| Alexander Chalmers - 1856 - 348 pages
...villages of Savoy. His daughter felt this with anguish the most poignant, and her affliction, for awhile, refused consolation. Sir Edward's whole tenderness...remove it. With a man possessed of feelings like Sir Edward's, the affliction of Louisa gave a certain respect to his attentions. He hired her a house separate... | |
| Henry Mackenzie - 1858 - 542 pages
...neighbors reported, had died in one of the villages of Savoy. His daughter felt this with anguish the most poignant, and her affliction, for a while, refused...attention were called forth to mitigate her grief; aud, after its first transports had subsided, he carried her to London, in hopes that objects new to... | |
| 1780 - 824 pages
...attention were called fur li to mitiga'e her grief; and, after its fiift ttanf|ioris had fublided, he carried her to London, in hopes that objects new...to all, might contribute to remove it. With a man poflefled of feelings like Sir Edward's, toe affliction of Louila gave a certain refpeft to his attentions.... | |
| 1780 - 740 pages
...moft poignant ; and her affliction, for a while, refufed com'olation. Sir Edward's whole tendernefs and attention were called forth, to mitigate her grief ; and, after its firlt tranfporta had fnblidcd, he carried her to London, in hopes that objeiib new to her, and commonly... | |
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