Page. : VIII.-1. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. : vol. i. : 2. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of 3. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Corn- 4. Report of the Liverpool Royal Institution. 5. Bristol Institution. Proceedings of the Second Annual 6. Annual Report of the Council of the Yorkshire Philo- IX.-1. A Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, proposing to finish 2. Observations on the Buildings, Improvements, and 3. Sketch of the North Bank of the Thames, showing 4. Considerations upon the Expediency of Building a 6. Short Remarks and Suggestions upon the Improve- X.-1. Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemble, Esquire, XI.-The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius 153 179 196 - 248 List of New Publications - 299 NEW CONTENTS OF No. LXVIII. Page ART. 1.-1. Britton's Cathedral Antiquities. 2. A Brief Memoir of the Life and Writings of John II.-Lives of the Novelists. By Sir Walter Scott. 305 349 III.-J. Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of a 2. A Voyage towards the South Pole, performed in the 378 IV.-Philippe-Auguste; Poëme Héroïque, en Douze Chants. 2. The Adventures of a Young Rifleman in the French 3. Adventures of a French Serjeant, during his Cam- VI.-Mémoires de Madame la Comtesse de Genlis. 406 421 VII.-Memoir of the Life and Character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke; with Specimens of his Poetry and Letters; and an Estimate of his Genius and Talents, compared with those of his great Contemporaries. By James Prior, Esq. Second Edition; enlarged to two volumes by a variety of Original Letters, Anecdotes, Papers, and other Additional Matter. 1 VIII.-Sandoval; or the Freemason. By the Author of Don Esteban. IX.-Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Vol. i. 2d Series. X.-Observations on the actual State of the English Laws of XI.-1. Correspondence with the British Commissioners, re- 3. British and Foreign State Papers. 1824, 1825. List of New Publications. Index. 457 488 507 540 579 |