craft industry and a part of the iron producing industry-reach the conclusion that direct deliveries to Germany are continuously increasing. The increase in production expressed in value, is actually greater than the increase in the quantities delivered, owing to the increase in prices which has taken place since 1940. As the French Central Orders Office's statistics about deliveries to Germany show, the building industry provides nearly half the production for the German account and the aircraft industry about 5 percent in spite of everything. If one adds to the figures in the Industrial reports an estimate of the missing branches of industry, the result shows that in the second half of 1943, the German share of French industrial production amounted to approximately 50 percent. The available stock of steam locomotives in France fell in 1943 to about half of the prewar number owing to the handing over to Germany of about 4,300 locomotives, to scrapping, destruction and falling out of commission. The wagon park also contained in 1943 only a little more than half (58 percent) the prewar number. Transportation in the German interests (Wehrmacht transportation and program goods "priority A") made greater and greater demands on the total transport supplied. The German share amounted to It was possible to increase the transportation provided by French inland shipping constantly. In 1943 about half of all transport was used in the German interests, namely: In 1,000 ton loads Building materials (Todt Organization, Air force etc.) 5,000 Total in the German interests. Total in the French interests Limestone Other goods (Straw, Chalk, Bauxite, Wood, Liquid fuel, etc.) 100 240 11,660 49% 11,995 51% In the months of February to April 1944 the weekly transport performance dropped to an extraordinarily great extent, but at the same time the proportion of goods carried in the German interests rose at the cost of the French share. 13. France's Share in German Foreign Trade France's contributions to the German economy are steadily on the increase if seasonal fluctuations are disregarded. In the first quarter of 1943 about 19 percent of German imports came from France. German deliveries to France in exchange which are often necessary for carrying out the orders transferred to France, are also increasing. France's share of German exports amounted in the third quarter of 1943 to about 6 percent. German economy thus received from France considerably more than Germany herself delivered to France. German foreign trade statistics do not include her deliveries to German Wehrmacht and other authorities which must be estimated as additional imports from France. France's Share in German Foreign Trade 14. France's Place in German Foreign Trade, 1935/38 and 1942 When deliveries and return deliveries in foreign trade with different countries are compared with one another, the importance of individual countries for German imports and exports has changed almost completely since prewar times. In 1942 France was far in the lead of the countries from which Germany received more than she sent to. The Southeastern European countries, which were before the war the chief exporters to Germany, have dropped considerably behind. The drop in deliveries is indeed partly to be attributed to the unfavorable harvests in these countries. 15. France's Place in German Foreign Trade in 1942 according to groups of goods As a source of supply of food and luxury food items for German food economy, France occupied in 1942 the second place after Italy and has since undoubtedly become Germany's most important supplier of foodstuffs. The most important commodities imported from France are the following: As a supplier of raw materials too, France occupied in 1942 by far the leading place. The following goods were chiefly supplied: In foreign trade in semimanufactured goods, France was in 1942 also one of the countries from which Germany received more on balance than she delivered to. She occupies the fourth place in the order. The chief goods delivered were the following: France was furthermore the chief supplier in 1942 of finished goods of all 35 kinds. The following goods were delivered chiefly: Fully manufactured goods, total 694.8 Mill. R.M. |