| 856 pages
...fac-simile " (Pan", 1825) ; Quintin Craufurd, " Melanges d'Histoire et de Literature " ; Wm. Tegg, " A Short History of the State Prisoner commonly called The...(extracted from documents in the French archives), appended to Mr. Davenport's " History of the Bastille " ; and the Hon. A. <J. Ellis's " History of... | |
| Titbits - 1884 - 376 pages
...monarch. The truth was, however, proved beyond any reasonable doubt, by the publication, in 1826, of" The True History of the State Prisoner, commonly called...from documents in the French archives, by the Hon. George Agar Ellis." These extracts established that the unfortunate captive was Count Ercolo Antonio... | |
| George Peabody Library - 1885 - 974 pages
...Ailolpliu«. King of Sweden. — Peter the Great, Czar of Russia — John Sobleskl. King of Poland. True history of the state prisoner, commonly called...Mask, extracted from documents in the French archives. London, 1826. 8°. 2697 lilis. Mrs. Grace Atkinson. See Oliver, GA Ellis, Sir Henry. 1777-1869. The... | |
| New Zealand gen. assembly, libr - 1885 - 498 pages
...8vo. DIXON, W. Hepworth. History of William Penn, Founder of Pennsylvania. 8vo. ELLIS, George Agar. The True History of the State Prisoner commonly called the Iron Mask. Post 8vo. FIELD, Maunsell. Memories of Many Men and of Some Women ; being Personal Recollections of... | |
| Lloyd Charles Sanders - 1887 - 1098 pages
...the age of twenty-one, and subsequently held office under Earl Grey. In 1826 Lord Dover brought out The True History of the State Prisoner, commonly called...Mask, Extracted from Documents in the French Archives, in which, following M. Delort, he demonstrated that person to have been Count Hercules Anthony Matthioli,... | |
| Leslie Stephen - 1889 - 564 pages
...works: 1. 'Catalogue of the Principal Pictures in Flanders and Holland '(anon.), London, 1822, 8vo. 2. 'The True History of the State Prisoner, commonly...extracted from documents in the French archives,' London, 1826, 8vo. It was afterwards translated into French and published in Paris in 1830. 3. ' Historical... | |
| Knowsley Hall. Library, Knowsley hall - 1893 - 264 pages
...Chaucer. (Chaucer Soc., 2nd Series, vols. I, 4, 5, n, 27.) London, 1869-89. ELLIS (HON. GEO. AGAR). The true History of the State Prisoner commonly called " The Iron Mask." 8vo. London, 1827. ELLIS (HENRY). Voyage to Hudson's Bay in the " Dobbs " Galley, and to California... | |
| 1894 - 422 pages
...arrangement, and recoiling from the fulsome flattery bestowed upon Louis XIV., drew up and published, in 1826, The True History of the State Prisoner commonly called The Iron Mask, adding other documents, etc., previously printed, to those first set forth by Delort, and arranging... | |
| Lucius Eugene Chittenden - 1894 - 142 pages
...vols. Lond. 1805. Together 6 vols. • Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt top (foxed), 407 ELLIS, GEORGE A. The True History of the State Prisoner, commonly called The Iron Mask. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1826 408 ELTON, CHARLES A. Tales of Romance, with other poems, including... | |
| New Zealand. Parliament. Library, General Assembly Library - 1897 - 528 pages
...Agapida (Antonio), Fray." See Irving (Washington). Agar-Ellis (George James Welbore), 1st Baron Dover. True history of the state prisoner, commonly called...Mask," extracted from documents in the French archives. 20 cm. L. 1826. The author follows Joseph Delort, who published in 1825 his Hiftoire de rhommf att... | |
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