| 2003 - Страниц: 174
...Investing Resources in Chemical and Biological Preparedness. GAO-OM62T. Washington, DC: October 17, 2001. Combating Terrorism: Selected Challenges and Related...Combating Terrorism: Actions Needed to Improve DOD's Anti terrorism Program Implementation and Management GAO-01-909. Washington, DC: September 19, 2001.... | |
 | United States. General Accounting Office - 2003 - Страниц: 276
...Processes for Denying Aliens Entry into the United States. GAO-02-220T. Washington, DC: November 13, 2001. Combating Terrorism: Selected Challenges and Related...2001. Combating Terrorism: Actions Needed to Improve DOD Antiterrorism Program Implementation and Management. GAO-01-909. Washington, DC: September 19,... | |
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