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dies. The Truth of which Pofition of Hippocrates, this learned Gentleman doth largely confirm in the progrefs of his Book, by many excellent Reafons, founded upon clear Obfervation and Experience.

(2.) THE Second general Cause is, noxious Exhalations from the Earth, which may proceed from various Caufes, fuch as are in fome particular Places; ftinking Marshes, or ftanding Waters; the Smells of Sinks, or common Shewers; the Stink of dead Bodies unburied; Earthquakes, or fiery Eruptions from the Body of the Earth. A remarkable Inftance of Difeafes proceeding from both these Causes, is that mentioned by the learned Dr. Geo. Baglivi, in his Appendix to his Practice of Phyfick; which was an Apoplexy that in the Year 1694, and 1695, was almoft Epidemical at Rome, and all over Italy; which he imputes firft and principally to the unusual Conftitution of the Weather. The Summer in 1693 was extreme hot and fcorching, which was followed by nipping cold Weather in the beginning of 1694; and, contrary to the Cuftom of Italy, with a rigid Froft, Snow and Ice. The Campania di Roma and Paglia, which are feldom subject to Snow, were then covered with it to the highth of a Cubit. The Summer after that was much hotter than the former; infomuch that for five Months together there was no Rain. About the beginning of October, it began to be wet Weather; and continued fuch, with a fou therly Wind, to April 1695, to fuch a degree, that fo mych Rain was not feen to F


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fall at one time within the Memory of Man. After fifteen Days of a continued Rain, perhaps they had two Days clear Weather, which were followed by heavier Rains than what went before. The fecond Caufe to which he imputes it, was the malignant Steams raifed by fo many Earthquakes as Italy had felt fince the Year 1687, to the Year 1695, in which he wrote. And Seneca, Nat. Quæft. cap. 27. fays, That fuch fubterraneous Vapours do caufe Apoplexies, One Expreffion more of his I cannot omit; which, tho' impertinent to the immediate Defign of this Quotation, yet fhews the Author's Thoughts not much different from mine. Perhaps, fays he, fome part of the Epidemical Illness was owing to the Univerfal Grief and Domeftick Care occafioned by fuch calamitous Times. All Europe being at the fame time engag'd in a fharp War, the like of which has fcarce been heard ever fince the Foundation of the Univerfe was laid; fo many Cities rafed and burnt; fo many Thousands of Men flain; all Commerce difturbed, and the Avenues of Peace block'd up, that the ftrongest Hearts can scarcé bear the Thoughts of it.

That there


$7. Now it is fo highly probable, that hall be a in the laft Days there fhall be a Concur rence of rence of all thefe Caufes. As to the fupeCaufes in riour Caufes, which are the heavenly Inthe last fluences, by which we understand not only the Operations of the Planets or fixed Stars, but alfo all Appearances of Meteors, Comets, we have great Reafons to expect them. Thus the Prophet Ifaiah, Chap.


34.4. tells us, that in the Day of the Lord's Vengeance, in the Year of his Recompences, for the Controversy of Sion, v. 8. that all the Host of Heaven fhall be diffolved, rannoor 1703* fay the LXXII, which I have explained before, to fignifie a decay or breaking away of the Parts of any Body; whereby perhaps may be fignified, that many other of the heavenly Bodies fhall fuffer a Diffolution (perhaps by Fire) like our Earth. And the Heaven fhall be rolled together as a Scroll, and all their Hoft ("Aseg, fay the LXXII.) fhall fall down as the Leaf falleth from the Vine, and as a falling Fig from the Fig-tree. Whereby poffibly may be understood, that those Bodies thus on fire, may be torn from their proper Centers, and have an excentrick indeterminate Motion, thro' the vaft Æther in which they move. The fame Thing is foretold alfo by our Bleffed Lord, Matth. 24.29. Immediately after the Tribulation of thofe Days Shall the Sun be darkened, and the Moon Shall not give her light, and the Stars Shall fall from Heaven, and the Powers of the Heavens Shall be shaken. Where indeed it must be confeffed, that thefe Appearances are to be after the Afflictions of thefe Days of which we are treating, i. e. as to its Fulnefs, as I understand it; but that there fhall be fome preludia or fore-running Appearances long before, is not at all difagreeable to the Analogy of Things; and thefe poffibly may be what St. Luke, Chap. 21. v. 11. calls fearful Sights and great Signs in Heaven: And v. 25. -Signs in the Stars; when Mens Hearts shall fall them for fear, and for looking after those things

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that are coming upon the Earth, v. 26. And these may serve to fcatter the many Obje&tions that fome Commentators have raised to themselves, about the falling of the Stars, who could not imagine whither they should fall, understanding as if they were to fall upon our Earth, which they could not reconcile with their Philofophy, as knowing fome of the Planets, and most of the fix'd Stars, to be vaftly larger than our Earth. But why may they not be imagined to fwim, or fly too and fro, in that infinite Abyfs or Space in which they have hitherto moved more regularly? Which may poffibly be proved to be neceffary upon fome natural Accounts, and alfo for wife Ends and Reasons of Providence. And we know that it is thought probable by fome of our modern Theorifts, that when our Earth fhall be gradually prepared and difpofed for a Conflagration, one of thofe Stars or Comets fhall finifh the Work, by flying thro' its Vortex, and fo fetting it on fire: But however that may be, this is generally believed, that there will be more frequent Appearances of Comets and other fiery Bodies at that time, than ever has been: Which muft needs have a mighty Influence upon us, by thofe prodigious Degrees of Heat which they muft produce in our Air; thereby deftroying its Humidity, which is the principal Inftrument, of Vegetation, and which by confequence muft produce in us a great Variety of Diftempers. And for the inferiour Caufes, hot and dry Exhalations from the Earth, they must certainly


be produced firft by the afore-mentioned Phenomena's, and alfo by the gradual Ap-proaches of the central Fire in the Earth to the Superficies, in order to dispose it for a Conflagration, which is fuppofed by moft of the modern Writers upon that Subject; and which, by how much the nearer it approaches, tho' perhaps at a confiderable diftance, muft drive out a yet greater Quantity of Vapours; all which must partake deeply of the Nature of the Element, which by infinuating it felf into the Pores of the Earth, hath forced them upwards.

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§8. But even in this Defolation fhall Who they the Mercy of God interpofe to preferve his are that Shall efcape faithful Servants, who having paffed thro' this Evil. the Crofs, are dead to this animal Life, and to the Pleasures of it, living in conftant Humility, Abftraction and Mortification not priding themselves in their own fancied Perfections, whether of the Body or Mind, but in deep Simplicity, facrificing all that they have or are, to that God that made them, and who has the only Right to their Love and Service. Thefe, as being living Members of the myftical Body of Chrift, and having by Faith triumphed over the Spirit of this World, and the Corruptions of Nature, fhall be in a State of Security and Peace. These, as true Denizens and Inhabitants of the Spiritual Kingdom of Mount-Sion, tho' converfing visibly in Bodies of Flesh, fhall be really and truly inftated in all the Privileges and Immunities of that State, and fhall no longer be fubject to the Powers and evil Influences of this

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