The History of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of London, Volume 2The Author, 1836 |
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Page 146
... yere ensuying . Then the said iij prsons wt the cu'pany wold have folowyd them into the prlor to have letted and disterbid them that wer there to have namyd any chewsers . Notwtstondyng they namyd twayne Wherupon the wardens went to ...
... yere ensuying . Then the said iij prsons wt the cu'pany wold have folowyd them into the prlor to have letted and disterbid them that wer there to have namyd any chewsers . Notwtstondyng they namyd twayne Wherupon the wardens went to ...
Page 158
... yere , a moneth byfore the Fest of Seint Donestone , shulde electe and chuse of theym self , iiij of the most worshipfull wise and discrete persones of the fellowshippe to be wardeyns for the yere next folowyng , to ordeyne and directe ...
... yere , a moneth byfore the Fest of Seint Donestone , shulde electe and chuse of theym self , iiij of the most worshipfull wise and discrete persones of the fellowshippe to be wardeyns for the yere next folowyng , to ordeyne and directe ...
Page 159
... yere folowyng , - " Mr. Lupset - Mr . Ashley , " And all the lyvrey namyd & chose to be the other ij chewsers of the said wardens , - " Mr. N. Warley , - Mr. Brokat , " And at the same time the Alder- man , Mr [ Master ] & Wardens , wth ...
... yere folowyng , - " Mr. Lupset - Mr . Ashley , " And all the lyvrey namyd & chose to be the other ij chewsers of the said wardens , - " Mr. N. Warley , - Mr. Brokat , " And at the same time the Alder- man , Mr [ Master ] & Wardens , wth ...
Page 184
... yere , to sve for mete & drynke & cloth duryng the seid trme , and then aftir that time to take wages , as they can desyrve , whoute any more kepyng or holdyng of eny hous or chambre aftir the seid teme , but onely to s've as hyred men ...
... yere , to sve for mete & drynke & cloth duryng the seid trme , and then aftir that time to take wages , as they can desyrve , whoute any more kepyng or holdyng of eny hous or chambre aftir the seid teme , but onely to s've as hyred men ...
Page 197
... yere of kyng Edwarde the iiijth , in the tau'ne called the Pope's hede in Lum- barde strele , in the citie aforesayd , in the presens of Humfrey Hayford , alderman ; Robert Boteler , John Byrlyney , the elder , and Richard Mesyngre ...
... yere of kyng Edwarde the iiijth , in the tau'ne called the Pope's hede in Lum- barde strele , in the citie aforesayd , in the presens of Humfrey Hayford , alderman ; Robert Boteler , John Byrlyney , the elder , and Richard Mesyngre ...
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Common terms and phrases
aforesaid alderman alms-people almshouses amongst anno annual sum annuity annum appointed apprentice beadle benefactor Bequest charge charity charter Christ's Hospital church churchwardens city of London clerk Commissioners company's court of assistants craft ditto Donor's Name Edward Edward III election fire of London fish Fishmongers four wardens fraternity freemen gift gild gold Goldsmiths gowns granted Haberdashers hall Henry VI Henry VIII honour hospital houses iiij Ironmongers It'm John Lovekyn king king's Lady-day lands lane late lease letters patent livery lord mayor Mary master and wardens mentioned Merchant Tailors messuages mystery n'ri obit ordinances pageants paid pany parish of St payments pensions persons poor premises purchase reign Remarks on Application rent Richard Richard II Robert scholars silver Sir John Sir Thomas Skinners stock-fishmongers successors ten'te tenements Thames street thereof Tonbridge school trade viij widows William yearly yere
Popular passages
Page 520 - Henry, by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, To all to whom these present Letters shall come greeting...
Page 26 - Section nine, an agreement made between the mayor and commonalty and citizens of the city of London and the wardens and commonalty of the Mystery of Mercers of the...
Page 301 - The Master and Wardens of the Guild or Fraternity of the Body of Christ of the Skinners of London...
Page 287 - This Book of Articles before rehearsed is again approved, and allowed to be holden and executed within the realm, by the assent and consent of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the Grace of God, of England, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c.
Page 116 - In the name of God amen. The 1 st day of September in the 36th year of the reign of our sovereign lord Henry VIII by the grace of God King of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith and of the church of England and also of Ireland, in earth the supreme head, and in the year of our Lord God 1544.
Page 128 - And that it had been also ordained, that all who were of the goldsmith's trade were to sit in their shops in the high street of Cheap ; and that no silver in plate, nor vessel of gold or silver, ought to be sold in the City of London, except at...
Page 374 - Philip and Mary, by the grace of God, king and queen of England, France, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland, defenders of the faith...
Page 332 - The Governors of the possessions, revenues and goods of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth in Sherborne in the county of Dorset.
Page 116 - Confessor, have granted and given licence for us and our heirs, as much as in us is, to our beloved liege people and subjects, the shipmen or mariners of...
Page 287 - Edward the sixth by the grace of God of England France and Ireland king Defender of the faith and in earth supreme head of the Church of England and Ireland.