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" The princes applaud with a furious joy: And the King seized a flambeau with zeal to destroy; Thais led the way To light him to his prey, And like another Helen fired another Troy... "
Select Works of the British Poets: With Biographical and Critical Prefaces - Page 6
edited by - 1821 - 807 pages
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Elocution, Or, Mental and Vocal Philosophy: Involving the Principles of ...

C. P. Bronson - 1845 - 334 pages
...The princes applaud, with a furious joy; [stroy: And the king seized a flambeau, with zeal to deThais led the way, to light him to his prey; And, like another Helen—fired another Troy. Timotheus, to his breathing flute and sounding lyre, Could swell the soul...
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A Practical Manual of Elocution: Embracing Voice and Gesture ...

Merritt Caldwell - 1846 - 390 pages
...hostile gods. Earnest Description. 10. The princes applaud, with a furious joy ; And the king seized a flambeau, with zeal to destroy ; Thais led the way, To light him to his prey ! Energy and Dignity. And, like another Helen, fired — another Troy. Narrative. 11. Thus, long ago,...
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Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, Volumes 43-45

1868 - 1466 pages
...second moi-meme.) She will prove a second Grissel. Shak. Blazing London seem'd a second Troy. Cowper. Thais led the way, to light him to his prey, and like another Heien , fir'd another Troy. Dryden. C'est un autre Alexandre, un autre Cesar. Gelte ville est un autre...
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A Nation Transformed: England After the Restoration

Alan Houston, Steve Pincus - 2001 - 366 pages
...ghastly 8and, Each a Torch in his Handf The Princes applaud, with a furious Joy, And the king seyz'da Flambeau, with Zeal to destroy: Thais led the Way,...To light him to his Prey, And. like another He}len, lir'd another Tray. (liues t3t-50l An alhtsion to Virgil's Aeueid, which Dryden completed translating...
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The Major Works

John Dryden - 2003 - 1000 pages
...light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, fired another Troy. 150 CHORUS And the king seized a flambeau with zeal to destroy; Thais led the way, To light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, fired another Troy. VII Thus, long ago, Ere heaving bellows learned to blow, While organs yet were...
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