H.R. 4210, Preparedness Against Terrorism Act of 2000: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Emergency Management of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Second Session, May 4, 2000U.S. Government Printing Office, 2000 - Всего страниц: 168 |
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Стр. 46
... equipment must be the top priority , followed by equipment that will facilitate decontamination of victims . Devices that can detect and monitor the presence of these agents are also very important . They can prevent mistakes that may ...
... equipment must be the top priority , followed by equipment that will facilitate decontamination of victims . Devices that can detect and monitor the presence of these agents are also very important . They can prevent mistakes that may ...
Стр. 47
... equipment issues . The OJP distributed $ 12 million to 41 jurisdictions across the country to begin addressing these urgent equipment needs . At the same time OJP created , at the direction of Congress , a National Domestic Preparedness ...
... equipment issues . The OJP distributed $ 12 million to 41 jurisdictions across the country to begin addressing these urgent equipment needs . At the same time OJP created , at the direction of Congress , a National Domestic Preparedness ...
Стр. 51
... equipment testing program which is used in the development of the interagency's Standard Equipment List . DoD will also support those portions of the DPP's Improved Response Program that are expected to enhance the readiness of our DoD ...
... equipment testing program which is used in the development of the interagency's Standard Equipment List . DoD will also support those portions of the DPP's Improved Response Program that are expected to enhance the readiness of our DoD ...
Стр. 52
... equipment , and will receive enhanced training in civilian HAZMAT procedures . This enhanced training and equipment will improve the readiness of these units to perform their warfighting mission , while allowing them to respond ...
... equipment , and will receive enhanced training in civilian HAZMAT procedures . This enhanced training and equipment will improve the readiness of these units to perform their warfighting mission , while allowing them to respond ...
Стр. 57
... equipment and training to play a leading role in the effort of prevention and emergency response . To quote a statement in a recent Washington Post article on how capable medium - sized cities are in preventing and responding to weapons ...
... equipment and training to play a leading role in the effort of prevention and emergency response . To quote a statement in a recent Washington Post article on how capable medium - sized cities are in preventing and responding to weapons ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
agents assistance Association of Fire authority bill biological bioterrorism budget chemical concerns CONGRE CONGRESS THE LIBRARY coordination Counterterrorism CRAGIN crisis and consequence cyberterrorism decontamination Department of Defense Department of Justice Director domestic preparedness programs domestic terrorism Emergency Management Emergency Management Agency emergency response entity equipment Federal efforts Federal Emergency Management Federal Government FEMA Fire Chiefs fire service FOWLER funding GenCon HENSON interagency ISAKSON issue law enforcement Lead Federal Agency League of Cities legislation LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Madam Chairwoman Marrs mass destruction National Domestic Preparedness National League national strategy NDPO OBERSTAR Office of Terrorism Oklahoma City Oklahoma City bombing On-Scene Commander's Guide panel personnel Preparedness Against Terrorism Presidential Decision Directive responder community response capabilities role Stafford Act STAKEHOLDERS Subcommittee on Oversight Terrorism Act Terrorism Preparedness terrorist attacks testimony Thank threat Tillie K TRAFICANT WATSON weapons of mass WITT WMD consequence management
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 105 - PDD 62 also established, at the National Security Council, a National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and Counterterrorism at the National Security Council who, among other things, focuses on ensuring our preparedness to respond to WMD incidents. In 1999, Secretary Cohen appointed a corresponding Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Civil Support (ATSD(CS)) within DOD to focus specifically on WMD consequence management. The ATSD(CS) represents DOD on the interagency WMD Preparedness...
Стр. 49 - Consequence management" refers to measures to protect public health and safety, restore essential government services, and provide emergency relief to governments, businesses, and individuals affected by the consequences of terrorism...
Стр. 34 - Fletcher, would you stand and raise your right hand? Do you solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give...
Стр. 152 - The Secretary of State The Secretary of the Treasury The Secretary of Defense The Attorney General The Secretary of the Interior The Secretary of Agriculture The Secretary of Commerce The Secretary of Labor The Secretary of Health...
Стр. 128 - Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction, /. Assessing the Threat, December 1 5, 1999; and.
Стр. 107 - They are federally resourced, federally trained, and expected to operate under federal doctrine. But, they will perform their mission primarily under the command and control of the governors of the states in which they are located.
Стр. 25 - I greatly appreciate your leadership on this issue and look forward to working with you as this crucial piece of legislation moves forward to final passage.
Стр. 152 - President, the Vice President, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of Transportation, the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Director of Central Intelligence, the...
Стр. 50 - The relationships between the Center, the FBI, and the National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-Terrorism at the National Security Council...
Стр. 168 - Measures to Combat Terrorism. To ensure that the United States is prepared to combat terrorism in all its forms, a number of measures have been directed. These include reducing vulnerabilities to terrorism, deterring and responding to terrorist acts, and having capabilities to prevent and manage the consequences of terrorist use of nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) weapons, including those of mass destruction. a. Reduce Vulnerabilities. In order to reduce our vulnerabilities to terrorism, both...