938.

'On the order of the Gruppenfuehrer, all the Jewish synagogues within the 50th Brigade are to be blown up or set fire immediately.

'Neighboring houses occupied by Aryans are not to be damaged. The action is to be carried out in civilian clothes. Rioting and plundering are to be prevented. Report of execution of orders to reach Brigade Fuehrer or office by 8:30.' "I immediately alerted the Standartenfuehrer and gave them the most exact instructions; the execution of the order began at once.

"I hereby report that the following were destroyed in the area of



"Standarte 115

1. Synagogue at Darmstadt, Bleichstrasse..Destroyed by fire 2. Synagogue at.Darmstadt, Fuchsstrasse..Destroyed by fire 3. Syagogue at Ober/Ramstadt...

4. Synagogue at Graefenhausen...

5. Synagogue at Griesheim..

6. Synagogue at Pfungstadt...

7. Synagogue at Eberstadt....

"Standarte 145

Interior and furnishings wrecked Interior and furnishings wrecked Interior and furnishings wrecked .Interior and fur

nishings wrecked

Destroyed by fire"


1. Synagogue at Bensheim..

Destroyed by fire

2. Synagogue at Lorch in Hessen.

Destroyed by fire

Destroyed by fire

Destroyed by fire

Destroyed by fire

Furnishings com

3. Synagogue at Heppenheim.. 4. Prayer House Alsbach........ 5. Meeting room Alsbach.......... 6. Synagogue at Rimbach...

"Standarte 168

1. Synagogue in Seligenstadt.
2. Synagogue in Offenbach............
3. Synagogue in Klein-Krotzenburg.

pletely destroyed"

Destroyed by fire .Destroyed by fire

...Destroyed by fire

4. Synagogue in Steinheim on the Main....Destroyed by fire 5. Synagogue in Muehlheim on the Main....Destroyed by fire

6. Synagogue in Sprendlingen..

7. Synagogue in Langen..

.Destroyed by fire

Destroyed by fire

[blocks in formation]

1. Synagogue and Chapel in Gross Cerau.. Destroyed by fire 2. Synagogue in Ruesselheim......

Torn down and

[blocks in formation]

In connection with the persecutions of the Jews, the SA again performed its propaganda function. It was the function of the SA to create and foster among the people an anti-Jewish spirit. Evidence of this function is to be found in the issues of "Der SA-Mann". Article after article in this publication was devoted to propaganda designed to engender hatred toward the Jewish race. The nature of these articles is apparent from some of the titles:

Article entitled: "Finish up with the Jew", with subtitle:


"We want no women to buy from Jews, and no Jewish girl friends," 27 July, 1935, p. 4.

Article entitled: "The Jewish World Danger," 2 February,

Article entitled: "Jewish Worries," (defending the practices of excluding Jews from certain resorts). 20 July, 1935, p. 4.

Article entitled: "Jews aren't wanted Here," with pictures posted on outskirts of villages showing signs bearing the same message. (1 June, 1935, p. 1.) The last portion of this article reads as follows:

"Since the day when National Socialism unrolled its flag and the march began for the Germany for Germans, our battle also included the Jewry * * * Let the Jew continue with his methods against New Germany. We know that at the end" we will remain the victor for

Snake remains a snake, and

Jew remains a Jew! * *

* "German women, if you buy from Jews and German girl, if you carry on with Jews, then both of you betray your German Volk and your Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, and commit a sin against your German Volk and its future! Then, also, outside of the last German village, the sign will stand 'Jews are not wanted here!' and then, finally, no German citizen will again cross the threshhold of a Jewish store. To achieve this goal is the mission of the SA man as political soldier of the Fuehrer. Next to his word and his explanations stands his example".

Article entitled: "God Save the Jew," 17 August, 1935, p. 1. Photograph showing SA men gathered around trucks upon which are posted signs reading: "Read The Stuermer and you will know the Jew." 24 August, 1935, p. 3. Photograph apparently representing public SA rally showing large sign which reads: "He who knows a Jew knows a devil," 24 August, 1935, p. 3.

Article entitled: "The Face of the Jew" (with portrait of Mora Jew holding the hammer and sickle), 5 Oct:, 1935, p. 6. Article entitled: "Jews, Blacks and Reactionaries," 2 November, 1935, p. 2.

