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" Happy the man who, void of cares and strife, In silken or in leathern purse retains A Splendid Shilling: he nor hears with pain New oysters cried, nor sighs for cheerful ale; But with his friends, when nightly mists arise, To Juniper's Magpie or... "
Select Works of the British Poets: With Biographical and Critical Prefaces - Page 209
edited by - 1821 - 807 pages
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History of English Humour: With an Introduction Upon Ancient Humour, Volume 2

Alfred Guy L'Estrange - 1878 - 424 pages
...attention to the beauties of Milton. A splendid shilling: he nor hears with pain New oysters cried, nor sighs for cheerful ale ; But with his friends, when nightly mists arise To Juniper's Magpie or Town Hall* repairs. Meanwhile he smokes and laughs at merry tale, Or pun ambiguous or conumdrum quaint;...
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History of English Humour: With an Introduction Upon Ancient Humour, Volume 2

Alfred Guy L'Estrange - 1878 - 370 pages
...age of twenty. There is considerable freshness and strength in the poem, which commences — " Happy the man, who void of cares and strife In silken or in leathern purse retains * About this time Addison and Bishop Attenbury first called attention to the beauties of Milton. A...
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The Witty and Humorous of the English Poets: With Specimens Arranged in Periods

William Davenport Adams - 1880 - 362 pages
...of the most legitimate aud effective of all forms of fun. The Splendid Shilling begins thus : Happy the man who, void of cares and strife, In silken or...Splendid Shilling. He nor hears with pain New oysters cried, nor sighs for cheerful ale ; But with his friends, when nightly mists arise, To Juniper's Magpie...
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Chambers's Cyclopędia of English Literature: A History ..., Volumes 1-2

Robert Chambers - 1880 - 842 pages
...silken or in leathern purse retains A Splendid Shilling; he nor hears with pain New oysters cried, nor sighs for cheerful ale ; But with his friends,...nightly mists arise, To Juniper's Magpie or Town-hall (1) repairs ; Where, mindful of the nymph, whose wanton eye TYansflxe'd his soul, and kindled amorous...
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Specimens, with memoirs, of the less-known British poets. With an ..., Volume 2

George Gilfillan - 1881 - 368 pages
...heavenly Mnse ! Things unattempted yet, in prose or rhyme," A Shilling, Breeches, and Chimeras dire. Happy the man who, void of cares and strife, In silken or...Splendid Shilling: he nor hears with pain New oysters cried, nor sighs for cheerful ale ; But with his friends, when nightly mists arise, To Juniper's Magpie...
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Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review, Volume 251

1881 - 952 pages
...happiest burlesque yet written. The well-known opening lines are especially well conceived : — Happy the man who, void of cares and strife, In silken or...Splendid Shilling. He nor hears with pain New oysters cried, nor sighs for cheerful ale ; But with his friends, when nightly mists arise, To Juniper's Magpie...
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A Dictionary of Quotations from the English Poets

Henry George Bohn - 1881 - 738 pages deserts, and no griefs they find ; Peace rules the day when reason rules the mind. Collins. Happy the man who, void of cares and strife, In silken or in leathern purse retains A good old shilling. John Phillip*, Splendid Shilling. Man's rich with little, were his judgment true...
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Harper's Cyclopędia of British and American Poetry

Epes Sargent - 1881 - 1000 pages
..."Cider." He led a blameless life, was much esteemed, and died young. FROM "THE SPLENDID SHILLING." Happy , @ , purso retains A splendid shilling. He nor hears with pain New oysters cried, nor sighs for cheerful...
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The Gentleman's Magazine, Volume 251

1881 - 918 pages
...retains A Splendid Shilling. He nor hears with pain New oysters cried, nor sighs for cheerful ale j But with his friends, when nightly mists arise, To Juniper's Magpie or Town Hall repairs ; Where, mindful of the nymph whose wanton eye Transfixed his soul and kindled amorous...
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Harper's Cyclopaedia of British and American Poetry

Epes Sargent - 1882 - 1002 pages
..."Cider." He led a blameless life, was much esteemed, and died young. FROM "THE SPLENDID SHILLING." Happy gging to a beggar's door. Cjumc. Hume (circa 1360-1609)...Scotch Kirk in the latter half of the seventeenth centu cried, nor sighs for cheerful ale ; But with his friends, when nightly mists arise, To Juniper's Magpie,...
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