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" Inspired repulsed battalions to engage, And taught the doubtful battle where to rage. So when an angel by divine command With rising tempests shakes a guilty land, Such as of late o'er pale Britannia... "
Select Works of the British Poets: With Biographical and Critical Prefaces - Page 323
edited by - 1821 - 807 pages
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The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, for ..., Volume 102, Part 2

1832 - 626 pages
...prov'J, [mov'd, That, in the shock of charging hosts uuAmidit confusion, horror, and despair, Exarain'd all the dreadful scenes of war : In peaceful thought...To fainting squadrons sent the timely aid, Inspir'd M battalions to engage, And taught the doubtful battle where to rage. So when an Angel, by divine...
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The Gentleman's Magazine, Volume 152

1832 - 728 pages
...Marlborough'i mighty soul was prov'J, [mov'd, That, in the shock of charging hosts unAmidst confusion, horror, and despair, Examin'd all the dreadful scenes of war : In peaceful thought the field of death survey1,!, To fainting squadrons sent the timely aid, Inspir'd repuli'd battalions to engage, And taught...
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The Rhetorical Reader: Consisting of Instructions for Regulating the Voice ...

Ebenezer Porter - 1833 - 312 pages
...repuls'd battalions to engage, 15 That in the shock of charging hosts unmov'd, . Amidst confusion, horror, and despair, Examin'd all the dreadful scenes of war; In peaceful thought the field of death survey "d, To fainting squadrons sent the timely aid; And taught the doubtful battle where to rage...
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The American Orator's Own Book: Or, The Art of Extemporaneous Public ...

1836 - 362 pages
...thought tbe field of death surveyed, To fainting squadrons sent the timely aid ; Inspired repulsed battalions to engage, And taught the doubtful battle where to rage. So when an angel, by dicine command, With rising tempests shakes a guilty land, Such as of late o'er pale Britannia past:...
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The Rhetorical Reader: Consisting of Instructions for Regulating the Voice ...

Ebenezer Porter - 1838 - 316 pages
...Marlb'rough's mighty soul was prov'd, 15 That in the shock of charging hosts unmov'd, Amidst confusion, horror, and despair, Examin'd all the dreadful scenes of war; In peaceful thought the field of death survey 'd, To fainting squadrons sent the timely aid ; 20 Inspir'd repuls'd battalions to engage, And...
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The Rhetorical Reader Consisting of Instructions for Regulating the Voice ...

Ebenezer Porter - 1839 - 316 pages
...Marlb'rough's mighty soul prov'd, 15 That in the shock of charging hosts unmov'd, Amidst confusion, horror, and despair, Examin'd all the dreadful scenes of war;...survey'd, To fainting squadrons sent the timely aid; 20 Inspir'd repuls'd battalions to engage, And taught the doubtful battle where to rage (0) So when...
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The American Orator's Own Book: A Manual of Extemporaneous Eloquence ...

1840 - 452 pages
...proved, That in the shock of charging hosts unmoved, Amidst confusion, horror and despair, Examined all the dreadful scenes of war ; In peaceful thought the field of death surveyed, To fainting squadrons sent the- timely aid; Inspired repulsed battalions to engage, And taught...
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Select Works of the British Poets: In a Chronological Series from Ben Jonson ...

John Aikin - 1841 - 840 pages
...Marl borough's mighty soul was That, in the shock of charging hosts unmov'd, Amidst confusion, horror, ohn Aikin bntlalions to engage, And taught the doubtful battle where to rage. So when an angel by divine command...
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Select Works of the British Poets: In a Chronological Series from Ben Jonson ...

John Aikin - 1843 - 826 pages
...soul was That, in the shock of charging hosts unmov'd, Amidst confusion, horror, and despair, Exam'm'd ntains round ; the forest smiles ; And every sense, joy. Then comes thy glory in the Summer-months, rcpuls'd battalions to engage, And taught the doubtful battle where to rage. So when an angel by divine...
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The Life of Joseph Addison, Volume 1

Lucy Aikin - 1843 - 276 pages
...point the finger of derision at every tautological line in the Campaign. I 2 Amidst confusion, horror and despair, Examin'd all the dreadful scenes of war ; In peaceful thought the field of death survey' d, To fainting squadrons sent the timely aid, Inspir'd repuls'd battalions to engage, And taught...
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