Article entitled: "The Camouflaged Benjamin-Jewish Cultural Bolshevism in German music," 23 November, 1935, p. 2.

Article entitled: "The Jewish Assassination," 15 February, 1936, p. 1.


Article entitled: "Murder-The Jewish Slogan," 4 April, 1936, p. 11.

Series of articles entitled: "The Jewish Mirror." Eight weekly installments beginning 22 May 1936, p. 17.

Series of articles entitled: "Gravediggers of World Culture," beginning 5 December, 1936, p. 6 and continuing weekly to 13 March 1937.

Article entitled: "Rumania to the Jews?" 2 January, 1937, p. 6.

Article entitled: "Bismarck's Position on Jews," 2 January, 1937, p. 7.

Article entitled: "Jewry is a Birth Error," 13 February 1937, p. 5.

Article entitled: "The Protection of the German Blood," 24 April, 1937, p. 1.

Article entitled: "Crooked Ways to Money and Power,"
24 April, 1937, p. 1.

Article entitled: "The Camouflage of Jewry-Beginning or
End?" 22 May, 1937, p. 14.

Article entitled: "How come still German Jews?" 18 June,
1938, p. 2.

Article entitled: "Westheimer Jew Servants," 22 January, 1938, p. 2.

Article entitled: "The Poor Jew-Well, Well! !" 19 March,
1938, p. 15.

Article entitled: "Jewish Methods, Churchly Parallel," 9
September, 1938, p. 4.

Article entitled: "Jews and Free Masons," 13 January,
1939, p. 15.

Article entitled: "Friends of the World Jewry-Roosevelt and Ickes," 3 February, 1939, p. 14.

The circulation of these articles was not intended to be confined to members of the SA. On the contrary, the plan was to educate the members of the SA with this philosophy, and for the SA in turn to disseminate it into the minds of the German people. This fact is demonstrated in the introduction to a series of anti-Jewish articles entitled "Gravediggers of World Culture," which began in the issue of 5 December, 1936, at page 6. This introduction stated in part as follows:

"We suggest that the comrades especially take notice of this series of articles and see that they are further circulated." (3050-A-E-PS)

In addition, intensive campaigns were conducted to persuade the public to purchase and read "Der SA-Mann," and various is


sues were posted in public places so that the general public might read them. "Der SA-Mann" itself contained several photographs showing particular issues posted upon street bulletin boards. There are also several photographs showing advertising displays, one of which reads as follows "Der SA-Mann belongs in every house, every hotel, every inn, every waiting room, and every store" (page 3 of the issue of 31 October, 1936). (3050-A-E-PS)

In view of such widespread publicity for the objectives and methods of the SA, it is inconceivable that volunteers for membership did not know of the criminal character of this organization.

(4) Fostering of Militarism. In the final phase of the SA in the conspiracy-its participation in the preparation for aggressive warfare-the SA was again employed to inculcate a particular Nazi ideology into the minds of the German people. It was the function of the SA to prepare Germany mentally for the waging of an aggressive war.

At all times, and especially during the period from 1933-39, SA leaders emphasized to SA members the duty and responsibility of creating and fostering a militaristic spirit throughout Germany. In 1933, Hitler established the so-called SA sports program and at that time, according to Sturmfuehrer Bayer in his pamphlet "The SA,"

"the SA was "commissioned to obtain an increase of and preservation of a warlike power and a warlike spirit as the expression of an aggressive attitude". (2168-PS)

In 1937, Hitler renewed the so-called sports program and then declared the program to be a means "for the fostering of a military spirit" among the German people. (3050-A-E-PS)

The Organization Book of the Party is to the same effect. The function of the SA is characterized as follows:

"While the political organization of the NSDAP has carried out the political leadership, the SA is the training and education instrument of the Party for the realization of the world-philosophical soldier-like attitude.

"Consequently, the young German in the SA is being inculcated in the first instance from the standpoint of world philosophy and character, and trained as the bearer of National Socialist armed will." (3220-PS)

The contents of a number of articles designed to serve as war propaganda material may be gained from their titles, which are very graphic. A number of articles relate to the Nazi Lebensraum philosophy:

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