EXHIBIT 10 Corn-hog rental and benefit payments through Dec. 31, 1934-Analyzed by State and month 576, 882. 70 $13, 350. 05 $40, 038. 35 15,406,00 74, 481.50 19, 242. 16 19,591. 05 989, 894. 13 1,251, 690. 21 22, 284. 35 145, 049. 11 75, 723. 12 568, 988. 00 19,055, 875. 27 13, 823, 433. 21 39, 413, 046. 05 32, 431. 60 1, 523, 953. 15 13, 399, 772. 85 127, 294, 68 9, 459, 437. 19 154, 312. 34 3,909, 797. 71 2,230. 35 75, 498.00 8, 976. 31 111, 560. 80 94, 996, 97 16, 185, 95 393, 346. 89 Total.. 159, 154, 075. 48 40, 380.25 2, 014, 853. 30 | 5, 226, 017. 76 9,727, 122. 14 |