Homeland Security: Management Challenges Facing Federal LeadershipDIANE Publishing, 2003 - Всего страниц: 78 Our work is based on the review of documents and interviews conducted at more than two dozen federal departments and agencies, including central management agencies such as OMB, the general Services Administration (GSA) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Additionally, due to the dynamic and evolving nature of the government's homeland security activities, some of our work described in this report has already appeared in congressional testimony in order to assist the Congress with its consideration of DHS legislation and other homeland security issues. Although we continue to examine a variety of specific homeland security activities and implications for the Congress, this report is also consistent with, and summarizes, work we have recently done in the general management areas of government transformation, strategic planning, and human capital planning. |
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Стр. 21
... Guard , intact into the new department . For the organizations transferred to the new department , DHS will be responsible for managing all of their functions , including non - homeland security functions . In some instances , these ...
... Guard , intact into the new department . For the organizations transferred to the new department , DHS will be responsible for managing all of their functions , including non - homeland security functions . In some instances , these ...
Стр. 23
... homeland security functions will need to recognize that many non - homeland security missions of these agencies and functions will become part of DHS . Creating an effective structure that is sensitive to balancing the needs of homeland ...
... homeland security functions will need to recognize that many non - homeland security missions of these agencies and functions will become part of DHS . Creating an effective structure that is sensitive to balancing the needs of homeland ...
Стр. 54
... DHS . Program objectives of certain DHS agencies may differ or conflict , and difficult balances between homeland security and non - homeland security missions and resource allocations will remain . Other homeland security objectives ...
... DHS . Program objectives of certain DHS agencies may differ or conflict , and difficult balances between homeland security and non - homeland security missions and resource allocations will remain . Other homeland security objectives ...
Стр. 55
... DHS's leadership create a strong and viable structure sustainable for years to come . Moreover , OMB's role in federal management activities can also benefit those agencies with homeland security missions that are not being integrated into ...
... DHS's leadership create a strong and viable structure sustainable for years to come . Moreover , OMB's role in federal management activities can also benefit those agencies with homeland security missions that are not being integrated into ...
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Accounting Office Administration Aviation Security bioterrorism budget Chemical Combating Terrorism Congress Critical Infrastructure Protection departments and agencies developing DHS legislation Directorate employees ensure entities established federal agencies FEMA FERC funding government's homeland security activities Homeland Security Council homeland security goals homeland security missions homeland security objectives homeland security strategy human capital management human capital strategy implementation information sharing initiatives integrated issues July law enforcement Management Challenges Mergers and Transformation missions and activities national homeland security national strategy non-homeland security missions Office of Homeland organizational organizations partnerships performance management system President President's priorities private sector programs public health Related GAO Products reorganization require response risk management role September 11 Service Strategic Human Capital strategic planning Strategy for Homeland terrorist attacks threats transition plan Transportation Security Transportation Security Administration U.S. General Accounting U.S. Northern Command U.S. Secret Service USA Patriot Act Washington
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 59 - We will also make copies available to others upon request. In addition, the report will be available at no charge on GAO's Web site at http://www.gao.gov. If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please contact me at (202) 512-7215 or robertsonr@gao.gov.
Стр. 72 - DOD's Anti-terrorism Program Implementation and Management. GAO-0 1-909. Washington, BC: September 19, 2001. Combating Terrorism: Comments on HR 525 to Create a President's Council on Domestic Preparedness.
Стр. 8 - Prevent terrorist attacks within the United States; • Reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism; and • Minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur.
Стр. 63 - Early attention to strong systems and controls for acquisition and related business processes will be critical both to ensuring success and maintaining integrity and accountability. • Risk Management: The new department must be able to maintain and enhance current states of homeland security readiness while transitioning and transforming itself into a more effective and efficient structural unit.
Стр. 45 - These key practices are to ensure that top leadership drives the transformation; establish a coherent mission and integrated strategic goals to guide the transformation; focus on a key set of principles and priorities at the outset of the transformation...
Стр. 69 - Smart Defense," TomPaine.com, May 18, 2006. 23 Review of Studies of the Economic Impact of the September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center (Washington, DC: Government Accounting Office, May 29, 2002).
Стр. 72 - Washington, DC.: October 17, 2001. Combating Terrorism: Selected Challenges and Related Recommendations. GAO-01-822. Washington, DC: September 20, 2001 . Combating Terrorism: Actions Needed to Improve DOD's Antiterrorism Program Implementation and Management, GAO-O1-9O9.
Стр. 62 - These factors include the following: • Strategic Planning: Leading results-oriented organizations focus on the process of strategic planning that includes involvement of stakeholders, assessment of internal and external environments, and an alignment of activities, core processes and resources to support mission-related outcomes. • Organizational Alignment: The organization of the new department should be aligned to be consistent with the goals and objectives established in the strategic plan.
Стр. 62 - One of the key challenges of this new department will be the development and maintenance of homeland security partners at all levels of the government and the private sector, both in the United States and overseas. • Performance Management: An effective performance management system fosters institutional, unit and individual accountability. • Human Capital Strategy: The new department must ensure that its homeland security missions are not adversely impacted by the government's pending human...
Стр. 63 - ... to ensuring success and maintaining integrity and accountability. • Risk Management: The new department must be able to maintain and enhance current states of homeland security readiness while transitioning and transforming itself into a more effective and efficient structural unit. The proposed DHS will also need to immediately improve the government's overall ability to perform risk management activities that can help to prevent, defend against, and respond to terrorist acts. • Change Management:...