Supranational Criminal Prosecution of Sexual Violence: The ICC and the Practice of the ICTY and the ICTRIntersentia nv, 2005 - Всего страниц: 570 The 1996 report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Rwanda stated that during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda rape was the rule and its absence the exception. Indeed, rape and other forms of sexual violence as constituting genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes, directed in particular against women, have taken place on a massive scale since time immemorial and are still rampant. |
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Terminology | 24 |
Method and structure 6 Scope and limitations | 34 |
Sexual Violence as Genocide | 41 |
The genocidal acts | 48 |
The elements common to genocide | 60 |
Final remarks | 79 |
Sexual Violence as a Crime against Humanity | 85 |
Torture | 95 |
Victim participation at the ICC | 301 |
Final remarks | 308 |
The sentencing practice for sexual violence | 330 |
Sentencing determinants | 345 |
Cumulative charges and convictions | 375 |
Reparation to Victims of Sexual Violence | 383 |
The ICTY and the ICTR | 394 |
Specific sexual violence crimes | 102 |
Persecution on the ground of gender | 152 |
Other inhumane acts of a similar character | 162 |
Superior responsibility for sexual violence as a crime against humanity | 168 |
Sexual Violence as a War Crime | 175 |
health | 196 |
War crimes in noninternational armed conflict | 202 |
pregnancy as defined in Article 72f enforced sterilisation | 216 |
Evaluation of Part I | 225 |
Protective and Special Measures for Victims of Sexual Violence | 231 |
Protection from the public or the press 4 1 Nondisclosure of information to a third party | 238 |
Protection from the accused | 248 |
Protection from retraumatisation | 257 |
The Victims and Witnesses Unit | 277 |
Participation of Victims of Sexual Violence in the Proceedings | 283 |
The ICC | 410 |
Final remarks | 420 |
Towards a More Comprehensive Supranational Criminal | 427 |
Sexual violence in supranational criminal procedure | 435 |
Sexual violence and the legal consequences of the supranational criminal | 442 |
Final thoughts | 453 |
Nederlandse Samenvatting Dutch summary | 467 |
Appendix ICTY and ICTR Judgments on Sexual Violence | 481 |
Bibliography | 499 |
List of Documents | 521 |
Overview of Cases | 539 |
Overview of Legislation | 557 |
563 | |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
According accused acts addition Akayesu Appeal applicable armed conflict Article basis causing charged circumstances Commission committed common concerned conduct considered constitute Convention convicted count Court crime against humanity Decision Defence definition of rape element enforced established evidence factors forced forms of sexual Fund Furundžija gender Geneva Conventions genocide grave breaches held Human Rights ICC Statute ICTR ICTY imposed imprisonment inhumane intent International Criminal international law issue judges Judgment jurisdiction Justice Kovač and Vuković Kunarac March means measures mental nature para paras participation particular perpetrator person physical possible practice prevent Procedure proceedings prosecuted Prosecutor protection provisions question reason reference regard reparation Report requirement respect result Rule Rwanda sentence serious sexual slavery sexual violence crimes situations specific suffering supranational criminal law taken testimony torture treatment Trial Chamber Tribunals Tutsi victims of sexual violations witness women