| Oliver Goldsmith - 1767 - 294 pages
...may not be amifs to obferve, that the fable is taken from one of Dr. Henry Moore's Dialogues. FA R in a wild, unknown to public view, From youth to age a rev'rend Hermit grew ; The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the... | |
 | Thomas Parnell - 1767 - 250 pages
...your vain extreams; And find a life of equal blifs, Or own the next begun in this. THE HERMIT. FA R in a wild, unknown to public view, From youth to age a rev'rend Hermit grew; The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the... | |
 | Thomas Parnell - 1770 - 294 pages
...HERMIT. AR in a wild, unknown to publick view, From youth to age a rev'rend Hermit grew ; The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the chryftal well : Remote from man, with God he pafs'd the days, Pray'r all his bus'nefs, all his pleafure... | |
 | William Giles (didactic writer) - 1775 - 336 pages
...flumber on his eyelids laid, And Eve's bleft image in a dream convey'd. THE THE HERMIT. BV DR. PARNE'LL. FAR in a wild, unknown to public view, From youth to age, a rev'rend hermit grew; The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the... | |
 | Grenville Kleiser - 1779 - 422 pages
...vain extreams ; And find a life of equal blifs, Or own the next begun in this. .THE THE HERMIT. TT.AR in a wild, unknown to pub'lic view, From youth to age a reverend Hermit grew; The mefs his bed, the cave his humble cell, K.;s food, the fruits, his drink the cryftal well i .Remote... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 428 pages
...vain extreams ; And find a life of equal blifs, Or own the next begun in this. THE THE HERMIT. Tj*AR in a wild, unknown to public view, From youth to age a reverend Hermit grew ; The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the cryftal welli Remote from... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 938 pages
...THE T7» AR in a wild, unknown to public view, Fran youth to age a reverend Hermit grew ; The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, .His food the fruits, his drink thecryftal well : Remote from men, with God he pafs'd the days, Prayer all his bufmefs, all his plcafure... | |
 | 1781 - 512 pages
...PARNELL. FAR in a wild, unknown to publick view, From youth to age a reverend Hermit grew ; The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the chryftal well : Remote from men, with God he pafs'd the days, Pray'r all his bufmefs, all his pleafure... | |
 | John Walter - 1785 - 258 pages
...ftewards for our eftates. But this is no flay debt, and therefor^ without difhonour undifcharged. THE THE HERMIT*. FAR in a wild, unknown to public view, From youth to age a rev'rend Hermit grew; The mofs his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fiuits, his drink the... | |
 | Select lessons - 1785 - 156 pages
...every fwoln, difdainful Heart fubfide, And holds Dominion o'er the Sons of Pride. rhe HER MIT. PARNEL. FAR in a Wild, unknown to public View, From Youth to Age a rev'rend Hermit grew."; The Mofs his Bed, the Cave his humble Cell, His Food the Fruits, his Drink... | |
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