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Interrogation testimony of Wil-
helm Stuckart, former State Secre-
tary of Interior, at Oberursel, 21
September 1945......
Supplement No. 6 to Official
Czechoslovak Report called "Ger-
man Crimes against Czechoslo-
vakia", 7 January 1946. (USA

Charges, specifications, findings
and sentence of Alfons Klein and
others tried at Wiesbaden, Hada-
mar Case. (USA 718).....
Interrogation of Hermann Goer-
ing, 13 October 1945. (USA 712).. VI
Affidavit of Sidney Mendel, 28 De-






[blocks in formation]



Vol. Page








concerning Reichstag elections on
29 March 1936...
Circular, 25 July 1933, referring to
publications of SA activities. (USA

Circular from Gauleiter of South
Westphalin, 21 January 1937,
concerning Hereditary Health
Law. (GB 528)..

Decrees of 26 April 1933, 30 No-
vember 1933, 10 February 1936,
on the organization of the Gestapo
from 1933 Preussische Gesetz-
sammlung, p. 122...

Affidavit of Gerhart H. Seger, 21
July 1945. (USA 234).

Dr. Werner Spehr: The Law of
Protective Custody, Berlin, 1937,
p. 11-13....
Correspondence concerning com-
pulsory sterilization on orders of
Ministry of Interior of all de-
scendants of colored occupation
Correspondence of Minister of
Justice in preparation of the dis-
criminatory decree of 4 December
1941 regarding criminal justice
against Poles and Jews in annexed

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[blocks in formation]
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[blocks in formation]




treatment of church property in
incorporated Eastern countries.... VIII
Letter to Reich Leader SS, 30 July
1941, concerning treatment of
church property in incorporated
Eastern areas. (USA 358)..
Letter from Chief of Staff of the
Reich Main Security Office
(RSHA) to Reich Leader SS, 30
March 1942, concerning confisca-
tion of church property. (USA

National Socialist German
Workers' Party. (2903-PS; USA
The Structure of the German Po-
lice. (1852-PS; USA 449). .



VIII 770

End of VIII


Through his words and his deeds Julius Streicher assumed for himself the unofficial title of "Jew-baiter Number One" of Nazi Germany. For the course of some twenty-five years, Streicher educated the German people in hatred and incited them to the persecution and to the extermination of the Jewish race. He was an accessory to murder, on a scale perhaps never attained before.


Streicher was born in 1885. He became a school teacher in Nurnberg and formed a party of his own, which he called the German Socialist Party. The chief policy of that party was anti-semitism. In 1922 he handed over his party to Hitler, who wrote a glowing account of Streicher's generosity in Mein Kampf (M-3).

The appointments which Streicher held in the Party and state were few. From 1921 until 1945, he was a member of the Nazi Party. In 1925 he was appointed Gauleiter of Franconia, and he remained as such until about February 1940. From the time

that the Nazi government came into power in 1933 until 1945 he was a member of the Reichstag. In addition to that, he held the title of Obergruppenfuehrer in the SA (2975-PS).

The propaganda which Streicher carried out throughout those years was chiefly done through the medium of his newspapers. He was the editor and publisher of "Der Stuermer" from 1922 until 1933, and thereafter the publisher and owner of the paper. In 1933 he also founded and thereafter published a daily newspaper called the "Fraenkische Tageszeitung."

In addition, in later years he published several other papers, mostly local journals, from Nurnberg.


The course of Streicher's incitement and propaganda may be traced more or less in chronological order by referring to short extracts from "Der Stuermer." The extracts which follow were selected at random. They were selected with a view to showing the various methods which Streicher employed to incite the German people against the Jewish race, but his newspapers are crowded with them, week after week, day after day. It is impossible to pick up any copy without finding the same kind of invective and incitement in the headlines and in the articles.

In a speech which Streicher made in 1922 in Nurnberg, after abusing the Jews in the first paragraph, he went on to say:

"We know that Germany will be free when the Jew has been excluded from the life of the German people.” (M-11). In a speech in 1924 he stated:

"I beg you and particularly those of you who carry the
cross throughout the land to become somewhat more serious
when I speak of the enemy of the German people, namely,
the Jew. Not out of irresponsibility or for fun do I fight
against the Jewish enemy, but because I bear within me
the knowledge that the whole misfortune was brought to
Germany by the Jews alone.

"I ask you once more, what is at stake today? The Jew
seeks domination not only among the German people but
among all peoples. The communists pave the way for him.
Do you not know that the God of the Old Testament orders
the Jews to consume and enslave the peoples of the earth?
"The government allows the Jew to do as he pleases. The
people expect action to be taken. You may think about

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Adolf Hitler as you please, but one thing you must admit. He possessed the courage to attempt to free the German people from the Jew by a national revolution. That was

action indeed." (M-12).

In a speech in April 1925 Streicher declared:

"You must realize that the Jew wants our people to perish. That is why you must join us and leave those who have brought you nothing but war, inflation, and discord. For thousands of years the Jew has been destroying the nations. Let us make a new beginning today so that we can annihilate the Jews." (M-13).

This appears to be the earliest expression of one of the conspirators' primary objectives-the annihilation of the Jewish Fourteen years later it became the official policy of the Nazi Government.


In April 1932 Streicher made the following statement:
"For 13 years I have fought against Jewry."

"We know that the Jew whether he is baptized as a Protestant or as a Catholic, remains a Jew. Why cannot you realize, you Protestant clergymen, you Catholic priests, you who have scales before your eyes and serve the god of the Jews who is not the God of Love but the God of Hate. Why do you not listen to Christ, who said to the Jews, 'You are children of the devil'." (M-14).

(1) The Anti-Jewish Boycott of 1933.

When the Nazi Party came to power, they officially started their campaign against the Jews by the boycott of 1 April 1933. The boycott was agreed on and approved by the whole government, as appears from Goebbel's diary (2409–PS).

Streicher was appointed the chairman of the central committee for the organization of that boycott. He started his work on Wednesday, 29 March (2156-PS).

On that same day the central committee issued a proclamation announcing that the boycott would start on Saturday at 10:00 AM sharp:

"Jewry will realize whom it has challenged." (M-7).

On 30 March, two days before the boycott was due to start, an article was published under the title, "Defeat the Enemy of the World!-by Julius Streicher, official leader of the central committee to combat the Jewish atrocity and boycott campaign" (2153-PS). The article stated, in part:

"Jewry wanted this battle.. It shall have it until it realizes

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