Correspondence with Ministry of Interior showing unexplained deaths of insane persons... Order concerning cooperation of Party offices with the Secret State Police, 25 January 1938, published in Decrees, Regulations, An- nouncements, 1937, vol. II, pp. 430-439. (USA 206).
Law concerning factory represen- tative councils and economic or- ganizations, 4 April 1933. 1933 Reichsgesetzblatt, part I, p. 161... IV Stenographic report of the meeting on The Jewish Question, under the Chairmanship of Fieldmarshal Goering, 12 November 1938. (USA 261). Conferences, 1933, calling for financing of military training of SA from Ministry of Interior Funds. (USA 742)..
"Law" from The German Police, 1941, by Dr. Werner Best. (USA 449) (See Chart No. 16.). Law on the regulation of National labor, 20 January 1934.
Head of the German Reich, 1 Au- gust 1934. 1934 Reichsgesetzblatt, part I, p. 747...
Preliminary law for the coordina- tion of Federal States under the Reich, 31 March 1933. 1933 Reichsgesetzblatt, part I, p. 153... IV Second law integrating the "Laender" with the Reich, 7 April 1933. 1933 Reichsgesetzblatt,
part I, p. 173...... German Communal Ordinance, 30 January 1935. 1935 Reichsgesetz- blatt, part I, p. 49. . . . .
Fuehrer's decree establishing a Ministerial Council for Reich De- fense, 30 August 1939. 1939 Reichsgesetzblatt, part I, p. 1539. (GB 250)... Decree for the securing of the State Leadership, 7 July 1933. 1933 Reichsgesetzblatt, part I, p. 462..
Decree concerning the appoint- ment of a Chief of German Police in the Ministry of the Interior, 17 June 1936. 1936 Reichsgesetz- blatt, part I, p. 487...
Decree for execution of Law on Secret State Police of 10 February 1936. 1936 Preussische Gesetz- sammlung, pp. 22–24....
Decree introducing the Nurnberg Racial Laws into Austria, 20 May 1938. 1938 Reichsgesetzblatt, part I, p. 594. (GB 259).
Top secret letter from Ministry for Economy and Labor, Saxony, to Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia, enclosing copy of 1938 Secret Defense Law of 4 Septem- ber 1938. (USA 36)..
Frick decree of 20 September 1936 concerning employment of Security Police Inspectors. 1936 Reichs Ministerialblatt, pp. 1343-1344.... IV Law concerning reunion of Austria with German Reich, 13 March 1938. 1938 Reichsgesetzblatt, part I, p. 237. (GB 133).. Articles from National Socialist Yearbook, 1935. (USA 396)... Extracts from The Greater Ger- man Diet, 1943. (USA 476). . . . Affidavit of George S. Messer- smith, 30 August 1945. (USA 68). V The End of the Party State, from Documents of German Politics, vol. I, pp. 55-56...
Extract from The National Social- ist Workers' Party as an Associa- tion Hostile to State and to Repub- lican Form of Government and Guilty of Treasonable Activity. (USA 235).
Decree concerning German peo- ple's list and German nationality in the incorporated Eastern Ter- ritories of 4 March 1941: 1941 Reichsgesetzblatt, part I, p. 118... V Frick's statement of offices and positions, 14 November 1945. (USA 8)..
Affidavit of the defendant, Wil- helm Frick, 19 November 1945. (USA 409)...
Affidavit of Frick, November 1945.. V Three teletype orders from Heyd- rich to all stations of State Police, 10 November 1938, on measures against Jews, and one order from Heydrich on termination of pro- test actions. (USA 240).... Letter from Heydrich to Goering, 11 November 1938, reporting ac- tion against the Jews. (USA 508). V Law for the prevention of off- spring with Hereditary diseases, 14 July 1933. 1933 Reichsgesetz- blatt, part I, p. 529...
Law for the building up of admin- istration in Ostmark, 14 April 1939. 1939 Reichsgesetzblatt,
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