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Saving Literacy: How Marks Change Minds

Saving Literacy provides theory and practice around scribbling and drawing, showing professional caregivers how to develop attention, connection, speech and literacy. Benchmarks, evaluation tools, research questions, autism, technology discussed.

Blacksent: Book of the Umbra

Blood-debt haunts Ncon, an Assassin’s unforgiven legacy. With the swordmage Figment, and the wizard Zandor’s subversive guidance, Ncon returns to his homeland to face his God, and kill once more.

If You're Going Through Hell, Keep Going

Out of the darkness of psychological abuse one woman escaped to find life is worth living. After the destruction of her marriage she found the strength to build a meaningful future.

When Men Move to the Basement

When Men Move to the Basement, a collection of humorous essays written as the author moved from California’s city life to northern rural Maine, before retiring to Virginia with her Maine Guide husband.

Nathaniel's Property: Chapter One: A Conflict of Interest

When you are perceived in a way that you have money, there is always someone that wants what you have. For Deshawn and Nathaniel their strength become their ultimate weakness. When they say more money more problems, this couldn’t be truer for these two when the unthinkable happens.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams