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nceal, the nonconfrontational model was of far ss benefit.)

In the present instance, however, a policy of oiding confrontation will be dangerous in the exeme. Inspections will then be aimed only at monoring what is already known rather than at earching aggressively for what is still hidden. Moreover, the very failure to find anything new vill feed the demand that the embargo against Iraq be lifted without the goal of inspections-namely, lisarmament-ever being achieved. The price to be paid will be all the higher in view of the elementary fact that, since the day inspections began in 1991, Iraq has consistently tried to defeat them.

But that brings us to the heart of the matter. What is it that inspections are designed to do? They are designed to verify that a country's declarations about a weapon program are honest and

complete. And that sort of verification is indeed a feasible goal for an inspection team: to look at sites and equipment and see whether the official story about their use is accurate. To do this effectively, inspectors can rely both on scientific principles and on information gained through intelligence-gathering. It is a different proposition altogether to go ranging about a country in search of things that have been deliberately concealed; that is a task with no beginning and no end.

In short, without a full and coherent description of the entire Iraqi weapon program, inspectors can never verify that it has been eliminated. The truth must come first, and it can come only from the Iraqis themselves. What the world needs is an Iraqi government that will stop lying and surrender those programs. That is hardly likely to happen as long as Saddam Hussein remains in power.

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[Insert from the New York Times OP-ED Friday, April 24, 1992-A35.]


The U.S. Commerce Department licensed the following strategic American exports for Saddam Hussein's atomic weapon programs between 1985 and 1990. Virtually all of the items were shipped to Iraq; all are useful for making atomic bombs or long-range missiles. United Nations inspectors in Iraq are still trying to find most of them. The list is based on Commerce Department export licensing records; the dollar amount of each transaction is as claimed by the exporting company. It was compiled by Gary Milhollin, a law professor at the University of Wisconsin and director of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, and Diana Edensword, a research analyst at the project.



Sales to: Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission, the main atomic research laboratory; Badr and Daura sites, where bomb fuel was made; Al Qaaaa site, where detonators were made.

Canberra Elektronik: computers for measuring gamma rays and fast neutrons— $30,000

Cerberus Ltd.: computers-$18,181

Hewlett Packard: computers; electronic testing, calibration and graphics equipment-$25,000

International Computer Systems: computers useful for graphic design of atomic bombs and missiles $1,600,000

Perkin-Elmer: computers and instruments useful for quality control of bomb fuels $280,000

TI Coating Inc.: equipment for coating metal parts, useful for bomb production$373,708


Sales o Ministry of Industry and Military Industrialization, which ran the atomic bomo, missie and memesi weapon factores: Naser state enterprise, where equipment or enriching atomic bomo fiel was made; Salah Al Din site, where slectronic erupment or missiles and atomic bombs was made; Ministry of Defense, which oversaw sale and some como fevelopment.

Axel Electronics spactors $84,30€

BDM Corporation: computers, computer-assisted design equipment $52,000
Canberra Elektronik: computers or computer-assisted design-$21,552

Carl Zeiss microcomputers or napping $104.345

Cansare Corporation: computers to un machine tools capable of manufacturing

atomic bomo parts this sale was stopped by Presidential order in June 1990)


Daca General Corporation: computers or mapping $324,000

Gerber Systems computers on machine is capable of manufacturing atomic bome and missie pars $367,428

Hewlett Packard computers ir making noids: frequency synthesizers and other equipment useful for operang securet muitary communications systems $1,045.500

Honeywell Inc.: computers $363.333

International Computer Systems computers for manufacturing, tool design and graphics $4,497,700′′

International Computers Ltd: computers $687 994

Leybold Vacuum Systems: computer contrailed weider used by Iraqis to produce centringes for making acomic como mei-$1,400,000

Lamines Crest: Radio spectrum analyzers, design computers; computers for factories producing mustard gas ingredients $250,000

Rockwell Collins International equipment for navigation, directional finding, radar communications or airborne communications $17568

Sackman Associatest computers and instruments capable of analysing metals and powders for atomic bomb and missile manufacture $60.000

Siemens Corporation: computers and instruments capable of analyzing metals and powders for atomic bomb and missile manufacture $78.000

Spectra Physics: lasers; detection and tracking equipment for lasers $19,000
Unisys Corporation: computers $2,600.000

Wild Magnavox Satellite Survey: computers for processing satellite images that are useful for military mapping and surveillance $270,000

Zeta Laboratories: quartz crystals for military radar $1,106,000


Sales to: Saad 16, the main missile research site: State Organization for Technical Industry, the procurement organization for missile sites that bought most Scud missile parts and equipment.

BDM Corporation: computers; superconducting electronics $29,406

Carl Schenck: computers $10.228

EZ Logic Data: computers $27,800

Finnigan MAT: computers that UN inspectors believe monitored uranium enrichment for atomic bomb fuel-$433,000

Hewlett Packard: electronic testing equipment, computers; frequency synthesizers; radio spectrum analyzers $699,257

International Computer Systems: computers $1,375,000

International Imaging Systems: computers for processing satellite data; infrared equipment capable of aerial reconaissance and military surveillance $688,000 Lummus Crest: computers to aid factory design- $44,320

Perkin-Elmer: computers $24,560

Scientific Atlanta: equipment for producing radar antennas $820,000

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